
I’ve spent more than three years trekking around the globe talking about CSS Grid Layout. Invariably while I’m on stage, someone will tweet something like, “well it sounds great – but it’s only implemented in Internet Explorer”. Where they get this information from is the Can I Use website, which correctly lists IE as the only browser offering support.

我花了三年多的时间在全球范围内谈论CSS网格布局。 在我上台的过程中,总会有人在推特上说:“听起来不错-但只能在Internet Explorer中实现”。 他们从那里获得此信息的是“ 我可以使用”网站,该网站正确地将IE列为唯一提供支持的浏览器。

As regular readers of my grid ramblings will be aware, the IE and Edge implementation is outdated. It is based upon the initial version of the specification. However, pretty much all of the examples I show on stage and those listed on my site Grid By Example work in Firefox (Nightlies, Developer Edition or by enabling a flag in regular Firefox), Chrome (behind a flag), Opera (behind a flag), WebKit Nightlies and Safari Developer Preview.

经常阅读有关网格问题的读者会知道,IE和Edge的实现已过时。 它基于规范的初始版本。 但是,我在舞台上显示的所有示例以及我的网站Grid By Example上列出的所有示例几乎都可以在Firefox(Nightlies,Developer Edition或通过在常规Firefox中启用标记),Chrome(在标记之后),Opera(在标志),WebKit Nightlies和Safari Developer Preview。

It has been possible to test and experiment with big chunks of the Grid Layout specification for over two years. Grid is massively important in terms of front end web development. Along with Flexbox, it gives us for the very first time a layout method for the web which has been designed for the realities of the sort of stuff we need to build. Yet, until very recently I have felt like the lone voice in the wilderness talking about this stuff.

两年多来,可以测试和试验Grid Layout规范的大部分内容。 在前端Web开发方面,网格非常重要。 与Flexbox一起,它首次为我们提供了一种针对Web的布局方法,该方法是针对我们需要构建的东西的现实而设计的。 但是,直到最近,我才感觉到像是在旷野里谈论这些东西的孤独的声音。

浏览器标志v。供应商前缀 (Browser flags v. Vendor Prefixes)

Commenters failing to understand browser flags https://t.co/5LHqIpSxkv pic.twitter.com/zz10T0ld69

— Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) May 7, 2016

评论者无法理解浏览器标志https://t.co/5LHqIpSxkv pic.twitter.com/zz10T0ld69

—雷切尔·安德鲁(@rachelandrew) 2016年5月7日

Vendor Prefixes were created as a way to get early stage implementations out to authors, to let us play with new features in a sandboxed way. The problem was that instead of using them for experimental stuff we started using them in production and getting all upset when the spec changed, leaving sites broken. Their success in terms of getting things into our hands ultimately heralded their demise.

供应商前缀的创建是为了向作者提供早期实施,从而让我们以沙盒方式使用新功能。 问题是,我们开始在生产中使用它们,而不是将它们用于实验性材料,并且在规格更改时变得不高兴,从而使站点损坏。 他们成功地将事情交到我们手中,预示着他们的灭亡。

In the last couple of weeks WebKit have announced they they will no longer be prefixing, and instead moving to exposing experimental features behind browser flags. Vendor Prefixes are dead but with them mass author involvement in early stage specifications. The history of Grid shows that it is incredibly difficult to get people to do enough work to give helpful feedback with something they can’t use – even a little bit – in production.

在过去的几周中, WebKit宣布将不再添加前缀 ,而是转向在浏览器标志后面公开实验性功能。 供应商前缀已死,但大量作者参与了早期规范。 Grid的历史表明,要使人们做足够的工作来提供有用的反馈,这对于他们在生产中无法使用的东西(甚至一点点)是非常困难的。

I firmly believe Grid is better for being developed behind a flag. You only need to compare the history of Flexbox with that of Grid to see how changes to the flexbox specification have confused and infuriated developers, where Grid has been through major changes without causing anyone (other than those implementing it in browsers) any headaches. That process is still happening now.

