soar ddl审核规范

介绍 (Introduction)

In a previous article “SQL Server Audit feature – discovery and architecture“, we’ve seen the basics to build an auditing system based on SQL Server Audit feature. In the introduction, we talked a little bit about the « General Data Protection Regulation » a.k.a. GDPR that allows personal data circulation (in Europe) that is a subject in the mouth of a lot of IT professionals.

在上一篇文章“ SQL Server审核功能–发现和体系结构 ”中,我们已经了解了基于SQL Server审核功能构建审核系统的基础。 在引言中,我们讨论了“通用数据保护法规”(又称GDPR),该法规允许(在欧洲)流通个人数据,这是很多IT专业人员都想知道的话题。

GDPR makes audit a requirement and that’s a sufficient reason to take a look at different solution to achieve the same goal. For each one, we can pinpoint advantages and disadvantages of adopting it and eventually take a final decision to define which the «best» tool is.

GDPR将审核作为一项要求,这是充分考虑采用不同解决方案以实现同一目标的充分理由。 对于每个工具,我们都可以查明采用该工具的优缺点,并最终做出最终决定以定义“最佳”工具。

In this article, we will take a close look at three ways to achieve the following goal: audit all DDL activity. We will review implementation of this goal using:

在本文中,我们将仔细研究实现以下目标的三种方法:审核所有DDL活动。 我们将使用以下方法审查该目标的实施情况:

  • DDL Triggers, DDL触发器
  • SQL Trace SQL跟踪
  • SQL Server Audits (which are built on top of SQL Server审核 (基于Extended Events) 扩展事件构建)

I recommend users interested in security and particularly auditing to read Minette Steynberg’s article on entitled “Creating a successful auditing strategy for your SQL Server databases“.

我建议对安全性特别是审计感兴趣的用户阅读Minette Steynberg在SQLShack.com上的文章“ 为SQL Server数据库创建成功的审计策略 ”。

As you could expect, in the following sections, we will then implement the example of auditing DDL activity at the server and database levels in three manners using DDL Triggers, default SQL Trace mining and finally SQL Server Audits. This will allow us to enlist pros and cons to the adoption of each of these three methods, at least in my point of view. Once we are done with the example, we could conclude on the best choice from my own perspective.

如您所料,在以下各节中,我们将使用DDL触发器,默认SQL Trace挖掘以及最后SQL Server审计,以三种方式在服务器和数据库级别实现审计DDL活动的示例。 至少在我看来,这将使我们能够对采用这三种方法中的每一种都有利有弊。 一旦完成示例,就可以从我自己的角度得出最佳选择。

一个具体的例子:审核DDL事件 (A concrete example: auditing DDL events)

In my opinion, there is no fixed rule that should apply once for all, for every company, for every application or software. It’s actually the responsibility of the audit implementer to choose the appropriate solution for a given situation. After all, the only question his manager will ask him is to know whether there is or not an audit on a particular aspect of SQL Server.

我认为,没有固定的规则适用于所有公司,每个应用程序或软件一次。 审计实施人员实际上有责任为给定情况选择适当的解决方案。 毕竟,经理所要问的唯一问题是知道是否对SQL Server的特定方面进行了审核。

But, there are so many elements that can influence this implementation:


  • Degree of knowledge and experience of the audit implementer. We tend to choose the solution that is familiar. 审计实施者的知识和经验程度。 我们倾向于选择熟悉的解决方案。
  • Application environment or context. For instance: SQL Server version and edition or available disk space that we can dedicate to auditing. 应用程序环境或上下文。 例如:SQL Server版本和版本或我们可以专用于审核的可用磁盘空间。
  • Business requirements and needs for auditing. Sometimes, they are not justified, but have to be implemented, sometimes it’s the contrary like enabling C2 auditing for non-C2 certified environments. 业务需求和审计需求。 有时,它们是没有道理的,但必须加以实施,有时恰恰相反,例如为非C2认证的环境启用C2审核。
  • Available resources: number of persons to assign, time, efforts, budget… 可用资源:分配人数,时间,工作量,预算…

But this is not the subject here, so to convince you that « All Roads Lead to Rome », let’s implement DDL Auditing using three different techniques (included SQL Audits). We will then review them and try to find advantages to use SQL Audits in comparison to the two other techniques.

