

Lexicographically Minimum Walk

                             time limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test1024 megabytesinput standard inputoutput standard output

problem descride

There is a directed graph G with N nodes and M edges. Each node is numbered 1 through N, and each edge is numbered 1 through M. For each i (1≤i≤M) , edge i goes from vertex ui_{i}i​ to vertex vi_{i}i​ and has a unique color ci_{i}i​ .

A walk is defined as a sequence of edges eee1_{1}1​ , eee2_{2}2​, ⋯, eeel_{l}l​ where for each 1≤k<l, vek_{ek}ek​ (the tail of edge ek) is the same as uek+1_{ek+1}ek+1​ (the head of edge ek+1_{k+1}k+1​). We can say a walk e1_{1}1​,e2_{2}2​,⋯,el_{l}l​ starts at vertex uuue1_{e1}e1​ and ends at vertex vvvel_{el}el​. Note that the same edge can appear multiple times in a walk.

The color sequence of a walk eee1_{1}1​ , eee2_{2}2​ , ⋯ , eeel_{l}l​ is defined as ccce1_{e1}e1​ , ccce2_{e2}e2​ , ⋯ , cccel_{el}el​.

Consider all color sequences of walks of length at most 1010010^{100}10100 from vertex S to vertex T in G . Write a program that finds the lexicographically minimum sequence among them.


The first line of the input contains four space-separated integers N , M , S , and T (1≤N≤1000001≤N≤1000001≤N≤100000 , 0≤M≤3000000≤M≤3000000≤M≤300000 , 1≤S≤N1≤S≤N1≤S≤N , 1≤T≤N1≤T≤N1≤T≤N , S≠TS≠TS​=T).

Then M lines follow: the j (1≤j≤M1≤j≤M1≤j≤M)-th of them contains three space-separated integers uiu_{i}ui​, viv_{i}vi​ and cic_{i}ci​ (1≤uiu_{i}ui​, viv_{i}vi​≤N, uiu_{i}ui​≠viv_{i}vi​, 1≤cic_{i}ci​≤10910^9109); it describes a directional edge from vertex uiu_{i}ui​ to vertex viv_{i}vi​ with color cic_{i}ci​.

The graph doesn’t have multiple edges and each edge has a unique color. Formally, for any 1≤i<j≤M1≤i<j≤M1≤i<j≤M, cic_{i}ci​≠cjc_{j}cj​ and (uiu_{i}ui​,viv_{i}vi​)≠(uju_{j}uj​,vjv_{j}vj​) holds.


If there is no walk from vertex S to vertex T, print “IMPOSSIBLE”. (without quotes)

Otherwise, let’s say a1a_{1}a1​ , a2a_{2}a2​ , ⋯ , ala_{l}al​ is the lexicographically minimum sequence among all color sequences of length at most 1010010^{100}10100 from vertex S to vertex T.

If l≤106l≤10^6l≤106, print a1a_{1}a1​ , a2a_{2}a2​ , ⋯ , ala_{l}al​ in the first line. There should be a space between each printed integer.
If l>106l>10^6l>106, print “TOO LONG”. (without quotes)

Sample Input

3 3 1 3
1 2 1
2 3 7
1 3 5

Sample Output

1 7


给一张有向图,带边权且每条边的边权唯一。问从 ST 的路径中,字典序最小的路径。输出该路径的边权。


思维+贪心。当前点选边时总是选取能够到达 T 且边权最小的边即可。先建一个反图,从 T 出发跑BFS,将所有能到达 T 的点都跑出来,然后从 S 出发跑原图的DFS,若跑到之前已经过的点则说明存在环,则是TOO LONG的情况。


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <queue>using namespace std;const int maxn = 1e5 + 7;
const int inf = 1e9 + 7;int n, m, s, t, dd;
bool vis[maxn];
bool can[maxn];
vector < pair < int , int > > G[maxn];
vector < pair < int, int > > RG[maxn];
vector < int > ans;void bfs(int u)
{queue < int > que;que.push(u);while (!que.empty()){u = que.front();que.pop();can[u] = 1;for (int i = 0; i < RG[u].size(); i++){int v = RG[u][i].first;if (!can[v])que.push(v);can[v] = 1;}}
}bool dfs_2(int u)
{vis[u] = 1;if (u == t) return 1;int nxt = -1, val = inf;for (int i = 0; i < G[u].size(); i++){if (G[u][i].second < val && can[G[u][i].first]){nxt = G[u][i].first;val = G[u][i].second;}}if (vis[nxt]) return 0;ans.push_back(val);return dfs_2(nxt);
}int main()
{dd = 0;cin >> n >> m >> s >> t;for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++){int u, v, val;cin >> u >> v >> val;G[u].push_back({ v , val });RG[v].push_back({ u , val });}bfs(t);if (!can[s]){cout << "IMPOSSIBLE" << endl;}else{if (!dfs_2(s)) cout << "TOO LONG" << endl;elsefor (int tmp : ans)cout << tmp << " ";}return 0;

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