深入学习java源码之Math.addExact()与 Math.multiplyExact()




int i = 15, j = 2

运行结果是:i ^ j = 13.



int[] array = {2,3,4,4,3,5,6,6,5};int v = 0;for (int i = 0;i < array.length;i++) {v ^= array[i];System.out.println("只出现一次的数是:" + v);}只出现一次的数是2.



 int a = 10;long b = 35;float c = 36.95f;double d = 18.04;


long a = 300;
int b = 18;
float c = 128.7f;
double d = 53.31;float jian = (float)(a - b - c - (double)d);


int a = 1;
long b = 1000000;
float c = 0.000001f;
double d = 99.99;


int a = 1000;
long b = 1000000;
float c = 0.001f;
double d = 99.99;float chu = (float)((double)d/(a/b/c));
Modifier and Type Method and Description
static double abs(double a)

返回值为 double绝对值。

static float abs(float a)

返回 float值的绝对值。

static int abs(int a)

返回值为 int绝对值。

static long abs(long a)

返回值为 long绝对值。

static int addExact(int x, int y)

返回其参数的总和,如果结果溢出int,则抛出 int

static long addExact(long x, long y)

返回其参数的总和,如果结果溢出long,则抛出 long

static int decrementExact(int a)

返回一个递减1的参数,如果结果溢出int,则 int

static long decrementExact(long a)

将返回的参数递减1,如果结果溢出long,则 long

static double floor(double a)

返回小于或等于参数的最大(最接近正无穷大) double值,等于一个数学整数。

static int floorDiv(int x, int y)

返回小于或等于代数商的最大(最接近正无穷大) int值。

static long floorDiv(long x, long y)

返回小于或等于代数商的最大(最接近正无穷大) long值。

static int floorMod(int x, int y)

返回 int参数的底部模数。

static long floorMod(long x, long y)

返回 long参数的底模数。

static int incrementExact(int a)

返回自变量1,如果结果溢出int,则 int

static long incrementExact(long a)

返回一个增加1的参数,如果结果溢出long,则 long

static int multiplyExact(int x, int y)

返回参数的乘积,如果结果溢出int,则抛出 int

static long multiplyExact(long x, long y)

返回参数的乘积,如果结果溢出long,则抛出 long

static int negateExact(int a)

返回参数的否定,如果结果溢出int,则 int

static long negateExact(long a)

返回参数的否定,如果结果溢出long,则 long

static long round(double a)

返回参数中最接近的 long ,其中 long四舍五入为正无穷大。

static int round(float a)

返回参数中最接近的 int ,其中 int四舍五入为正无穷大。

static int subtractExact(int x, int y)

返回参数的差异,如果结果溢出int,则抛出 int

static long subtractExact(long x, long y)

返回参数的差异,如果结果溢出long,则抛出 long

static int toIntExact(long value)