但这不是这里的主题,因此,为了使您确信“通向罗马的所有道路”,让我们使用三种不同的技术(包括SQL审计)来实施DDL审计。 然后,我们将对它们进行审查,并尝试寻找与其他两种技术相比使用SQL审核的优势。

Alternatively, we can use ApexSQL Log to perform DDL auditing.


Auditing DDL Events with triggers


As we have seen in the presentation of the architecture of SQL Audits, there are mainly two kinds of DDL events: those which are database-related and those which are server-related. It’s the same for DDL triggers! So we will have a server ddl trigger and multiple database ddl triggers.

正如我们在SQL审计体系结构的介绍中所看到的,主要有两种DDL事件:与数据库相关的事件和与服务器相关的事件。 DDL触发器也一样! 因此,我们将有一个服务器ddl触发器和多个数据库ddl触发器。

As most of us already know, DDL Triggers are programmable objects in SQL Server. It means we can do more than just auditing with them. On technet, you will read the following list of use cases that DDL triggers are fit to accomplish:

众所周知, DDL触发器是SQL Server中的可编程对象。 这意味着我们可以做的不仅仅是审核他们。 在technet上 ,您将阅读DDL触发器适合完成的用例的以下列表:

DDL triggers can be used for administrative tasks such as auditing and regulating database operations.


Use DDL triggers when you want to do the following:


  • You want to prevent certain changes to your database schema. 您要防止对数据库架构进行某些更改。
  • You want something to occur in the database in response to a change in your database schema. 您希望数据库中发生某些事情以响应数据库模式的更改。
  • You want to record changes or events in the database schema. 您想要在数据库架构中记录更改或事件。

Each DDL trigger implied in the audit should perform as follows:


So, one who wants to audit DDL events with this solution must define which information he wants to collect and where he wants to store it. For demonstration purpose, we will keep it simple and say that we will collect the following information and store it to tables:

因此,想要使用此解决方案审核DDL事件的人必须定义他想收集哪些信息以及他想将其存储在何处。 出于演示目的,我们将使其保持简单,并说我们将收集以下信息并将其存储到表中:

  • The moment when the event occurred 事件发生的那一刻
  • The login name 登录名
  • The client computer name and application 客户端计算机名称和应用程序
  • The current database name of the session 会话的当前数据库名称
  • The kind of event that occurred 发生的那种事件
  • The information about the object (SchemaName, ObjectName) – We could also include a « SubObjectName » information in the list in order to handle, for example, events related to table partitionning management 有关对象的信息(SchemaName,ObjectName)–我们还可以在列表中包含«SubObjectName»信息,以便处理例如与表分区管理有关的事件
  • The T-SQL statement that fired the trigger 触发触发器的T-SQL语句
  • Optionally, we could also keep the complete event descriptor which is of XML data type. (可选)我们还可以保留XML数据类型的完整事件描述符。

In order to get this information, we will use the EVENTDATA built-in function which returns an XML describing the event that has just occurred. The returned value of this function is the optional information listed above. As we get an XML data type, we can query it using XQuery.

为了获得此信息,我们将使用EVENTDATA内置函数,该函数返回描述刚刚发生的事件的XML。 此函数的返回值是上面列出的可选信息。 获得XML数据类型后,可以使用XQuery对其进行查询。

You will find below two examples of what we get back using this function. The first one is extracted from a server-level DDL event and the next one from a database-level DDL event.

您将在下面找到两个使用此功能后得到的结果的示例。 第一个是从服务器级DDL事件中提取的,第二个是从数据库级DDL事件中提取的。

<EVENT_INSTANCE><EventType>ALTER_VIEW</EventType><PostTime>2015-08-19T14:51:45.500</PostTime><SPID>60</SPID><ServerName>TestServer</ServerName><LoginName>MGSBUSINESS\Jefferson </LoginName><UserName>dbo</UserName><DatabaseName>DbaTools</DatabaseName><SchemaName>maintenance</SchemaName><ObjectName>CleanupSettings</ObjectName><ObjectType>VIEW</ObjectType><TSQLCommand><SetOptions ANSI_NULLS="ON" ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT="ON" ANSI_PADDING="ON" QUOTED_IDENTIFIER="ON" ENCRYPTED="FALSE" /><CommandText>
ALTER VIEW [maintenance].[CleanupSettings]
ASSELECT DbName,ObjectOwner,ObjectName,ObjectType,CleanupEnabled,CleanupColumn,CleanupType,CleanupParam1,CleanupParam2,CleanupParam3, CleanupParam4 FROM maintenance.MaintenanceSettings

As we can see, we don’t get exactly the same structure. This means there are two different Xml Schema Definitions and we can specialize our change logs.

