The CouchDB file layout and commitment system features all Atomic Consistent Isolated Durable (ACID) properties. On-disk, CouchDB never overwrites committed data or associated structures, ensuring the database file is always in a consistent state.
Document fields are uniquely named and contain values of varying types (text, number, boolean, lists, etc), and there is no set limit to text size or element count.
Any number of clients can be reading documents without being locked out or interrupted by concurrent updates, even on the same document. CouchDB read operations use a Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) model where each client sees a consistent snapshot of the database from the beginning to the end of the read operation.
Documents are indexed in B-trees by their name (DocID) and a Sequence ID.These B-tree indexes are updated simultaneously when documents are saved or deleted. The index updates always occur at the end of the file (append-only updates).
Documents have the advantage of data being already conveniently packaged for storage rather than split out across numerous tables and rows in most database systems. When documents are committed to disk, the document fields and metadata are packed into buffers, sequentially one document after another (helpful later for efficient building of views).
When CouchDB documents are updated, all data and associated indexes are flushed to disk and the transactional commit always leaves the database in a completely consistent state.
Data in CouchDB is stored in semi-structured documents. CouchDB documents are flexible and each has its own implicit structure, which alleviates the most difficult problems and pitfalls of bi-directionally

Curl 默认执行GET操作,使用curl -X POST 或PUT更改操作。-X命令用于记录历史操作记录
To make it easy to work with our terminal history, we usually use the -X option even when issuing GET requests.
Everything is done using GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE with a URI.
curl -X GET
curl -X PUT

curl -X DELETE
-v(verbose)命令用于打印进程信息curl -vX DELETE

curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X PUT http://localhost:5984/hello/“10010” -d “{\”name\”:\”minsu\”, \”age\”:\”24\” , \”address\” : \”No. 112 ZhongShangRoad GuangZhou\” }”



C:\Users\zhengxf>curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X PUT http://localhost:5984/hello/10010 -d “{\”age\”:\”23\” ,\”_rev\”:\”2-24c0341a26e2c5bf14d6f7b88ba4ea59\” }”

C:\Users\zhengxf>curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X DELETE http://localhost:5984/hello/001?rev=1-384d2bc91a881c6f9509b974573707bb


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