
Google has long been rumored to be working on an operating system to compete with Microsoft’s Windows. When they launched their browser product, Chrome, in September,

we noted that it essentially was Google’s operating system — a UI for the OS that the web is becoming. “If the web is the operating system of the future, as many contend, a browser designed specifically with running web applications in mind will be hugely important and potentially have an advantage over other players,” we wrote.

我们注意到它实质上 Google的操作系统,即Web即将成为操作系统的UI。 我们写道:“如许多人所说,如果网络是未来的操作系统,那么专门为运行网络应用程序而设计的浏览器将非常重要,并且可能比其他播放器更具优势。”

Now, tiny Emeryville, California-based Good OS, has taken the browser-as-OS idea a bit further with the announcement of their latest operating system, dubbed “Cloud.” Good OS is most famous for the gOS, a Linux distribution that debuted last year on the Everex gPC, a $199 computer sold at Wal-Mart. gOS is a slimmed down version of Linux that is made to specifically play nice with web applications and web-centric apps like Google Calendar, Docs, Gmail, Skype, YouTube, and Firefox.

现在,总部位于加利福尼亚州埃默里维尔的小型好操作系统(Good OS)通过发布其最新操作系统“ Cloud ”,进一步推动了浏览器即操作系统的构想。 良好的操作系统以gOS最著名,gOS是去年在Everex gPC上首次亮相的Linux发行版,Everex gPC是在沃尔玛出售的199美元计算机。 gOS是Linux的精简版,专为与Web应用程序和以Web为中心的应用程序(如Google日历,文档,Gmail,Skype,YouTube和Firefox)配合使用而设计。

The new Cloud OS product, which was announced today at the Netbook World Summit in Paris, France, is specifically designed for netbooks and nettop computers. Cloud boots “in seconds” into a browser that is specifically designed to make access to cloud based applications, like Google’s suite of web apps, quick and easy via a built-in Mac OS X-like dock that has been added to the browser. Notice that the browser looks a lot like Google Chrome, which is open source. That seems unlikely to be a coincidence.

新的Cloud OS产品今天在法国巴黎的上网本世界峰会上宣布,是专门为上网本和上网本计算机设计的。 云可在几秒钟之内启动到浏览器中,该浏览器专门设计用于通过已添加到浏览器中的类似于Mac OS X的内置扩展坞,快速,轻松地访问基于云的应用程序,例如Google的Web应用程序套件。 请注意,该浏览器看起来很像开源的Google Chrome。 这似乎不太可能是巧合。

Because Cloud integrates a browser with a compressed Linux kernel, users can also load other applications, such as Skype. The OS can be installed alongside Windows or another Linux distribution, and users can switch between them. Cloud’s footprint is a tiny 35MB and can boot from a thumb drive or CD. According to the web site it “does not require additional hardware and is compatible with any operating system.”

由于Cloud将浏览器与压缩的Linux内核集成在一起,因此用户还可以加载其他应用程序,例如Skype。 该操作系统可以与Windows或其他Linux发行版一起安装,用户可以在它们之间进行切换。 云的占用空间仅为35MB,可以从拇指驱动器或CD引导。 根据该网站,它“不需要额外的硬件,并且与任何操作系统兼容。”

Good OS founder and CEO David Liu said Cloud was his “favorite gOS product yet.”

优秀的OS创始人兼首席执行官David Liu表示,Cloud是他“最喜欢的gOS产品”。

It will find its way onto GIGABYTE Touch-Screen Netbooks early next year, along with Windows XP. Those machines are expected to debut at CES in January.

明年年初,它将与Windows XP一起应用于技嘉触摸屏上网本。 这些机器有望在一月份的CES上首次亮相。




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