如我们所见,我们没有完全相同的结构。 这意味着有两个不同的Xml模式定义,我们可以专门化更改日志。

The following table structure should be defined in order to store data about DDL events:


CREATE TABLE [auditlog].[ChangeLog]([ChangeLogID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,[LoginName] [sysname] NULL,[ComputerName] [sysname] NULL,[ProgramName] [nvarchar](255) NULL,[DBName] [sysname] NOT NULL,[SQLEvent] [sysname] NOT NULL,[SchemaName] [sysname] NULL,[ObjectName] [sysname] NULL,[SQLCmd] [nvarchar](max) NULL,[XmlEvent] [xml] NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_ChangeLog] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ChangeLogID] ASC)
) ;

And the following trigger code should be defined:


BEGINDECLARE @EventDataXml   XML;DECLARE @SchemaName     SYSNAME;DECLARE @ObjectName     SYSNAME;DECLARE @EventType      SYSNAME;-- getting back event dataSET @EventDataXml = EVENTDATA();SELECT @EventType  = @EventDataXml.value(''(/EVENT_INSTANCE/EventType)[1]'', ''SYSNAME'')@SchemaName = @EventDataXml.value(''(/EVENT_INSTANCE/SchemaName)[1]'', ''SYSNAME'')@ObjectName = @EventDataXml.value(''(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)[1]'', ''SYSNAME'') ;INSERT [auditlog].[ChangeLog] ([CreateDate],[LoginName], [ComputerName],[ProgramName],[DBName],[SQLEvent], [SchemaName], [ObjectName], [SQLCmd], [XmlEvent])SELECTGETDATE(),SUSER_NAME(), HOST_NAME(), PROGRAM_NAME(),@EventDataXml.value(''(/EVENT_INSTANCE/DatabaseName)[1]'', ''SYSNAME''),@EventType, @SchemaName, @ObjectName, @EventDataXml.value(''(/EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand)[1]'', ''NVARCHAR(MAX)''), @EventDataXml;

As explained above, there are DDL events on server scope and on database scope and it’s not possible to create a single trigger that will do the job. Actually, you will need to create previous table and trigger multiple times:

如上所述,在服务器范围和数据库范围上都有DDL事件,并且不可能创建一个可以完成此任务的触发器。 实际上,您将需要创建上一个表并多次触发:

  • A server DDL change log table and a server DDL trigger using the following CREATE statement:

  • 使用以下CREATE语句的服务器DDL更改日志表和服务器DDL触发器:



  1. You can create a central table to store DDL events data for all audited databases, but you will need to create a database trigger in every database you want to audit. Plus, you will eventually need to review login mappings and user permissions as well. 您可以创建一个中央表来存储所有审计数据库的DDL事件数据,但是您需要在要审计的每个数据库中创建一个数据库触发器。 另外,您最终还需要查看登录映射和用户权限。
    • ServerChangeLog for server-related DDL events ServerChangeLog用于服务器相关的DDL事件
    • DatabaseChangeLog for database-related DDL events DatabaseChangeLog用于数据库相关的DDL事件

You should also adjust the insert statement in triggers so that it uses those names.


We’ve seen the first method. Let’s review some its advantages and disadvantages.

我们已经看到了第一种方法。 让我们回顾一下它的优点和缺点。

Advantages Disadvantages
Flexibility and « storage-friendly »

  • We can store any information we consider relevant and also ignore others.
  • As it’s a piece of code we write and manage, we can easily extend it later.

« User-friendly »

  • Once in place, it’s easy to run a SELECT statement and filter to get just what we want.

