The government halted demonstrations at foreign embassies to avoid internal stife.

I had to use a cane for several weeks to take pressure off injured leg.

The light values will vary due to ambient light from other sources.

It has a propeller, but no wings.

Reveal your style the way to deem fit.

New York was home to much of the early agitation before the revolution.

Look at the following section.

We live in an age of new technologies.

Are you for or against my idea?

You can say anyting you want.

We have to complete the project within a month.

The main access to the building is at the back.

Alaska is the biggest state in the US.

You simply must read this review.

Will you be able to come?


  1. 5000词学英语——DAY1

    5000词学英语--DAY1 The online course is meant for intermediate and advanced developers. 在线课程是针对中高级的开发者. ...

  2. 5000词学英语——DAY7

    I'll meet you at half past five. 我们五点办见. My office is just above yours. 我的办公室在你楼上. The temperature i ...

  3. 5000词学英语——DAY9

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 享受你剩余的周末时光. The light value vary due to ambient light from sources. ...

  4. 5000词学英语——DAY8

    In addition to traditional media, a librarian also deals with digitized content. 除了传统的媒介之外,图书馆里也需要处理 ...

  5. 5000词学英语——DAY4

    The olive tree traditionally represents peace. 橄榄树传统上象征着和平. Compare the molecular structure of the t ...

  6. 5000词学英语——DAY10

    Pubications from this period are not covered by copyright protecction. 从这个时期起的出版不受版权保护. I didn't lik ...

  7. 5000词学英语——DAY3

    The essence of the matter wasn't addressed in the brainstorming session. 问题的本质在头脑风暴环节并未得到处理. She goe ...

  8. 5000词学英语——DAY6

    We all make mistake–we are only human. 我们都会犯错--我们只是凡人. I like your new post about food. 我喜欢你新发表的文章. ...

  9. 5000词学英语——DAY2

    He was instrumental in helping them reach a compromise. 他在帮他们达成妥协方面起了作用. You have the right to an at ...


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