返回long参数的值; 如果值溢出int,则int


public final class Math {private Math() {}public static int round(float a) {int intBits = Float.floatToRawIntBits(a);int biasedExp = (intBits & FloatConsts.EXP_BIT_MASK)>> (FloatConsts.SIGNIFICAND_WIDTH - 1);int shift = (FloatConsts.SIGNIFICAND_WIDTH - 2+ FloatConsts.EXP_BIAS) - biasedExp;if ((shift & -32) == 0) { // shift >= 0 && shift < 32// a is a finite number such that pow(2,-32) <= ulp(a) < 1int r = ((intBits & FloatConsts.SIGNIF_BIT_MASK)| (FloatConsts.SIGNIF_BIT_MASK + 1));if (intBits < 0) {r = -r;}// In the comments below each Java expression evaluates to the value// the corresponding mathematical expression:// (r) evaluates to a / ulp(a)// (r >> shift) evaluates to floor(a * 2)// ((r >> shift) + 1) evaluates to floor((a + 1/2) * 2)// (((r >> shift) + 1) >> 1) evaluates to floor(a + 1/2)return ((r >> shift) + 1) >> 1;} else {// a is either// - a finite number with abs(a) < exp(2,FloatConsts.SIGNIFICAND_WIDTH-32) < 1/2// - a finite number with ulp(a) >= 1 and hence a is a mathematical integer// - an infinity or NaNreturn (int) a;}}   public static long round(double a) {long longBits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(a);long biasedExp = (longBits & DoubleConsts.EXP_BIT_MASK)>> (DoubleConsts.SIGNIFICAND_WIDTH - 1);long shift = (DoubleConsts.SIGNIFICAND_WIDTH - 2+ DoubleConsts.EXP_BIAS) - biasedExp;if ((shift & -64) == 0) { // shift >= 0 && shift < 64// a is a finite number such that pow(2,-64) <= ulp(a) < 1long r = ((longBits & DoubleConsts.SIGNIF_BIT_MASK)| (DoubleConsts.SIGNIF_BIT_MASK + 1));if (longBits < 0) {r = -r;}// In the comments below each Java expression evaluates to the value// the corresponding mathematical expression:// (r) evaluates to a / ulp(a)// (r >> shift) evaluates to floor(a * 2)// ((r >> shift) + 1) evaluates to floor((a + 1/2) * 2)// (((r >> shift) + 1) >> 1) evaluates to floor(a + 1/2)return ((r >> shift) + 1) >> 1;} else {// a is either// - a finite number with abs(a) < exp(2,DoubleConsts.SIGNIFICAND_WIDTH-64) < 1/2// - a finite number with ulp(a) >= 1 and hence a is a mathematical integer// - an infinity or NaNreturn (long) a;}}public static int addExact(int x, int y) {int r = x + y;// HD 2-12 Overflow iff both arguments have the opposite sign of the resultif (((x ^ r) & (y ^ r)) < 0) {throw new ArithmeticException("integer overflow");}return r;}public static long addExact(long x, long y) {long r = x + y;// HD 2-12 Overflow iff both arguments have the opposite sign of the resultif (((x ^ r) & (y ^ r)) < 0) {throw new ArithmeticException("long overflow");}return r;}public static int subtractExact(int x, int y) {int r = x - y;// HD 2-12 Overflow iff the arguments have different signs and// the sign of the result is different than the sign of xif (((x ^ y) & (x ^ r)) < 0) {throw new ArithmeticException("integer overflow");}return r;}public static long subtractExact(long x, long y) {long r = x - y;// HD 2-12 Overflow iff the arguments have different signs and// the sign of the result is different than the sign of xif (((x ^ y) & (x ^ r)) < 0) {throw new ArithmeticException("long overflow");}return r;}public static int multiplyExact(int x, int y) {long r = (long)x * (long)y;if ((int)r != r) {throw new ArithmeticException("integer overflow");}return (int)r;}public static long multiplyExact(long x, long y) {long r = x * y;long ax = Math.abs(x);long ay = Math.abs(y);if (((ax | ay) >>> 31 != 0)) {// Some bits greater than 2^31 that might cause overflow// Check the result using the divide operator// and check for the special case of Long.MIN_VALUE * -1if (((y != 0) && (r / y != x)) ||(x == Long.MIN_VALUE && y == -1)) {throw new ArithmeticException("long overflow");}}return r;}public static int incrementExact(int a) {if (a == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {throw new ArithmeticException("integer overflow");}return a + 1;}public static long incrementExact(long a) {if (a == Long.MAX_VALUE) {throw new ArithmeticException("long overflow");}return a + 1L;}public static int decrementExact(int a) {if (a == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {throw new ArithmeticException("integer overflow");}return a - 1;}public static long decrementExact(long a) {if (a == Long.MIN_VALUE) {throw new ArithmeticException("long overflow");}return a - 1L;}public static int negateExact(int a) {if (a == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {throw new ArithmeticException("integer overflow");}return -a;}public static long negateExact(long a) {if (a == Long.MIN_VALUE) {throw new ArithmeticException("long overflow");}return -a;}public static int toIntExact(long value) {if ((int)value != value) {throw new ArithmeticException("integer overflow");}return (int)value;}    public static int abs(int a) {return (a < 0) ? -a : a;}public static long abs(long a) {return (a < 0) ? -a : a;}public static float abs(float a) {return (a <= 0.0F) ? 0.0F - a : a;}public static double abs(double a) {return (a <= 0.0D) ? 0.0D - a : a;}  public static long floorDiv(long x, long y) {long r = x / y;// if the signs are different and modulo not zero, round downif ((x ^ y) < 0 && (r * y != x)) {r--;}return r;}public static int floorDiv(int x, int y) {int r = x / y;// if the signs are different and modulo not zero, round downif ((x ^ y) < 0 && (r * y != x)) {r--;}return r;}public static int floorMod(int x, int y) {int r = x - floorDiv(x, y) * y;return r;}public static long floorMod(long x, long y) {return x - floorDiv(x, y) * y;}} 
public final class StrictMath {private StrictMath() {}public static int round(float a) {return Math.round(a);}public static long round(double a) {return Math.round(a);}public static int addExact(int x, int y) {return Math.addExact(x, y);}public static long addExact(long x, long y) {return Math.addExact(x, y);}public static int subtractExact(int x, int y) {return Math.subtractExact(x, y);}public static long subtractExact(long x, long y) {return Math.subtractExact(x, y);}public static int multiplyExact(int x, int y) {return Math.multiplyExact(x, y);}public static long multiplyExact(long x, long y) {return Math.multiplyExact(x, y);}public static int toIntExact(long value) {return Math.toIntExact(value);}public static int floorDiv(int x, int y) {return Math.floorDiv(x, y);}public static long floorDiv(long x, long y) {return Math.floorDiv(x, y);}public static int floorMod(int x, int y) {return Math.floorMod(x , y);}public static long floorMod(long x, long y) {return Math.floorMod(x, y);}public static int abs(int a) {return Math.abs(a);}public static long abs(long a) {return Math.abs(a);}public static float abs(float a) {return Math.abs(a);}public static double abs(double a) {return Math.abs(a);}}

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