(For now we are not going to discuss how this can be implemented with SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008R2 because it’s almost 2015 and it would be “a bit strange” if you are planning any new deployments to run those versions. However, let me know in the comments if you want me to write an article on this as the process of slipstreaming them is a bit more complicated compared with the latest releases) Here is what we should do to slipstream SQL Server 2012 and 2014: (目前,我们将不讨论如何使用SQL Server 2008或SQL Server 2008R2来实现此功能,因为已经快到2015年了,如果您计划运行任何新的部署来运行这些版本,这将“有点奇怪”。但是,让我想在评论中知道是否要写一篇关于此的文章,因为与最新版本相比,将它们整合在一起的过程要稍微复杂一些。这是我们应整合SQL Server 2012和2014的工作:

  1. Download SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2014 media
    下载SQL Server 2012或SQL Server 2014媒体
  2. Download all the needed SPs, CUs and Hotfixes that you want to “embed”
  3. Put all of the .exe files in one directory
  4. Launch the setup.exe from CMD by issuing the command:Setup.exe /Action=Install /UpdateEnabled=TRUE /UpdateSource=”path_to_the_directroy_where_the_hotfixes_are”
    通过发出以下命令从CMD启动setup.exe:Setup.exe / Action =安装/ UpdateEnabled = TRUE / UpdateSource =“ path_to_the_directroy_where_the_hotfixes_are”
  5. I think the first step is quite self-explainable and does not need us spend more time discussing it. However, the second step is something we should discuss further. When you download the fixes that you want, for SQL Server 2012 and 2014 there is a huge chance the packages will look like this:

    verify which version is this, you will find that this is SQL Server 2012 with SP2 and hotfix KB2969896 and that’s exactly what I need. From here, just move forward and complete the installation. Now, you may think – that’s great, but that also means that every single time I want to install a new instance, I will have to upload all of the fixes on that machine in order to use this “technique”. However, let me help with a suggestion. Why don’t you copy all of the needed fixes to the media itself? This way, you will just attach/upload the media and just change the CMD command to point to a folder inside the SQL installation. Here is what you need to do: 验证这是哪个版本 ,您会发现这是带有SP2和修补程序KB2969896SQL Server 2012,这正是我所需要的。 从这里开始,只需完成安装即可。 现在,您可能会认为–很棒,但这也意味着,每次我想安装一个新实例时,我都必须上载该计算机上的所有修补程序才能使用此“技术”。 但是,请允许我提出建议。 您为什么不将所有需要的修补程序复制到媒体本身? 这样,您只需附加/上载媒体,然后更改CMD命令以指向SQL安装中的文件夹即可。 这是您需要做的:

    1. Extract the SQL Server media into a folder on your machine by using 7zip or any other software you like that is capable of extracting .iso files.
      使用7zip或您喜欢的任何其他能够提取.iso文件的软件,将SQL Server媒体提取到计算机上的文件夹中。
    2. Create a new folder inside of the extracted media folder and paste inside all of the fixes you will need
    3. MagicISO.MagicISO之类的软件从该文件夹创建一个ISO。

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/slipstreaming-sql-server-2012-2014/

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