Linux 创建一个可直接调用的 indexer 但创建之后无法调用,提示不存在。

文件位置 ~/sphinx-3.0.3/bin/indexer

目标链接 /usr/local/bin/indexer


www:~ nginx$ ln -s sphinx-3.0.3/bin/indexer /usr/local/bin/indexer

www:~ nginx$ whereis indexer

www:~ nginx$ which indexer

www:~ nginx$ indexer

-bash: /usr/local/bin/indexer: No such file or directory

www:~ nginx$ ls -la /usr/local/bin/indexer

lrwxr-xr-x 1 nginx admin 24 7 21 10:11 /usr/local/bin/indexer -> sphinx-3.0.3/bin/indexer



有文件在 /usr/local/bin 目录下,但 whereis 却没有结果

www:~ nginx$ sphinx-3.0.3/bin/indexer

Sphinx 3.0.3 (commit facc3fb)

Copyright (c) 2001-2018, Andrew Aksyonoff

Copyright (c) 2008-2016, Sphinx Technologies Inc (

Usage: indexer [OPTIONS] [indexname1 [indexname2 [...]]]

Options are:

-v, --version show version and build options

--config read configuration from specified file

(default is sphinx.conf)

--all reindex all configured indexes

--quiet be quiet, only print errors

--verbose verbose indexing issues report

--noprogress do not display progress

(automatically on if output is not to a tty)

--rotate send SIGHUP to searchd when indexing is over

to rotate updated indexes automatically

--sighup-each send SIGHUP to searchd after each index

(used with --rotate only)


build top N stopwords and write them to given file

--buildfreqs store words frequencies to output.txt

(used with --buildstops only)


merge 'src-index' into 'dst-index'

'dst-index' will receive merge result

'src-index' will not be modified


filter 'dst-index' on merge, keep only those documents

where 'attr' is between 'min' and 'max' (inclusive)

--dump-rows dump indexed rows into FILE

--print-queries print SQL queries (for debugging)

--keep-attrs retain attributes from the old index


indexer --quiet myidx1 reindex 'myidx1' defined in 'sphinx.conf'

indexer --all reindex all indexes defined in 'sphinx.conf'

www:~ nginx$

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