In-ear monitors (IEMs) have gained widespread popularity among audiophiles recently due to their pristine audio quality. Let’s check out what makes them different from other listening devices.

入耳式监听器(IEM)由于其原始的音频质量,最近在发烧友中得到了广泛的普及。 让我们看看是什么使它们与其他聆听设备不同。

什么是入耳式监听器? (What Is an In-Ear Monitor?)

There’s a good chance you have some kind of audio listening device on your ears right now. It might be a pair of wireless earbuds, like Airpods, or a hefty, wired pair of headphones. In-ear monitors are a different kind of audio device altogether. They’re mainly intended for professional use. When it comes to fit, they’re somewhere between the tight seal of headphones and the low profile of earbuds.

您现在很有可能会在耳朵上听到某种音频收听设备。 它可能是一对无线耳塞(例如Airpods)或笨重的有线耳机。 入耳式监听器完全是另一种音频设备。 它们主要用于专业用途。 合适时,它们介于耳机的密封和低调的耳塞之间。

They’re referred to as monitors because they were initially created for musicians and performers to “monitor” a combination of audio sources in different places. For example, a member of a band would hear a mix of different instruments and vocals that would directly come into his or her IEM. They were also used by singers to listen to an instrumental guiding track as they recorded vocals. Artists and media personnel usually have IEMs specially fitted to the shape of their ears.

之所以将它们称为监听器是因为它们最初是为音乐家和表演者创建的,用于“监听”不同地方的音频源的组合。 例如,一个乐队的成员会听到直接混入他或她的IEM的各种乐器和人声的混合。 歌手在录制声音时,还使用它们收听器乐性的指导音轨。 艺术家和媒体人员通常会根据他们的耳朵形状为其专门安装IEM。

Nowadays, IEMs are available to everyone. Stores offer a wide range of prices, designs, and sound profiles for every type of listener. You can likely find them at your local audio store or music shop.

如今,每个人都可以使用IEM。 商店为每种类型的听众提供广泛的价格,设计和声音配置文件。 您可能会在当地的音频商店或音乐商店找到它们。

While IEMs that cost tens of thousands of dollars still exist, you can get a fantastic-sounding pair that don’t cost any more than a regular pair of earbuds. There are also many audiophile communities dedicated to comparing, optimizing, and discussing in-ear monitors.

虽然仍然存在花费数万美元的IEM,但是您可以获得一对听起来不错的耳机,而价格却比普通的耳塞便宜。 还有许多发烧友社区致力于比较,优化和讨论入耳式监听器。

是什么让IEM独树一帜? (What Makes IEMs Unique?)

Joshua Rainey Photography/Shutterstock约书亚·雷尼(Joshua Rainey)摄影/快门

The most obvious difference between in-ear monitors and other devices is the way they look. IEMs are shaped to resemble an ear. They usually come with silicone, foam, or rubber ear tips that fit inside your ear canal. Many monitors also have a bendable or molded wire that hooks at the top of your ear.

入耳式监听器和其他设备之间最明显的区别是它们的外观。 IEM的形状类似于耳朵。 它们通常配有适合您耳道的硅胶,泡沫或橡胶耳塞。 许多监视器还具有可弯曲或模制的线,钩在您的耳朵顶部。

Because they fit so snugly in your ears, IEMs tend to be very comfortable to wear for long periods of time. Their shape and the tips also block out ambient noise.

由于它们非常贴合您的耳朵,因此长时间佩戴IEM往往非常舒适。 它们的形状和尖端还可以阻挡环境噪声。

Another feature unique to IEMs is their modular nature. Almost all models have detachable cables and earpieces, which are interchangeable with other models. You can swap out your cable for a braided one for additional durability, or very long wires for live performances.