Advanced usages

  • We can also build complex solutions like a « DDL Firewall » which, based on session information and some tables of parameters would disallow even an allowed SQL Login to complete its DDL statement (by raising an error and setting session in an uncommittable state).
Additional management tasks

  • If there is a bug in our code, we have to correct it and deploy it again on all servers (and databases).
  • Based on environment requirements, you could need to clean up « old » records or records you don’t want to keep forever as they are part of regular maintenance.
  • I already had the case during database installation or upgrade of an application where I needed to drop the trigger because it was causing trouble and I was unable to install the application.

Performance impact

  • Triggers are known to have a performance impact on queries as they are part of the transaction. They are not part of the SQL Server process. Thus, it can impact application and eventually lead to outages.

Can’t prevent external alteration

  • One with sufficient permissions can either disable tracing or delete rows in audit log tables so that we won’t even know something has happened.
优点 缺点

  • 我们可以存储我们认为相关的任何信息,也可以忽略其他信息。
  • 由于这是我们编写和管理的一段代码,因此以后可以轻松对其进行扩展。

“ 方便使用的 ”

  • 一旦安装到位,就可以轻松运行SELECT语句和过滤器以获取所需的内容。


  • 我们还可以构建复杂的解决方案,例如«DDL Firewall»,该解决方案基于会话信息和一些参数表甚至都不允许SQL登录来完成其DDL语句(通过引发错误并将会话设置为不可提交状态)。

  • 如果我们的代码中存在错误,我们必须对其进行纠正,然后再次将其部署在所有服务器(和数据库)上。
  • 根据环境要求,您可能需要清理“旧”记录或不希望永久保存的记录,因为它们是常规维护的一部分。
  • 在数据库安装或应用程序升级期间,我已经遇到了这种情况,由于该触发器造成了麻烦,因此我无法安装该应用程序,因此需要删除该触发器。


  • 众所周知,触发器是事务的一部分,因此会对查询的性能产生影响。 它们不属于SQL Server进程。 因此,它可能影响应用程序并最终导致中断。


  • 具有足够权限的用户可以禁用跟踪,也可以删除审核日志表中的行,这样我们甚至都不知道发生了什么事。

We could modify this trigger-based approach to output to a file, but it would require either to assign advanced permission or to be enabled xp_cmdshell and it’s not necessarily the best approach…


Let’s now do the same using default SQL Trace.


Auditing DDL events using default trace


The SQL Server default trace is an old functionality (since at least SQL Server 2005) that provides the ability to track some key events, primarily related to the configuration options. This feature is considered depreciated and should not be used in new developments. We should use Extended Events instead.

SQL Server默认跟踪是一项旧功能(至少从SQL Server 2005开始),提供了跟踪某些主要与配置选项有关的关键事件的功能。 该功能被认为已弃用,不应在新的开发中使用。 我们应该改用扩展事件。

The default trace tracks DDL Changes, password changes, server configuration and database settings changes or file growth…


It’s enabled when default trace enabled Server Configuration Option is set to 1. So, when implementing auditing using default trace, we must ensure that this setting is always up and running.

当启用默认跟踪的“服务器配置选项”设置为1时, 将启用此功能 。因此,在使用默认跟踪实施审核时,我们必须确保此设置始终处于运行状态。

Another point that has to be mentioned is that the output of this feature is limited to a set of 5 files of maximum 20 MB which are rolled over. This means that to keep a suitable history, we must take a copy of trace files as regularly as possible.

必须提到的另一点是,此功能的输出仅限于5个最大20 MB的文件集,这些文件将被翻转。 这意味着要保留适当的历史记录,我们必须尽可能定期地获取跟踪文件的副本。

This means that we do not need a lot of work to audit DDL events. We “just” need to:

这意味着我们不需要太多工作来审核DDL事件。 我们“只是”需要:

  1. Enable default trace. 启用默认跟踪。
  2. Create a scheduled task that will ensure the functionality is still on and adjust when it’s not the case. 创建一个计划任务,以确保功能仍然可用,并在情况并非如此时进行调整。
  3. Build and regularly schedule a script that will copy audit files. 构建并定期计划将复制审核文件的脚本。

Until now, we’ve just talked about writing and storing default trace files. Let’s now talk about how to read from a trace file.

