

populous[ˈpɑ:pjələs]  adj.人口稠密的;人口众多的

scarce [skers] adj.缺乏的,罕见的

underpriced/,ʌndɚ'praɪst/ v. 作价低估;被低估;价格偏低(underprice的过去式,过去分词)

tracking[ˈtrækɪŋ] n.跟踪 v.跟踪( track的现在分词 )

congestion[kənˈdʒestʃən]  n.阻塞;充血;拥挤,堵车;

Dystopia [dɪsˈtoʊpiə]  n.异位;非理想化的地方;

Subsidise[səb'sɪdaɪs]  vt.津贴或补贴,资助或补助

Municipal[mjuˈnɪsəpəl] adj.市的,市政的;地方自治的;

Ration[ˈræʃən, ˈreʃən]  n.定量;配给量;正常量 vt.限量供应,配给供应;

ineradicable[ˌɪnɪˈrædɪkəbəl]  adj. 不能根除的,根深蒂固的

first-come-first-served ['fɜ:stk'ʌmf'ɜ:sts'ɜ:vd] 先到先服务


1.make living 谋生

2.paying for 支付;偿还

3.pop into 匆忙走进

4.take over 接管

5.in the past 过去

6.rather than 宁愿;而不是...

7.private enterprises 私人企业




But reductions in traffic will make living in currently congested areas more attractive and hence morepopulous.

Miles travelled per person might also rise, since self-driving technology frees passengers to use travel time for work or sleep.

And just as new highways prompt a rise in transport-intensive business, driverless vehicles could generate lots of new road-using activity.

Where now a worker might pop into the coffee shop before going to work, for example, a latte might soon be delivered in a driverless vehicle.

The technology of driverless cars may make us safer and more productive, but not necessarily lesstraffic-bound.

It might, however, improve traffic by making it easier, politically, to imposetolls on roads.

Jams occur because a scarce resource, the road, is underpriced, so more people drive than it can accommodate.

But tolls could favour use of the roadway by those who value it most.

Some places already use such charges—London and Singapore areexamples—but they are rarely popular.

Some drivers balkat paying for what they once got for nothing, and others are uneasy about the tracking of private vehicles that efficient pricing requires.

People seem not to object to paying by the mile when they are bring driven—by taxis and services like Uber and Lyft—and the driverless programmes now being tested by Waymo and GMfollow this model.

If a driverless world is one in which people generally buy rides rather than cars, then not only might fewer unnecessary journeys be made, but also political resistance to road-pricing could ease, and congestion with it.

That might lead to a different kind of dystopia (also with historical antecedents): one in which fast, functional transport is available only to those who can pay.

Luckily, history also suggests a solution: mass transit.

Ride-hailing services might introduce multi-passenger vehicles and split travel costs across riders (they could call them “buses”).

Or, as Daniel Rauch and David Schleicher of Yale University argue, governments might instead co-optthe new transport ecosystem for their own purposes.

They might subsidise the travel of low-income workers, or take over such systems entirely (a common fate for mass-transit systems which begin life as private enterprises, including the NewYork subway).

Municipal networks of driverless cars might prove less efficient than private ones, particularly if cars are rationed on a first-come-first-served basis rather than by price.

But in the past city governments have felt that providing equal-opportunity access to centres of economic activity was worth the cost.

Should congestion prove ineradicablein a driverless world, people will continue to hope for technological solutions, like the long-promised flying cars.

While we wait for that—and the clotted skyways that would soon follow—governments would be wise to keep their underground systems in good working order.


But reductions in traffic will make living in currently congested areas more attractive and hence more populous.


Miles travelled per person might also rise, since self-driving technology frees passengers to use travel time for work or sleep.


And just as new highways prompt a rise in transport-intensive business, driverless vehicles could generate lots of new road-using activity.


Where now a worker might pop into the coffee shop before going to work, for example, a latte might soon be delivered in a driverless vehicle.


The technology of driverless cars may make us safer and more productive, but not necessarily less traffic-bound.


It might, however, improve traffic by making it easier, politically, to impose tolls on roads.


Jams occur because a scarce resource, the road, is underpriced, so more people drive than it can accommodate.


But tolls could favour use of the roadway by those who value it most.


Some places already use such charges—London and Singapore are examples—but they are rarely popular.


Some drivers balk at paying for what they once got for nothing, and others are uneasy about the tracking of private vehicles that efficient pricing requires.


