

package java.lang.reflect;/*** Type is the common superinterface for all types in the Java* programming language. These include raw types, parameterized types,* array types, type variables and primitive types.** @since 1.5*/
public interface Type {/*** Returns a string describing this type, including information* about any type parameters.** @implSpec The default implementation calls {@code toString}.** @return a string describing this type* @since 1.8*/default String getTypeName() {return toString();}


  • Type是一个接口。
  • Type是Java中所有类型的父接口
  • Type包括:raw type(原始类型,对应Class),parameterized types(参数化类型), array types(数组类型), type variables(类型变量) and primitive types(基本类型,对应Class).
  • Type是JDK1.5引入的,主要是为了泛型。



/*** Instances of the class {@code Class} represent classes and* interfaces in a running Java application.  An enum is a kind of* class and an annotation is a kind of interface.  Every array also* belongs to a class that is reflected as a {@code Class} object* that is shared by all arrays with the same element type and number* of dimensions.  The primitive Java types ({@code boolean},* {@code byte}, {@code char}, {@code short},* {@code int}, {@code long}, {@code float}, and* {@code double}), and the keyword {@code void} are also* represented as {@code Class} objects.** <p> {@code Class} has no public constructor. Instead {@code Class}* objects are constructed automatically by the Java Virtual Machine as classes* are loaded and by calls to the {@code defineClass} method in the class* loader.** <p> The following example uses a {@code Class} object to print the* class name of an object:** <blockquote><pre>*     void printClassName(Object obj) {*         System.out.println("The class of " + obj +*                            " is " + obj.getClass().getName());*     }* </pre></blockquote>** <p> It is also possible to get the {@code Class} object for a named* type (or for void) using a class literal.  See Section 15.8.2 of* <cite>The Java&trade; Language Specification</cite>.* For example:** <blockquote>*     {@code System.out.println("The name of class Foo is: "+Foo.class.getName());}* </blockquote>** @param <T> the type of the class modeled by this {@code Class}* object.  For example, the type of {@code String.class} is {@code* Class<String>}.  Use {@code Class<?>} if the class being modeled is* unknown.** @author  unascribed* @see     java.lang.ClassLoader#defineClass(byte[], int, int)* @since   JDK1.0*/
public final class Class<T> implements java.io.Serializable,GenericDeclaration,Type,AnnotatedElement {}


  • Class是一个类。
  • Class对象代表着正在运行的Java程序中的类型和接口:enum、annotation、array以及基本类型(8种)都可以用Class对象表示。
  • Class没有public构造器。
  • 当类被加载或者在class loader中被方法调用时,JVM会自动构造Class对象。


  • TypeClass的父接口。
  • ClassType的子类。


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