How do I... Uninstall Microsoft Internet Explorer 7?

by  Mark Kaelin
作者:Mark Kaelin
翻译:Purple Endurer

Tags:  Web browsers | Internet Explorer (IE) | Microsoft Windows
标签:网页浏览器 | IE | 微软视窗

Takeaway: Contrary to common mythology, it is indeed possible to uninstall Microsoft Internet Explorer 7. Mark Kaelin shows you how in this step-by-step guide.
导读:与一般神话相反,有时可能要卸载微软IE7。Mark Kaelin向你展示了逐步操作指南。
《Purple Endurer注:1、contrary to:与…相反》

This article is also available as a TechRepublic download.

The venerable Web browser continues to evolve. No longer just an application for displaying HTML, the Web browser now has to handle JavaScript, PHP, Java, Active X controls, loosely coupled Web services, plug-ins, multimedia, XML, RSS feeds and more. The Web browser has become an integral part of the total computer experience. All of those expectations make choosing a preferred browser more important than many ever thought it would or should be.
值得尊敬的网页浏览器继续进化。不再只是一个显示HTML的应用程序,网页浏览器现在要处理JavaScript, PHP,Java,Active X 控件,松耦合网页服务,插件,多媒本,XML,RSS feeds等等。网页浏览器已经成为计算机经验中主要部分。所有这些期望使得选择一个首选浏览器比它将要或需要做的更重要。

《Purple Endurer注:1、loose coupling:松动结合;弱耦合;松联结;松耦合;松联轴节
2、integral part:主要的部分》

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) and Mozilla Firefox 2 are the latest Web browser contenders for your attention (apologies to fans of Opera and other Web browsers, but these are the two that garner the most attention). Many of us have tried both and made a decision about which is the browser of choice.

微软Internet Explorer 7 (IE7)和Mozilla Firefox 2是最新的网页浏览器竞争者(这可能对不住Opera和其它网页浏览器的fans,但这两个是最引人注目的)。我们中的一些人已经尝试了这两者并作出了抉择。
If you have chosen Firefox 2, then you may want to uninstall IE7. But this brings up two questions: Can you uninstall IE7 and if you can how do you do it? The answers are: Yes, you can and here's how.
《Purple Endurer注:1、apology to:对…的道歉
1、make a decision:作出决定》

Uninstall IE7
If your installation of IE7 was successful and uneventful, then uninstalling it is relatively simple process. The following steps will uninstall IE7 and restore IE 6.

1.Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
点击 开始 | (设置) | 控制面板

2. Click Add or Remove Programs.

3. Scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer 7, click it, and then click Change/Remove.
找到Windows Internet Explorer 7,点击它,然后点击“修改/删除”。

If for some reason Windows Internet Explorer 7 does not appear in the Add or Remove Programs, you should:
如果因为某些原因,Windows Internet Explorer 7未显示在“添加删除程序”中,你要:

1. Open Windows Explorer

2. Click Tools | Folder Options
点击工具 | 文件夹选项。

3. Click the View tab

4. Make sure the radio button next to Show hidden files and folders is on

5. Click OK

6. Click Start, and then click Run
点击 开始 | 运行...

7. Type: %windir%/ie7/spuninst/spuninst.exe into the text box and click Enter

Specified user account

In some cases, you may get an error message when you try to uninstall IE7 that says you cannot uninstall from a specified user account. To get around this check you will have to edit the Windows Registry.
《Purple Endurer注:1、get around:vt. 规避(说服)》

Warning: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can cause the Windows operating system to stop functioning completely. This is a advanced operation and you are encouraged to back up the Windows Registry before you attempt any editing of the file. You have been warned.

Bypass the user account check with this Windows Registry edit:

1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then press ENTER.
点击 开始 | 运行...,输入:regedit,回车。

2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer.
找到 HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer。

3. Right-click the Internet Explorer key, click New, and then click DWORD value.
右击Internet Explorer键,点击新建,然后点击DWORD。

4. Type InstalledByUser as the name, and then press ENTER to finish creating the new registry value.

5.Try to uninstall Internet Explorer 7 again.
再次尝试卸载Internet Explorer 7。

More help

If you find yourself still needing help uninstalling Internet Explorer 7, check out the IE7 release notes found on the Microsoft MSDN Web site.

如果你发现你仍然需要卸载Internet Explorer 7方面的帮助,请检验Microsoft MSDN网站上的IE7 版本注释(
《Purple Endurer注:1、release note:版本注释》


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