到目前为止,我们仅讨论了如何编写和存储默认跟踪文件。 现在让我们讨论一下如何从跟踪文件读取。

Reading from a trace file requires the use of fn_trace_gettable built-in function:


USE AdventureWorks2012;
FROM fn_trace_gettable('c:\temp\mytrace.trc', default);

For default trace, the following query should fit the basic need to know that « something happened »:


SELECT AS [EventName],TT.DatabaseName ,TT.DatabaseID ,TT.ApplicationName ,TT.LoginName ,TT.Duration ,TT.StartTime ,TT.EndTime
FROM sys.fn_trace_gettable(CONVERT(VARCHAR(4000), ( SELECT TOP 1f.[value]FROM    sys.fn_trace_getinfo(NULL) fWHERE = 2)), DEFAULT) TT
JOIN sys.trace_events TE
ON TT.EventClass = TE.trace_event_id
ORDER BY TT.StartTime desc ;

This will give us the following kind of results:


As we did for DDL Trigger auditing, let’s review some advantages and disadvantages of auditing using default trace.


Advantages Disadvantages
« User-friendly »

  • Once in place, it’s easy to run a SELECT statement and filter to get just what we want.

Performance impact

  • This feature is built-in and asynchronous. That means it’s totally integrated with SQL Server and has (in theory) no impact on application performance.

Alteration detection

  • This feature allows users with sufficient privileges to delete a trace file, but there will be gaps in default trace file numbering. So, we won’t be able to know what happened, but we’ll know somebody did something and tried to cover his back.
  • The default trace state changed are tracked, so we will get some information about who made this change
Additional management tasks

  • The tasks listed above has to be done (at installation) and regular checks that audit is still running must be planned.


  • We can’t alter columns tracked by default trace.
  • It can’t be extended.
  • This feature is depreciated.


  • It’s not that easy to get to the information we want…
优点 缺点
“ 方便使用的 ”

  • 一旦安装到位,就可以轻松运行SELECT语句和过滤器以获取所需的内容。


  • 此功能是内置和异步的。 这意味着它与SQL Server完全集成在一起,并且在理论上对应用程序性能没有影响。


  • 此功能允许具有足够特权的用户删除跟踪文件,但是默认跟踪文件编号中会有空白。 因此,我们将无法知道发生了什么,但是我们会知道有人在做某事并试图掩盖他的背部。
  • 跟踪更改后的默认跟踪状态,因此我们将获得有关更改者的信息。

  • 必须完成上述任务(在安装时),并且必须计划定期检查是否仍在运行审核。


  • 我们无法更改默认跟踪所跟踪的列。
  • 无法扩展。
  • 此功能已弃用。


  • 获得我们想要的信息并非易事……

Auditing DDL events using SQL Audits




SQL Server Audits fundamentals have been introduced in my previous article. For readers who don’t have time to read this full article, let’s review a summary of its contents (it’s actually taken out of this article).

我的上一篇文章介绍了SQL Server审核的基础知识。 对于没有时间阅读这篇全文的读者,让我们回顾一下其内容摘要(实际上摘自本文)。

SQL Server Audit takes advantage of the Extended Events feature and uses events groups as input. We also refer to these groups as Audit Action groups. Audit action groups relate to a « depth level » in SQL Server: either they are server-, or database- or audit- related. Audit action groups are mapped to a server audit specification or a database audit specification, primarily based on our audit policy.

SQL Server审核利用扩展事件功能并将事件组用作输入。 我们还将这些组称为“审核行动”组。 审核操作组与SQL Server中的“深度级别”相关:它们与服务器,数据库或审核相关。 审核操作组主要根据我们的审核策略映射到服务器审核规范或数据库审核规范。

All these components together form what we call a server audit. The product of an audit must be stored somewhere. SQL Server audit has some flexibility for it and provides three different kinds of output, which are known as audit targets. Audit target is either a file on the server host, the application log or the security log.

所有这些组件共同构成了我们所谓的服务器审核。 审核产品必须存放在某个地方。 SQL Server审核具有一定的灵活性,并提供三种不同的输出,称为审核目标。 审核目标是服务器主机上的文件,应用程序日志或安全日志。

You will find below a diagram that summarizes the architecture of SQL Server Audits.

您将在下面的图表中总结SQL Server审核的体系结构。

Back to the example


We will first create our audit object. It will be called Audit-Demo-DDL. Here is the T-SQL statement to do so. Alternately, you can use SSMS.