我坚信Grid更适合在旗帜下进行开发。 您只需要比较Flexbox和Grid的历史,就可以了解对Flexbox规范的更改如何使开发人员感到困惑和愤怒,因为Grid经历了重大更改而没有引起任何人(除了那些在浏览器中实现它的人)任何麻烦。 该过程现在仍在进行。

However I want more author inclusion in spec development. We are the people who use these specifications. They need to work for the things we build and will want to build in the future. Therefore I’m pleased to see efforts being made to find a middle ground. Chrome 51 will enable a framework for limited testing of experimental features via the Origin Trials Framework. You can read more about the thinking behind this in Alex Russell’s post Doing Science on the Web. This is a new endeavour, but one which at least recognises there is a problem and seeks to find a solution.

但是我希望更多的作者参与规范开发。 我们就是使用这些规范的人。 他们需要为我们构建的东西而努力,并希望在将来构建。 因此,我很高兴看到正在努力寻找中间立场。 Chrome 51将通过Origin Trials Framework启用一个框架,以进行有限的实验功能测试。 您可以在Alex Russell的文章Doing Science on the Web中阅读有关此思想的更多信息。 这是一项新的尝试,但至少要意识到存在问题并寻求解决方案。

开放的浏览器实现 (Browser implementations in the open)

There has never been a better time to see what is coming soon in browsers. Browser vendors have opened up their processes with public roadmaps and developer editions – giving you a safe way to play with new things without causing instability in your primary browser.

从来没有比现在更好的时间来查看浏览器即将推出的功能。 浏览器供应商已通过公开路线图和开发人员版本开放了他们的流程,从而为您提供了一种安全的方法来玩新事物,而不会引起主浏览器的不稳定。

Browser vendors are working together on features and interoperability, and this stuff is happening in software we can get our hands on and play with. You don’t need to have special access to download one of these browsers, see how things you care about are changing and log bugs if you find something bad happening.

浏览器供应商正在就功能和互操作性进行合作,并且这些东西正在我们可以使用并使用的软件中发生。 您不需要特别的权限就可以下载这些浏览器之一,无需担心会发生什么事情,就可以查看自己关心的事情如何变化并记录错误。

Google have announced that new web platform features will be discussed through the Web Incubation Community Group. You can join, see what is listed on GitHub, and join the discussion.

谷歌宣布将通过网络孵化社区组讨论新的网络平台功能 。 您可以加入 ,查看GitHub上列出的内容,然后加入讨论 。

规范参与 (Specification participation)

Yesterday the CSS Working Group voted to move specification issues and technical discussion to GitHub. No longer will finding out what has already been raised and discussed mean searching through a mailing list archive. You’ll be able to track and contribute to discussion using the tools you already use day to day. It should be far easier to keep track of the specifications that interest you without being hit with the firehose of www-style.

昨天, CSS工作组投票通过将规范问题和技术讨论移至GitHub 。 不再需要找出已经提出和讨论的内容,这意味着通过邮件列表档案进行搜索。 您将能够使用日常使用的工具来跟踪讨论并为讨论做贡献。 跟踪感兴趣的规格应该容易得多,而又不会被www-style的束缚所困扰。

The specifications are coming to the place that we are, using a format we already work with. This is a huge step forward.

规范已经使用我们已经使用的格式到达了我们的位置。 这是向前迈出的一大步。

交给我们。 (Over to us.)

Moving the web forward is hard, it involves lots of people and companies, and there are different ideas from these players in terms of how things should move forward. However if we don’t participate when ways to participate are offered, we can’t really complain about what happens.

推动网络前进非常困难,它涉及很多人和公司,并且就如何向前发展,这些参与者有不同的想法。 但是,如果在提供参与方式时我们不参与,我们就不会真正抱怨会发生什么。

Our browsers are more open than they ever have been. We are being offered ways to explore and play with experimental features. Our specifications are coming out to the places we already are. Take advantage of this. Your future self will thank you.

我们的浏览器比以往任何时候都更加开放。 提供给我们探索和体验实验性功能的方法。 我们的规格即将发布到我们已经存在的地方。 利用这一点。 您未来的自我会感谢您。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2016/05/11/being-where-the-people-are/




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