
  • harbor启停方法
  • clair镜像扫描原理
  • harbor数据库(MySQL)一览
  • clair数据库(PostgreSql)一览
  • harbor手动导入漏洞数据方法




  1. harbor介绍及安装可以参考文末链接资料
  2. 对于harbor 1.6以上版本导入漏洞数据稍有不同,见文中介绍


开源企业级镜像仓库 Harbor v1.2 新增了镜像漏洞扫描的功能,可以帮助用户发现容器镜像中的安全漏洞,及时采取防范措施。



clair的目标是能够从一个更加透明的维度去看待基于容器化的基础框架的安全性。Clair=clear + bright + transparent

在 Harbor 中,我们集成了开源项目 Clair 的扫描功能,可从公开的 CVE 字典库下载漏洞资料。CVE 是 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures 的缩写,由一些机构自愿参与维护的软件安全漏洞标识,记录已知的漏洞标准描述及相关信息,公众可以免费获取和使用这些信息。全球共有77个机构参与维护不同软件的 CVE 库,例如:VMware 维护着 VMware 产品的 CVE 库,红帽维护着Linux 上的 CVE 等等。容器镜像基本上涉及的是 Linux 操作系统上的软件,因此镜像扫描需要参考 Linux 相关的 CVE 库,目前 Harbor(Clair)使用的CVE 源有:
Debian Security Bug Tracker
Ubuntu CVE Tracker
RedHat Security Data
Oracle Linux Security Data
Alpine SecDB

通过对容器的layer进行扫描,发现漏洞并进行预警,其使用数据是基于Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures数据库(简称CVE), 各Linux发行版一般都有自己的CVE源,而Clair则是与其进行匹配以判断漏洞的存在与否,比如HeartBleed的CVE为:CVE-2014-0160。具体的分层扫描比对原理流程参见文末链接资料。



$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.clair.yml down -v
$ vim harbor.cfg
$ sudo prepare --with-clair
$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.clair.yml up -d

ps: 如果未修改配置则不用修改

OK, 我们先检查下所有的容器是否正常,现在VM上运行的容器有:

[root@bogon harbor]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                 PORTS                                                              NAMES
d113561e912a        vmware/harbor-jobservice:v1.5.0        "/harbor/start.sh"       2 hours ago         Up 2 hours                                                                                harbor-jobservice
7bdf130fcda8        vmware/nginx-photon:v1.5.0             "nginx -g 'daemon ..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours (healthy)>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>4443/tcp   nginx
7e1e97981277        vmware/harbor-ui:v1.5.0                "/harbor/start.sh"       2 hours ago         Up 2 hours (healthy)                                                                      harbor-ui
b6ebd3b6e381        vmware/clair-photon:v2.0.1-v1.5.0      "/docker-entrypoin..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours (healthy)   6060-6061/tcp                                                      clair
3d6c9108b564        vmware/redis-photon:v1.5.0             "docker-entrypoint..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours             6379/tcp                                                           redis
e96278accc6f        vmware/postgresql-photon:v1.5.0        "/entrypoint.sh po..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours (healthy)   5432/tcp                                                           clair-db
11592f2f6cef        vmware/registry-photon:v2.6.2-v1.5.0   "/entrypoint.sh se..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours (healthy)   5000/tcp                                                           registry
bf8b6a808fe7        vmware/harbor-adminserver:v1.5.0       "/harbor/start.sh"       2 hours ago         Up 2 hours (healthy)                                                                      harbor-adminserver
ea117c821aa8        vmware/harbor-db:v1.5.0                "/usr/local/bin/do..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours (healthy)   3306/tcp                                                           harbor-db
4ad88c87d579        vmware/harbor-log:v1.5.0               "/bin/sh -c /usr/l..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours (healthy)>10514/tcp                                          harbor-log

然后再Harbor UI中检查功能是否已经有漏洞扫描的相关界面了,包括配置界面里面也可以看到,你可以点击扫描,很幸运,它会告诉你:哇,没问题,一个漏洞也没有,很干净!