我们将首先创建审核对象。 它将被称为Audit-Demo-DDL 。 这是这样做的T-SQL语句。 或者,您可以使用SSMS。


This object is created with an OFF status. It should not appear in the list returned by the following query:

创建的对象处于关闭状态。 它不应出现在以下查询返回的列表中:

select * from sys.dm_server_audit_status

Now, let’s create the server audit specification using the following statement:


FOR SERVER AUDIT [Audit-Demo-DDL]ADD (DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP),                   -- database is created, altered, or droppedADD (DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP),            -- CREATE, ALTER, or DROP statement is executed on database objects, such as schemasADD (DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP),  -- ADD (DATABASE_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP), -- a GRANT, REVOKE, or DENY has been issued for database objects, such as assemblies and schemasADD (DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP),         -- use of ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change the owner of a database, and the permissions that are required to do that are checkedADD (DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP),        -- GRANT, REVOKE, or DENY is issued for a statement permission by any principal in SQL Server ADD (DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP),         -- raised when principals, such as users, are created, altered, or dropped from a database.ADD (DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP),       -- a login is added to or removed from a database role. This event class is raised for the sp_addrolemember, sp_changegroup, and sp_droprolemember stored proceduresADD (LOGIN_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP),             -- a login password is changed by way of ALTER LOGIN statement or sp_password stored procedureADD (SERVER_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP),              -- CREATE, ALTER, or DROP operations on server objectsADD (SERVER_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP),    -- owner is changed for objects in the server scope. ADD (SERVER_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP),   -- GRANT, REVOKE, or DENY is issued for a server object permission by any principal in SQL ServerADD (SERVER_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP),          -- GRANT, REVOKE, or DENY is issued for permissions in the server scope, such as creating a login.ADD (SERVER_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP),           -- server principals are created, altered, or dropped. -- a principal issues the sp_defaultdb or sp_defaultlanguage stored procedures or ALTER LOGIN statements-- sp_addlogin and sp_droplogin stored procedures.-- sp_grantlogin or sp_revokelogin stored proceduresADD (SERVER_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP)          -- a login is added or removed from a fixed server role. This event is raised for the sp_addsrvrolemember and sp_dropsrvrolemember stored procedures.

Now, we can enable the server audit:



Now, let’s try it out! You will find below a little script which creates a table, adds a primary key constraint, inserts some data and drops the table.

现在,让我们尝试一下! 您将在下面找到一个小的脚本,该脚本创建一个表,添加一个主键约束,插入一些数据并删除该表。

use testJEL;
);alter table dbo.TestAuditSettingsadd CONSTRAINT PK_TestAuditSettings PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (IdCol)
;insert into dbo.TestAuditSettings (ValCol
select *
VALUES('First'), ('Second'),('Third')
) as vals (cols
)select * from dbo.TestAuditSettingsDROP TABLE dbo.TestAuditSettingsUSE [master]
DROP LOGIN [TestAudit] ;

I said previously that the sys. server_audit_status was a particularly useful table. Here is the first usage of this great view: getting the location of the current server audit file. This is performed with the following query:

我之前说过该系统。 server_audit_status是一个特别有用的表。 这是这种出色视图的首次使用:获取当前服务器审核文件的位置。 这是通过以下查询执行的:

select status_desc, audit_file_path
From sys.dm_server_audit_status
where name = 'Audit-Demo-DDL'

As I get back the audit_file_path, I am able to read this file and get the list of actions that have been audited so far using sys.fn_get_audit_file function.


We can by the way put the value of the audit_file_path column into a variable. So the query to read current audit file looks like this:

顺便说一下,我们可以将audit_file_path列的值放入变量中。 因此,读取当前审核文件的查询如下所示:

DECLARE @AuditFilePath VARCHAR(8000);select @AuditFilePath = audit_file_path
From sys.dm_server_audit_status
where name = 'Audit-Demo-DDL'select * from sys.fn_get_audit_file(@AuditFilePath,default,default)

And here is what I get back when I run this statement:


Apparently, the ALTER TABLE and DROP TABLE statement have not been tracked… We should maybe add the SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP action group or create a database audit specification if this option is available…

显然,未跟踪ALTER TABLE和DROP TABLE语句…如果此选项可用,我们应该添加SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP操作组或创建数据库审核规范…

Anyway, this shows us we must really take care of the action groups we add to a server audit and also test that this audit does the job we think it should do.