People seem not to object to paying by the mile when they are bring driven—by taxis and services like Uber and Lyft—and the driverless programmes now being tested by Waymo and GMfollow this model.


populous[ˈpɑ:pjələs]  adj.人口稠密的;人口众多的

scarce [skers] adj.缺乏的,罕见的

underpriced/,ʌndɚ'praɪst/ v. 作价低估;被低估;价格偏低(underprice的过去式,过去分词)

tracking[ˈtrækɪŋ] n.跟踪 v.跟踪( track的现在分词 )

If a driverless world is one in which people generally buy rides rather than cars, then not only might fewer unnecessary journeys be made, but also political resistance to road-pricing could ease, and congestion with it.


That might lead to a different kind of dystopia (also with historical antecedents): one in which fast, functional transport is available only to those who can pay.


Luckily, history also suggests a solution: mass transit.


Ride-hailing services might introduce multi-passenger vehicles and split travel costs across riders (they could call them “buses”).


Or, as Daniel Rauch and David Schleicher of Yale University argue, governments might instead co-optthe new transport ecosystem for their own purposes.


They might subsidise the travel of low-income workers, or take over such systems entirely (a common fate for mass-transit systems which begin life as private enterprises, including the NewYork subway).


Municipal networks of driverless cars might prove less efficient than private ones, particularly if cars are rationed on a first-come-first-served basis rather than by price.


But in the past city governments have felt that providing equal-opportunity access to centres of economic activity was worth the cost.


Should congestion prove ineradicable in a driverless world, people will continue to hope for technological solutions, like the long-promised flying cars.


While we wait for that—and the clotted skyways that would soon follow—governments would be wise to keep their underground systems in good working order.


congestion[kənˈdʒestʃən]  n.阻塞;充血;拥挤,堵车;

Dystopia [dɪsˈtoʊpiə]  n.异位;非理想化的地方;

Subsidise[səb'sɪdaɪs]  vt.给…津贴或补贴,资助或补助…

Municipal[mjuˈnɪsəpəl] adj.市的,市政的;地方自治的;

Ration[ˈræʃən, ˈreʃən]  n.定量;配给量;正常量 vt.限量供应,配给供应;

ineradicable[ˌɪnɪˈrædɪkəbəl]  adj. 不能根除的,根深蒂固的

first-come-first-served ['fɜ:stk'ʌmf'ɜ:sts'ɜ:vd] 先到先服务

1.make living 谋生

2.paying for 支付;偿还

3.pop into 匆忙走进

4.take over 接管

5.in the past 过去

6.rather than 宁愿;而不是...

7.private enterprises 私人企业




But reductions in traffic will make living in currently congested areas more attractive and hence more populous.


Miles travelled per person might also rise, since self-driving technology frees passengers to use travel time for work or sleep.


And just as new highways prompt a rise in transport-intensive business, driverless vehicles could generate lots of new road-using activity.


Where now a worker might pop into the coffee shop before going to work, for example, a latte might soon be delivered in a driverless vehicle.


The technology of driverless cars may make us safer and more productive, but not necessarily less traffic-bound.


It might, however, improve traffic by making it easier, politically, to impose tolls on roads.


Jams occur because a scarce resource, the road, is underpriced, so more people drive than it can accommodate.


But tolls could favour use of the roadway by those who value it most.


Some places already use such charges—London and Singapore are examples—but they are rarely popular.


Some drivers balk at paying for what they once got for nothing, and others are uneasy about the tracking of private vehicles that efficient pricing requires.


People seem not to object to paying by the mile when they are bring driven—by taxis and services like Uber and Lyft—and the driverless programmes now being tested by Waymo and GMfollow this model.


If a driverless world is one in which people generally buy rides rather than cars, then not only might fewer unnecessary journeys be made, but also political resistance to road-pricing could ease, and congestion with it.


That might lead to a different kind of dystopia (also with historical antecedents): one in which fast, functional transport is available only to those who can pay.


Luckily, history also suggests a solution: mass transit.


Ride-hailing services might introduce multi-passenger vehicles and split travel costs across riders (they could call them “buses”).


Or, as Daniel Rauch and David Schleicher of Yale University argue, governments might instead co-optthe new transport ecosystem for their own purposes.


They might subsidise the travel of low-income workers, or take over such systems entirely (a common fate for mass-transit systems which begin life as private enterprises, including the NewYork subway).


Municipal networks of driverless cars might prove less efficient than private ones, particularly if cars are rationed on a first-come-first-served basis rather than by price.


But in the past city governments have felt that providing equal-opportunity access to centres of economic activity was worth the cost.


Should congestion prove ineradicable in a driverless world, people will continue to hope for technological solutions, like the long-promised flying cars.


While we wait for that—and the clotted skyways that would soon follow—governments would be wise to keep their underground systems in good working order.



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