








fr = open(r'D:\Workspace\jupyterNotebook\datamining\Test1\test_support_confidence.txt','r',encoding='utf-8')
goods = []
for line in fr:temp = line.strip().split('\t')#print(type(temp),temp)for i in temp:if i not in goods:goods.append(i)


['啤酒', '苹果', '奶酪', '薯片', '面包', '牛奶', '香蕉']


fr = open(r'D:\Workspace\jupyterNotebook\datamining\Test1\test_support_confidence.txt','r',encoding='utf-8')
fw = open(r'D:\Workspace\jupyterNotebook\datamining\Test1\test_se.txt','w',encoding='utf-8')
for line in fr:num = []for i in goods:num.append('0')temp = line.strip().split('\t')for t in temp:index = goods.index(t)num[index] = '1'for n in num:fw.write(n + '\t')fw.write('\n')


import numpy as np
path = r'D:\Workspace\jupyterNotebook\datamining\Test1\test_se.txt'
x = np.loadtxt(path)
#'面包', '牛奶', '奶酪', '苹果', '香蕉','啤酒','薯片'
print (x[:5])


[[1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.][0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0.][0. 1. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0.][0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.][0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0.]]


samples,features = x.shape
print (samples,features)
(201, 7)
201 7


count_apple = 0
count_banana = 0
for i in x:if i[3] == 1:count_apple += 1
print ('{} people buy apples'.format(count_apple))


104 people buy apples


valid = 0
invalid = 0
for item in x:if item[3] == 1:if item[4] == 1:valid += 1else:invalid += 1
print (valid,invalid)
confidence = valid / count_apple
support = count_apple / samples


61 43







from collections import defaultdict
val = defaultdict(int)
inval = defaultdict(int)
occ = defaultdict(int)for sample in x:#features为5for result in range(features):if sample[result] == 0:continueocc[result] += 1for j in range(features):if result == j:continueif sample[j] == 1:val[result,j] += 1else:inval[result,j] += 1confidence = defaultdict(float)for i,j in val.keys():confidence[(i,j)] = val[i,j] / occ[i]feature_names = ['面包', '牛奶', '奶酪', '苹果', '香蕉','啤酒','薯片']
for p,c in confidence.keys():p_name = feature_names[p]c_name = feature_names[c]print('Rule: if one person buys {},he/she also buys {}'.format(p_name,c_name))print('-Confidence: {0:.3f}'.format(confidence[p,c]))print('-Support: {}'.format(val[p,c]))print('******************************')


