
If you have a compatible phone, Google’s Daydream is arguably the best cheap way to access VR. It’s also the most intuitive solution that doesn’t require shelling out hundreds of dollars, thanks to the convenience of a compatible controller.

如果您拥有兼容的手机,那么可以说Google的Daydream是访问VR的最佳廉价方式。 由于兼容控制器的便利性,它也是最直观的解决方案,不需要花费数百美元。

Unfortunately, issues can always arise, and there’s a fairly common one with Daydream View: the controller won’t update properly. It should only take a few minutes (at most) to update the controller, but sometimes it will end up hanging somewhere in the process, and it’ll continue to do so every time you try to apply the update. Here are a few potential fixes.

不幸的是,总是会出现问题,并且Daydream View中有一个相当普遍的问题:控制器无法正确更新。 最多只需几分钟即可更新控制器,但有时它最终会挂在进程中的某个位置,并且每次尝试应用更新时都会继续这样做。 这是一些潜在的修复程序。

解决方案一:关闭Google VR服务(首先尝试) (Solution One: Close Google VR Services (Try This First))

First, jump into your device’s Settings menu. Pull down the notification shade and tap the cog icon. It’s worth noting I’m using a Pixel XL here, so my screens may look slightly different than yours.

首先,跳至设备的“设置”菜单。 下拉通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标。 值得注意的是,我在这里使用Pixel XL,所以我的屏幕可能与您的屏幕略有不同。

From here, scroll down to Apps and tap into that menu.


Once you’re in Apps, you’ll need to tap the three-dot overflow button in the top right corner, then select “Show System.” This will not only show apps you’ve installed in the list, but also system apps, which you’ll need to access in order to fix the controller issue.

进入Apps后,您需要点击右上角的三点溢出按钮,然后选择“显示系统”。 这不仅会显示您已在列表中安装的应用程序,还会显示您需要访问以修复控制器问题的系统应用程序。

Give everything a second to load, then scroll through until you find “Google VR Services.” Tap that.

花点时间加载所有内容,然后滚动浏览,直到找到“ Google VR Services”。 点一下

Since this is a system app, you can’t uninstall it (not that you’d want to), but you can essentially kill it by tapping the Force Stop button. Go ahead and do that.

由于这是一个系统应用程序,因此您无法卸载它(不是您想要的),但是实际上您可以通过点击“强制停止”按钮将其杀死。 继续做吧。

A warning will pop up here telling you that the app may misbehave, which is fine. It’s already misbehaving. Tap OK.

将会在此处弹出警告,告知您该应用程序可能行为不正常,这很好。 它已经表现异常。 点击确定。

With the app effectively shut down, go ahead and place your phone back on the Daydream View. This should automatically re-open the Daydream app (and thus, VR Services).

在应用有效关闭的情况下,继续将手机放回Daydream视图。 这将自动重新打开Daydream应用程序(从而打开VR Services)。

After you re-connect the controller, you should be prompted to try installing the update again. Everything should work perfectly this time.

重新连接控制器后,系统将提示您再次尝试安装更新。 这次一切都应该正常运行。

解决方案二:重新开始(如果解决方案一不起作用) (Solution Two: Start Over Fresh (If Solution One Didn’t Work))

If you’re still having issues updating the Daydream controller, you’ll have to start over from scratch. It’s unfortunate, but it really doesn’t take that long and will save you a ton of headache.

如果在更新Daydream控制器时仍然遇到问题,则必须从头开始。 这是不幸的,但它确实没有花那么长,并会为你节省大量的头痛。

Go ahead and jump back into the Settings > Apps menu, then un-hide system apps again.


Scroll down and find Google VR Services, and tap it.

向下滚动并找到Google VR服务,然后点按它。

This time, instead of just Force Closing the app, we’re clear all of the data associated with the app, essentially making it as if you’ve never used it in the first place. Tap the “Storage” option to get started with that.

这次,我们不仅清除了强制关闭应用程序,还清除了与该应用程序关联的所有数据,从本质上来说,好像您从未使用过它一样。 点击“存储”选项以开始使用。

On this screen, tap “Clear Data.” This will delete all details associated with the app, including cache. Tap “OK” at the prompt.

在此屏幕上,点击“清除数据”。 这将删除与该应用程序关联的所有详细信息,包括缓存。 在提示时点击“确定”。

At this point, I would also jump into Bluetooth settings and unpair the Daydream controller. Find its entry in the Bluetooth menu, tap the cog icon, then “Forget.”

在这一点上,我还将跳入蓝牙设置并取消对Daydream控制器的配对。 在蓝牙菜单中找到其条目,点击齿轮图标,然后点击“忘记”。

Now, I’d highly recommend restarting your phone, though it may not technically be necessary. However, sometimes the controller will try to re-connect to the phone (despite the fact that you’ve unpaired it), and it won’t be able to re-pair with the phone. Bluetooth is a janky, janky thing, you guys.

现在,我强烈建议您重启手机,尽管从技术上讲这可能不是必需的。 但是,有时控制器会尝试重新连接至手机(尽管您已将其取消配对),但无法与手机重新配对。 蓝牙,是一件令人讨厌的事情,各位。

Once the phone is back up and running, go ahead and drop it onto the Daydream View, which will start the whole set up process again. Since you’re basically starting with a clean slate, everything should work perfectly this time.

手机恢复正常运行后,继续将其放到Daydream View中,这将再次开始整个设置过程 。 由于您基本上是从一个干净的开始,因此这次一切都应该正常运行。



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