IEM的另一个独特功能是它们的模块化性质。 几乎所有型号都有可拆卸的电缆和听筒,可与其他型号互换。 您可以将电缆换成编织线以增加耐用性,也可以换成很长的电线以进行现场表演。

Perhaps the biggest reason audiophiles tend to gravitate towards IEMs is the way they sound. Personal audio devices use a transducer, also known as a driver, that converts electronic signals into audio waves. Most modern IEMs use what’s called a balanced armature, which is a tiny, powerful transducer originally invented for hearing aids. Others use a dynamic driver, which can improve bass performance.

发烧友趋向于倾向于IEM的最大原因也许是他们的发声方式。 个人音频设备使用换能器(也称为驱动器)将电子信号转换为声波。 大多数现代IEM使用所谓的平衡电枢,这是最初为助听器而发明的微型,功能强大的传感器。 其他人使用动态驱动程序,可以改善低音性能。

High-end monitors can have multiple drivers, each of which is intended for different frequencies, so you can customize an audio mix to your liking.


将IEM用作平均侦听器 (Using IEMs as an Average Listener)

There are a lot of benefits to using an IEM as your daily audio-listening device.


Even if you’re just an average listener, you’ll likely notice a significant difference in audio quality between a regular pair of earbuds and an in-ear monitor. More bass, more clarity, and a higher range of frequency are just a few things you can expect.

即使您只是普通的听众,您也可能会注意到普通的一对耳塞和入耳式监听器之间在音频质量上存在显着差异。 您可以期待更多的低音,更高的清晰度和更高的频率范围。

The way IEMs are shaped to your ear, and the fit of the ear tips, also allow you to experience a fuller range of sound.


Many headphones prevent airflow, so your ears and the surrounding area get hot and sweaty. Over-ears can also be heavy. IEMs are lightweight and comfortable to wear for extended periods.

许多耳机会阻止气流,因此您的耳朵和周围区域会发烫和出汗。 耳塞也很重。 IEM重量轻且长时间佩戴舒适。

While in-ear monitors don’t have active noise canceling, they do block most noise from the surrounding area. Even at low volumes, it’s unlikely you’ll hear anything in your environment. This means you can play audio at a reasonable level while maintaining noise-cancellation properties.

入耳式监听器没有主动降噪功能,但确实可以阻挡周围区域的大部分噪声。 即使音量很小,您也不大可能在环境中听到任何声音。 这意味着您可以在保持噪声消除属性的同时以合理的水平播放音频。

您应该获得一对IEM吗? (Should You Get a Pair of IEMs?)

Audio Technica

If you care about pristine audio quality and want excellent noise cancellation, getting a pair of IEMs isn’t a bad idea. However, if you prefer wireless earbuds or find audiophile tech intimidating, in-ear monitors might not be for you.

如果您关心原始的音频质量并且想要出色的噪声消除功能,那么购买一对IEM并不是一个坏主意。 但是,如果您更喜欢无线耳塞或发烧级技术令人生畏,则入耳式监听器可能不适合您。

However, if you do pick up a pair of IEMs, it’s a great way to break in to the audiophile community. You’ll find plenty of reviews, guides, and trading groups for enthusiasts. There are also resources for obtaining the best equalizer performance out of your IEMs.

但是,如果您要接一对IEM,则是闯入发烧友社区的好方法。 您会发现很多针对发烧友的评论,指南和交易组。 也有资源可从您的IEM中获得最佳的均衡器性能。

Of course, before you purchase IEMs, make sure you have a 3.5 mm headphone jack on the device with which you want to use them. Many mobile phone manufacturers have completely phased out the headphone jack in their latest devices, so you might also have to purchase a dongle. However, most lap- and desktops still have built-in audio jacks.

当然,在购买IEM之前,请确保要使用设备的设备上有3.5毫米的耳机插Kong。 许多手机制造商已经完全淘汰了最新设备中的耳机插Kong,因此您可能还必须购买加密狗。 但是,大多数笔记本电脑和台式机仍具有内置音频插Kong。

Alternatively, you might want to look into getting a direct box. Many audiophiles purchase one of these devices to get the best possible performance out of their IEMs.

另外,您可能希望研究获得直接包装盒。 许多发烧友购买了其中一种设备,以从其IEM中获得最佳性能。



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