“Vulnerability database might not be fully ready”


注意: 因为是1.5.0版本的,所以Harbor还是用的Mysql数据库
,而Harbor 1.5.0版本的Clair是用的postgresql数据库,Harbor 1.6.0以后的版本则统一使用postgresql数据库了



[root@bogon harbor]# docker exec -it harbor-db /bin/bash
root [ / ]# mysql -h localhost -p -uroot
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 456
Server version: 10.2.14-MariaDB Source distributionCopyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.MariaDB [(none)]> show tables;
ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected
MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| registry           |
4 rows in set (0.55 sec)MariaDB [(none)]> use registry
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -ADatabase changed
MariaDB [registry]> show tables;
| Tables_in_registry            |
| access                        |
| access_log                    |
| alembic_version               |
| clair_vuln_timestamp          |
| harbor_label                  |
| harbor_resource_label         |
| img_scan_job                  |
| img_scan_overview             |
| project                       |
| project_member                |
| project_metadata              |
| properties                    |
| replication_immediate_trigger |
| replication_job               |
| replication_policy            |
| replication_target            |
| repository                    |
| role                          |
| user                          |
| user_group                    |
20 rows in set (0.01 sec)MariaDB [registry]> select * from clair_vuln_timestamp;
Empty set (0.12 sec)








Preparation 准备

A. You need to install an instance of Clair with internet connection. If you have another instance of Harbor with internet access, it also works.
A. 你需要安装一个带有互联网连接的Clair实例,如果你有另外一个可以联网的harbor实例的话,当然也是可以的。


$ mkdir $PWD/clair_config
$ curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/clair/master/config.yaml.sample -o $PWD/clair_config/config.yaml
$ docker run -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="" -p 5432:5432 postgres:9.6
$ docker run --net=host -d -p 6060-6061:6060-6061 -v $PWD/clair_config:/config quay.io/coreos/clair:latest -config=/config/config.yaml


[root@bogon harbor]# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS                                                              NAMES
8edb84178c89        quay.io/coreos/clair-git:latest              "/usr/bin/dumb-ini..."   2 hours ago         Exited (137) 2 hours ago                                                                       happy_montalcini


[root@bogon harbor]# docker logs 8edb84178c89
{"Event":"Could not extract package name and version from comment","Level":"warning","Location":"suse.go:396","Time":"2019-10-20 10:21:40.350470","comment":"hyper-v-7-7 is installed","error":"Cannot extract package name and version from hyper-v-7-7"}
{"Event":"could not determine a valid package from criterions","Level":"warning","Location":"suse.go:419","Time":"2019-10-20 10:21:40.350489","criterions":"[{SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 is installed} {hyper-v-7-7 is installed}]"}


[root@bogon harbor]# docker logs 1f876c2b02f7
{"Event":"running database migrations","Level":"info","Location":"pgsql.go:216","Time":"2019-10-20 10:36:18.713848"}
{"Event":"pgsql: an error occured while running migrations: migration 2 failed: pq: column \"parent_id\" does not exist","Level":"fatal","Location":"main.go:96","Time":"2019-10-20 10:36:18.731490"}

在GitHub issue中翻了翻,好像是说数据库不干净导致的,因为之前我在使用clair-git版本之前就已经安装了数据库,所以我就把这个pg容器先干掉,重新docker run拉起来,然后再拉起clair:latest容器即可。


B. Check whether your Clair instance has already updated the vulnerability database to the latest version. If it has not, wait for Clair to get the data from public endpoints.
B. 检查你的Clair实例是否已经更新了漏洞数据库到最新的版本,如果没有,等待Clair从公共节点中获取数据。

  • Use command docker ps to find out the container id of Clair.使用命令docker ps找出这个正在用的Clair容器(即下方的ef39b37cbb73)
docker ps
[root@bogon harbor]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                 PORTS                                                              NAMES
ef39b37cbb73        quay.io/coreos/clair:latest            "/clair -config=/c..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours                                                                                distracted_curran
7bb02fc793e9        postgres:9.6                           "docker-entrypoint..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours   >5432/tcp                                             agitated_kirch
  • Run command docker logs container_id to check the log of the Clair container. If you are using Harbor you can find the latest Clair log under /var/log/harbor/2017-xx-xx/clair.log 使用命令docker logs来检查Clair容器日志,如果你使用可以联网的Harbor实例的话则可以从这个文件夹下检查Clair的日志:/var/log/harbor/2017-xx-xx/clair.log (PS:我harbor 1.5的版本是统一在/var/log/harbor文件夹下没有按日期区分,如下所示,查看其中的clair.log即可:)
[root@bogon harbor]# pwd
[root@bogon harbor]# ll
总用量 11756
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000      61 10月 14 11:43 #015.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000      43 10月 14 11:43 Accept:.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000  933825 10月 20 21:06 adminserver.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000   14420 10月 20 19:48 clair-db.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000 4787144 10月 20 19:48 clair.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000      52 10月 14 11:43 Host:.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000   63811 10月 20 19:48 jobservice.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000      35 10月 10 17:30 _.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000   79281 10月 20 20:00 mysql.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000 1642362 10月 20 21:06 proxy.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000  967146 10月 20 21:02 redis.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000 2870674 10月 20 21:06 registry.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000  326855 10月 20 21:06 ui.log
-rw-r----- 1 10000 10000      55 10月 14 11:43 User-Agent:.log[root@bogon harbor]# cat clair.log|tail -n 100  |grep 'finished'
Oct 20 19:43:36 clair[14222]: {"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:227","Time":"2019-10-20 11:43:36.566392","updater name":"debian"}
Oct 20 19:43:46 clair[14222]: {"Event":"update finished","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:198","Time":"2019-10-20 11:43:46.198349"}
Oct 20 19:43:46 clair[14222]: {"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:227","Time":"2019-10-20 11:43:46.286040","updater name":"rhel"}
Oct 20 19:43:46 clair[14222]: {"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:227","Time":"2019-10-20 11:43:46.879641","updater name":"oracle"}
Oct 20 19:43:48 clair[14222]: {"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:227","Time":"2019-10-20 11:43:48.210510","updater name":"debian"}
Oct 20 19:43:59 clair[14222]: {"Event":"update finished","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:198","Time":"2019-10-20 11:43:59.626580"}

