WordPress是一个免费和开源博客工具和一个内容管理系统(CMS)基于 PHP 和 MySQL,它运行在一个 Web 托管服务。每个月的 WordPress 主题是由开发人员,其中用户喜欢使用 WordPress 杂志主题的网站。杂志的主题包括滑块,网格布局,丰富多彩的内容、分页、菜单和许多功能让你的wordpress站点美丽和眼部感染。

  今天,我们展示25美丽自由WordPress杂志主题与我们的观众。这些 WordPress 杂志主题充分响应和高级功能完全免费的,你可以立刻下载它们,今天开始你的博客和网站。我们希望你会发现这些wordpress杂志主题的列表需要方便和有用的。

1. DualShock

DualShock is a 100% free, dual purpose blog and magazine UI theme. It features our best features including our options panel, custom widgets, translation-ready functionality and search engine optimization.

2. Berlin

Berlin is a free WordPress theme that transforms your blog into a unique and minimal news magazine website.

3. Magazine

Magazine theme is omega child wordpress theme built with Bootstrap 3, sleek and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development.

4. Surfarama

Surfarama is a bold and fun theme which uses the popular mason style layout on the home page and category pages to highlight imagery and make for a very visual presentation.

5. Great

Great is a traditional, magazine-style WordPress theme. With a clean, minimalist design and all the usual MyThemeShop features, Great is optimized to help your blog stand out from the crowd and dominate the web.

6. F8 Lite

F8 Lite can transform your site or blog into a fully functioning photography or multimedia portfolio site.

7. Ribbon

Ribbon is a wide post display, traditional structure WordPress magazine theme. With a dual color scheme, plenty of whitespace to pad your content, and all the features you’d expect from MyThemeShop, Ribbon is a perfect choice for both niche and general purpose blogs, and it’s completely free!

8. zeeDynamic

zeeDynamic is a fully responsive magazine WordPress theme with strong colors and bold fonts. The theme fits perfectly for any news, magazine or blog website with rich content. Due the mobile ready design the theme look good on any device.

9. Max Magazine

Max Magazine is a super-awesome responsive wordpress theme best suited for newspaper or magazine websites. The theme is packed with an easy-to-use options panel which makes it very easy to customize the layout.

10. Portal

Portal is a very simple, magazine plus blog style theme with light bright colors blending nicely. With all the latest features such as Responsive layout, SEO Optimized, Custom Widgets and many more.

11. Fashionista

Fashionistas is a bold and fun theme built on Bootstrap, suitable for magazine style blogs.

12. Wallpress

WallPress is a Free Responsive WordPress Theme which lets your content shine. Be it an online portfolio, newspaper or magazine, all your important social content comes together at one place.

13. iMagazine

iMagazine is a very powerful, super clean and fully responsive design WordPress. Especialy desiged for News/Magazine websites or blogs.

14. Hiero

Hiero is an awesome magazine theme for your WordPress site feature bold colors and details to the content. Responsive layout, post thumbnails support, threaded comments and more.

15. Aldehyde

Aldehyde is a Minimal Responsive theme with Plenty of premium features including Parallax Header, Numbered page navigation, Responsive Slider, Customizable Header & Footer, 4 Page Layouts, Custom Widgets & User Friendly Time Display.

16. Hueman

Hueman is a free theme that am still find it hard to believe as a free one. it’s really a fantastic wordpress theme aimed for magazine sites, comes with a truly responsive layout and plenty of other awesome features.

17. Fullby

Fullby is a beautiful new free WordPress theme released last week, created by designer Andrea Marchetti. The theme is fully responsive, based onBootstrap and features a grid style. This super light theme includes only two images and is fully customizable via CSS.

18. Boldr Lite

BoldR is a bold, responsive, magazine style premium WordPress Theme. Based on the powerful Icefit framework, one of the most advanced WordPress theming framework in the world, it is perfect for tech or design oriented blogs and creative business websites!

19. Oxygen

A professional magazine theme with responsive layout for enhanced mobile browsing experience. Oxygen is a parent theme – a great base for creating child themes, built on the industry-recognized Hybrid Core framework.

20. Apollo

Apollo is a minimal Free WordPress Theme created with bloggers in mind. The 2 column grid layout for your archives is great for showcasing all sorts of content. Sign up for your free membership to download this theme and use for your own site!

21. Squirrel

The Website built using Squirrel Theme is supereasy to build and is very simplistic in design, the visitors love to see the whole content clearly. Squirrel Theme got several theme options to allow changing and manipulating literally everything in the site. Still the site is very easy to built.

22. Magazine Style

Magazine Style Theme is best WordPress theme design for personal and business With full features and SEO Optimize.Magazine WordPress Theme easily adapts on your mobile and desktop or any other device.

23. Zee Style

zeeStyle is a flexible and colorful Theme with a both unique and professional design. It is perfect for any News, Magazine or Blog Website.

24. Magazine

MagZine is a magazine styled wordpress theme that so easy to use and configure.

25. Gadgetry

A Free WordPress theme with a clean and modern style, best suited for blogging or small magazine style websites.


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