Rule: if one person buys 面包,he/she also buys 牛奶
-Confidence: 0.532
-Support: 59
Rule: if one person buys 面包,he/she also buys 奶酪
-Confidence: 0.559
-Support: 62
Rule: if one person buys 牛奶,he/she also buys 面包
-Confidence: 0.590
-Support: 59
Rule: if one person buys 牛奶,he/she also buys 奶酪
-Confidence: 0.550
-Support: 55
Rule: if one person buys 奶酪,he/she also buys 面包
-Confidence: 0.626
-Support: 62
Rule: if one person buys 奶酪,he/she also buys 牛奶
-Confidence: 0.556
-Support: 55
Rule: if one person buys 奶酪,he/she also buys 苹果
-Confidence: 0.636
-Support: 63
Rule: if one person buys 苹果,he/she also buys 奶酪
-Confidence: 0.606
-Support: 63
Rule: if one person buys 牛奶,he/she also buys 苹果
-Confidence: 0.610
-Support: 61
Rule: if one person buys 牛奶,he/she also buys 香蕉
-Confidence: 0.580
-Support: 58
Rule: if one person buys 牛奶,he/she also buys 啤酒
-Confidence: 0.570
-Support: 57
Rule: if one person buys 苹果,he/she also buys 牛奶
-Confidence: 0.587
-Support: 61
Rule: if one person buys 苹果,he/she also buys 香蕉
-Confidence: 0.587
-Support: 61
Rule: if one person buys 苹果,he/she also buys 啤酒
-Confidence: 0.529
-Support: 55
Rule: if one person buys 香蕉,he/she also buys 牛奶
-Confidence: 0.574
-Support: 58
Rule: if one person buys 香蕉,he/she also buys 苹果
-Confidence: 0.604
-Support: 61
Rule: if one person buys 香蕉,he/she also buys 啤酒
-Confidence: 0.594
-Support: 60
Rule: if one person buys 啤酒,he/she also buys 牛奶
-Confidence: 0.553
-Support: 57
Rule: if one person buys 啤酒,he/she also buys 苹果
-Confidence: 0.534
-Support: 55
Rule: if one person buys 啤酒,he/she also buys 香蕉
-Confidence: 0.583
-Support: 60
Rule: if one person buys 苹果,he/she also buys 薯片
-Confidence: 0.548
-Support: 57
Rule: if one person buys 香蕉,he/she also buys 薯片
-Confidence: 0.604
-Support: 61
Rule: if one person buys 啤酒,he/she also buys 薯片
-Confidence: 0.592
-Support: 61
Rule: if one person buys 薯片,he/she also buys 苹果
-Confidence: 0.559
-Support: 57
Rule: if one person buys 薯片,he/she also buys 香蕉
-Confidence: 0.598
-Support: 61
Rule: if one person buys 薯片,he/she also buys 啤酒
-Confidence: 0.598
-Support: 61
Rule: if one person buys 奶酪,he/she also buys 啤酒
-Confidence: 0.566
-Support: 56
Rule: if one person buys 啤酒,he/she also buys 奶酪
-Confidence: 0.544
-Support: 56
Rule: if one person buys 面包,he/she also buys 香蕉
-Confidence: 0.495
-Support: 55
Rule: if one person buys 面包,he/she also buys 啤酒
-Confidence: 0.523
-Support: 58
Rule: if one person buys 面包,he/she also buys 薯片
-Confidence: 0.577
-Support: 64
Rule: if one person buys 奶酪,he/she also buys 香蕉
-Confidence: 0.596
-Support: 59
Rule: if one person buys 奶酪,he/she also buys 薯片
-Confidence: 0.586
-Support: 58
Rule: if one person buys 香蕉,he/she also buys 面包
-Confidence: 0.545
-Support: 55
Rule: if one person buys 香蕉,he/she also buys 奶酪
-Confidence: 0.584
-Support: 59
Rule: if one person buys 啤酒,he/she also buys 面包
-Confidence: 0.563
-Support: 58
Rule: if one person buys 薯片,he/she also buys 面包
-Confidence: 0.627
-Support: 64
Rule: if one person buys 薯片,he/she also buys 奶酪
-Confidence: 0.569
-Support: 58
Rule: if one person buys 牛奶,he/she also buys 薯片
-Confidence: 0.600
-Support: 60
Rule: if one person buys 薯片,he/she also buys 牛奶
-Confidence: 0.588
-Support: 60
Rule: if one person buys 面包,he/she also buys 苹果
-Confidence: 0.550
-Support: 61
Rule: if one person buys 苹果,he/she also buys 面包
-Confidence: 0.587
-Support: 61


from operator import itemgetter
def print_rule(premise, conclusion, support, confidence, features):premise_name = features[premise]conclusion_name = features[conclusion]print("Rule: If a person buys {0} they will also buy {1}".format(premise_name, conclusion_name))print(" - Confidence: {0:.3f}".format(confidence[(premise, conclusion)]))print(" - Support: {0}".format(val[(premise, conclusion)]))print("")sorted_support = sorted(val.items(),key=itemgetter(1),reverse=True)
for index in range(6):print ('Rule #{0}'.format(index + 1))p,c = sorted_support[index][0]print_rule (p,c,val,confidence,feature_names)


Rule #1
Rule: If a person buys 面包 they will also buy 薯片- Confidence: 0.577- Support: 64Rule #2
Rule: If a person buys 薯片 they will also buy 面包- Confidence: 0.627- Support: 64Rule #3
Rule: If a person buys 奶酪 they will also buy 苹果- Confidence: 0.636- Support: 63Rule #4
Rule: If a person buys 苹果 they will also buy 奶酪- Confidence: 0.606- Support: 63Rule #5
Rule: If a person buys 面包 they will also buy 奶酪- Confidence: 0.559- Support: 62Rule #6
Rule: If a person buys 奶酪 they will also buy 面包- Confidence: 0.626- Support: 62

这仅仅是一个小Demo,用Jupyter Notebook编写,所以函数都没有封装,读者可以完善一下,也可根据需求选择满足特定支持度和置信度的规则,这里我们仅介绍了两种商品之间的关联,还可以有多种商品间的关联,如买牛奶和面包的人会不会买苹果,这个我们在后边讲到。


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