PS:这里其实可以看出,默认的harbor 1.5.0版本实例(即使带有互联网功能,它依然无法下载全所有的漏洞元数据,只下载了三个:debian, oracal, rhel,还有alpine和ubuntu失败了,原因是:

Oct 20 19:43:46 clair[14222]: {"Event":"could not pull Ubuntu repository","Level":"error","Location":"ubuntu.go:189","Time":"2019-10-20 11:43:46.391348","error":"exit status 3","output":"bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: \"/tmp/ubuntu-cve-tracker887025464/\".\n"}
Oct 20 19:43:46 clair[14222]: {"Event":"an error occured when fetching update","Level":"error","Location":"updater.go:220","Time":"2019-10-20 11:43:46.391457","error":"could not download requested resource","updater name":"ubuntu"}

这里说明下原因:Clair漏洞数据源已经不再支持bzr(版本控制工具)的方式,而是改用了git方式来做版本控制,导致Clair的bzr命令拉取失败,这里又是一个坑,参考:Clair cannot download Ubuntu CVEs anymore (56996),里面的原因说得很清楚:The updates for the known Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) are now provided in the git format where previously these were provided in the bzr format. 现在,已知的常见漏洞和披露(CVE)的更新以git格式提供,以前这些更新是以bzr格式提供的。



  • Look for logs that look like the below:查看日志如下所示:
Jul 3 20:40:46 clair[3516]: {"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:227","Time":"2017-07-04 03:40:46.768924","updater name":"alpine"}
Jul 3 20:40:47 clair[3516]: {"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:227","Time":"2017-07-04 03:40:47.190982","updater name":"oracle"}
Jul 3 20:41:07 clair[3516]: {"Event":"Debian buster is not mapped to any version number (eg. Jessie-\u003e8). Please update me.","Level":"warning","Location":"debian.go:128","Time":"2017-07-04 03:41:07.833720"}
Jul 3 20:41:07 clair[3516]: {"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:227","Time":"2017-07-04 03:41:07.833975","updater name":"debian"}
Jul 4 00:26:17 clair[3516]: {"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:227","Time":"2017-07-04 07:26:17.596986","updater name":"ubuntu"}
Jul 4 00:26:18 clair[3516]: {"Event":"adding metadata to vulnerabilities","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:253","Time":"2017-07-04 07:26:18.060810"}
Jul 4 00:38:05 clair[3516]: {"Event":"update finished","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:198","Time":"2017-07-04 07:38:05.251580"}

The phrase “finished fetching” indicates that Clair has finished a round of vulnerability update from an endpoint. Please make sure all five endpoints (rhel, alpine, oracle, debian, ubuntu) are updated correctly.
其中 “finished fetching” 表示Clair已经完成了从一个公开节点漏洞数据的更新,请确保所有5个节点(rhel, alpine, oracle, debian, ubuntu)都已经正确更新完成。


[root@bogon harbor]# docker logs ef39b37cbb73|grep 'finished'
{"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:253","Time":"2019-10-20 10:47:44.794085","updater name":"alpine"}
{"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:253","Time":"2019-10-20 10:47:46.352260","updater name":"debian"}
{"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:253","Time":"2019-10-20 10:49:52.513690","updater name":"ubuntu"}
{"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:253","Time":"2019-10-20 11:02:42.302675","updater name":"oracle"}
{"Event":"finished fetching","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:253","Time":"2019-10-20 11:03:54.541151","updater name":"rhel"}
{"Event":"update finished","Level":"info","Location":"updater.go:223","Time":"2019-10-20 11:15:48.724593"}
对于Harbor 1.6以下版本(本篇关注)


Dumping vulnerability data 导出数据

Log in to the host (that is connected to Internet) where Clair database (Postgres) is running.