Let’s clean up our stuff. You will find below the statements to drop the objects we created in this section.

让我们收拾东西。 您将在语句下面找到要删除在本节中创建的对象。

use master;
alter server audit specification [Spec-Demo-DDL] with (state = off);
drop server audit specification [Spec-Demo-DDL]
alter server audit [Audit-Demo-DDL] with (state = off)
drop server audit [Audit-Demo-DDL]

As for previous ways to implement a DDL audit, let’s review some advantages and disadvantages of using SQL Server Audits

至于实现DDL审核的先前方法,让我们回顾使用SQL Server审核的一些优点和缺点

Advantages Disadvantages
« User-friendly »

  • Once in place, it’s easy to run a SELECT statement and filter to get just what we want.
  • We can easily add new action groups to an existing server audit

Performance impact

  • This feature is built-in and asynchronous. That means it’s totally integrated with SQL Server and has (in theory) no impact on application performance.

Alteration detection

  • Audit is audited, so there is a possibility to detect (not prevent) audit alteration
Additional management tasks

  • A backup of audit files should be in place if we use the file as audit target
  • A backup or at least an extractor of audit event logs in application log should be implemented to keep it in a safe place
  • We can also invent a centralization mechanism that would take the content of these files and integrate it in a central management database
  • Before any change on server audit objects on a production server, we must ensure that this change does what we think it will do. A test script should be built and kept up to date


  • We can’t alter columns tracked by default trace.


  • To be able to audit all DDL events, we saw that we could forget one or several action groups. There are plenty of action groups and it’s not easy to get the right ones at first try…
优点 缺点
“ 方便使用的 ”

  • 一旦安装到位,就可以轻松运行SELECT语句和过滤器以获取所需的内容。
  • 我们可以轻松地将新的操作组添加到现有服务器审核中


  • 此功能是内置和异步的。 这意味着它与SQL Server完全集成在一起,并且在理论上对应用程序性能没有影响。


  • 审核是经过审核的,因此有可能检测(但不能阻止)审核更改

  • 如果我们使用审核文件作为审核目标,则应备份该文件
  • 应在应用程序日志中实施备份或至少提取审核事件日志,以将其保存在安全的地方
  • 我们还可以发明一种集中化机制,该机制将吸收这些文件的内容并将其集成到中央管理数据库中
  • 在对生产服务器上的服务器审核对象进行任何更改之前,我们必须确保此更改完成了我们认为会做的事情。 应构建测试脚本并保持最新


  • 我们无法更改默认跟踪所跟踪的列。


  • 为了能够审核所有DDL事件,我们看到我们可以忘记一个或几个操作组。 行动小组很多,一开始尝试就找到合适的小组并不容易……

结论 (Conclusion)

As a conclusion, we can say that SQL Server Audit is a great feature delivered starting with Standard Edition that is scalable to ensure a professional enterprise-level auditing of server activity. Its implementation is easy, but needs additional tasks to be performed to ensure the kind of zero audit data loss.

总而言之,我们可以说SQL Server Audit是从Standard Edition开始提供的一项很棒的功能,该功能可伸缩以确保对服务器活动进行专业的企业级审核。 它的实现很容易,但是需要执行其他任务以确保零审计数据丢失。

While it’s not perfect, SQL Server Audit is, to me, the best feature available out of the box to implement security auditing in SQL Server and go a step forwards to « GDPR compliance ».

虽然并不完美,但对我来说,SQL Server审核是开箱即用的最佳功能,可以在SQL Server中实施安全审核,并进一步迈向“ GDPR合规性”。

Previous article in this series:


  • SQL Server Audit feature – discovery and architecture SQL Server审核功能–发现和体系结构

资源资源 (Resources)

  • SQL Server Audit (Database Engine) SQL Server审核(数据库引擎)
  • SQL Server Audit Action Groups and Actions SQL Server审核操作组和操作
  • Understanding DDL Triggers 了解DDL触发器
  • EVENTDATA (Transact-SQL) EVENTDATA(Transact-SQL)
  • SQL Server Extended Events Targets SQL Server扩展事件目标


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