* 安装|启动|停止 bamboo agent
$ java -jar atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer-6.2.1.jar http://build.ntesec.com.cn/agentServer/
java [properties] -jar bamboo-agent.jar <bamboo-url> [<commandString)] [-t <securityToken>]

-Dbamboo.home 设置bamboo agent home目录

commandString :
start - start the bamboo agent in the background
stop - stop the backgroiund bamboo agent
install - install the bamboo agent (overwrite any changes to wrapper.conf)
installntservice - install the bamboo agent as an NT service
uninstallntservice - uninstall the bamboo agent

$ java -Dbamboo.home=C:\home -jar atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer-6.2.1.jar http://bamboo_server_url/agentServer/ installntservice
$ java -Dbamboo.home=C:\home -jar atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer-6.2.1.jar http://bamboo_server_url/agentServer/ start
$ java -Dbamboo.home=C:\home -jar atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer-6.2.1.jar http://bamboo_server_url/agentServer/ stop


* atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer.jar是一个.jar文件,因此支持Java的Windows操作系统版本即可作为Bamboo Agent。

* 在终端中执行bamboo agent时,需要确保终端以管理员权限执行。

* bamboo agent installer中执行的日志会保存在bamboo agent home目录下。

* bamboo server的"Broker configuration"配置中,需要确保"Broker Client URL"有效。因为在bamboo agent启动后,会访问该服务。

* 在bamboo agent安装、启动过程中,需要在bamboo server的Remote Agent页面授权该Remote Agent的访问。

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