Dump Clair’s vulnerability database by the following commands, two files (vulnerability.sql and clear.sql) are generated:
通过以上的命令导出Clair的漏洞元数据库,会生成以下两个文件(vulnerability.sql and clear.sql)

$ docker exec clair-db /bin/bash -c  "pg_dump -U postgres -a -t feature -t keyvalue -t namespace -t schema_migrations -t vulnerability -t vulnerability_fixedin_feature" > vulnerability.sql
$ docker exec clair-db /bin/bash -c "pg_dump -U postgres -c -s" > clear.sql

PS:以上命令中的clair-db容器就是自己的Clair实例所用的Pg数据库容器名称,如果之前docker run的时候没有给这个容器专门命名为clair-db的话可能不叫这个名字,根据自己的实际环境填写即可(harbor中集成的Clair所用的db名称就是clair-db)


[root@bogon lanjian]# docker exec -it 7bb02fc793e9 /bin/bash
root@7bb02fc793e9:/# su postgres
postgres@7bb02fc793e9:/$ psql
psql (9.6.15)
Type "help" for help.postgres=# \lList of databasesName    |  Owner   | Encoding |  Collate   |   Ctype    |   Access privileges
postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
template0 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/postgres          +|          |          |            |            | postgres=CTc/postgres
template1 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/postgres          +|          |          |            |            | postgres=CTc/postgres
(3 rows)
postgres=# \dList of relations
Schema |                    Name                     |   Type   |  Owner
public | feature                                     | table    | postgres
public | feature_id_seq                              | sequence | postgres
public | featureversion                              | table    | postgres
public | featureversion_id_seq                       | sequence | postgres
public | keyvalue                                    | table    | postgres
public | keyvalue_id_seq                             | sequence | postgres
public | layer                                       | table    | postgres
public | layer_diff_featureversion                   | table    | postgres
public | layer_diff_featureversion_id_seq            | sequence | postgres
public | layer_id_seq                                | sequence | postgres
public | lock                                        | table    | postgres
public | lock_id_seq                                 | sequence | postgres
public | namespace                                   | table    | postgres
public | namespace_id_seq                            | sequence | postgres
public | schema_migrations                           | table    | postgres
public | vulnerability                               | table    | postgres
public | vulnerability_affects_featureversion        | table    | postgres
public | vulnerability_affects_featureversion_id_seq | sequence | postgres
public | vulnerability_fixedin_feature               | table    | postgres
public | vulnerability_fixedin_feature_id_seq        | sequence | postgres
public | vulnerability_id_seq                        | sequence | postgres
public | vulnerability_notification                  | table    | postgres
public | vulnerability_notification_id_seq           | sequence | postgres
(23 rows)

这次我们要导出的数据表有feature、keyvalue 、namespace 、schema_migrations、vulnerability、vulnerability_fixedin_feature以及表结构整体

postgres=# \d featureTable "public.feature"Column    |          Type          |                      Modifiers
id           | integer                | not null default nextval('feature_id_seq'::regclass)
namespace_id | integer                | not null
name         | character varying(128) | not null
Indexes:"feature_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)"feature_namespace_id_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (namespace_id, name)
Foreign-key constraints:"feature_namespace_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (namespace_id) REFERENCES namespace(id)
Referenced by:TABLE "featureversion" CONSTRAINT "featureversion_feature_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (feature_id) REFERENCES feature(id)TABLE "vulnerability_fixedin_feature" CONSTRAINT "vulnerability_fixedin_feature_feature_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (feature_id) REFERENCES feature(id)
Back up Harbor’s Clair database备份Harbor的Clair数据库

Before importing the data, it is strongly recommended to back up the Clair database in Harbor.

 $ docker exec clair-db /bin/bash -c  "pg_dump -U postgres -c" > all.sql
Update Harbor’s Clair databas 更新Harbor的Clair数据库

Copy the vulnerability.sql and clear.sql to the host where Harbor is running on. Run the below commands to import the data to Harbor’s Clair database:
拷贝vulnerability.sql 和 clear.sql这两个文件到Harbor运行的服务器,执行如下命令导入到harbor的Clair数据库中:

$ docker exec -i clair-db psql -U postgres < clear.sql
$ docker exec -i clair-db psql -U postgres < vulnerability.sql
Rescanning images重新扫描镜像

After importing the data, trigger the scanning process in the administrator’s web UI: Administration->Configuration->Vulnerability->SCAN NOW. Harbor reflects the new changes after the scanning is completed. (Otherwise the summary of the image vulnerabilities will not be displayed correctly.)
完成数据导入后,在harbor ui界面中触发扫描进程:系统管理–》配置管理–》漏洞–》开始扫描。扫描完成后Harbor界面中可以看到一些新的提示(否则镜像的漏洞扫描总结就不会准确的展示)



对于Harbor 1.6以上版本

Databased were consolidated in version 1.6 which moved the clair database to the harbor-db container and removed the clair-db container.


 $ docker exec -i harbor-db psql -U postgres < clear.sql$ docker exec -i harbor-db psql -U postgres < vulnerability.sql


  1. Harbor UI shows a warning “Vulnerability database might not be fully ready” (65192),官方VMware Knowledge Base
  2. 安装harbor1.6 企业级镜像仓库,作者:bdslinux
  3. Harbor 完全定制手册 – 制作一个更好用的registry,作者:jagjag
  4. Harbor仓库镜像扫描原理,作者:君无止境
  5. 安全防护工具之:Clair,作者: liumiaocn
  6. 安全工具:无疾而终的clairctl,作者:liumiaocn
  7. 【Docker】镜像安全扫描工具clair与clairctl,作者:SunAlwaysOnline
  8. docker基础:私库系列:再探Harbor:(5)集成clair,作者:liumiaocn
    上面两篇介绍clair文章的作者写的harbor集成clair的介绍文章 ,可以了解下


  1. Harbor集成Clair镜像安全扫描原理探知

    上一篇文章中我们简单了解了Harbor集成Clair的安装方案及内网模式下CVE漏洞数据的手动导入功能.本篇文章,我们再梳理下漏洞扫描的具体原理和实现. 关于clair Clair是CoreOS 20 ...

  2. Clair镜像安全扫描工具

    本文主要描述Clair的部署内容 Install:首先要下载好需要的镜像等文件 # Clone the repo git clone git@github.com:arminc/clair-scann ...

  3. 【Docker】镜像安全扫描工具clair与clairctl

    镜像扫描结构图 方式2的具体操作步骤 clair是什么? clair是一个开源项目,用于静态分析appc和docker容器中的漏洞. 漏洞元数据从一组已知的源连续导入,并与容器映像的索引内容相关联,以 ...

  4. 76%都存在漏洞?!Docker镜像安全扫描应该这样做

    在之前的文章<从自身漏洞与架构缺陷,谈Docker安全建设>中,我们介绍了Docker存在的安全问题.整套Docker应用架构的安全基线以及安全规则,重头戏是Docker安全规则的各种思路 ...

  5. 使用clair镜像扫描

    文章目录 目的 安装clair 使用clair扫描镜像 Usage 使用docker镜像的klar扫描 镜像作为drone插件执行 目的 执行镜像扫描,扫描镜像仓库的镜像,生成报告 安装clair 操 ...

  6. Harbor集成clair-镜像各层安全扫描工具

    Harbor:集成clair Clair是CoreOS提供的一款根据CVE的信息确认镜像各层安全状况的开源工具,harbor集成了clair到其功能之中,这也是和其他同类工具相比一个突出的亮点,而在其 ...

  7. docker基础:私库系列:再探Harbor:(5)集成clair

    Clair是CoreOS提供的一款根据CVE的信息确认镜像各层安全状况的开源工具,harbor集成了clair到其功能之中,这也是和其他同类工具相比一个突出的亮点,而在其集成的实现中,首先clair的 ...

  8. 【Docker】clair镜像扫描的实现

    clair镜像扫描的实现 一.前言 clair扫描的相关基础请先移步我的另外一篇文章镜像安全扫描工具clair与clairctl 这次我们采用clair api方式的扫描,基本思路是 打包镜像 解压t ...

  9. 镜像安全扫描建设指南-管理员篇

    0x00 产品介绍 Trivy是一种适用于CI的简单而全面的容器漏洞扫描程序.软件漏洞是指软件或操作系统中存在的故障.缺陷或弱点. Trivy检测操作系统包(Alpine.RHEL.CentOS等)和 ...


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