
There are two things every person has in common: knees. Your friends have knees. Your coworkers have knees. So does your Aunt Sally. And your Uncle Aloysius.

每个人都有两个共同点:膝盖。 您的朋友有膝盖。 您的同事有膝盖。 您的莎莉姨妈也是如此。 还有你的阿洛伊修斯叔叔。

You. Me. Left knee. Right knee.

您。 我。 左膝盖 右膝盖

Yet, despite this common bond, people continue to argue, fight and hurt one another. There is conflict everywhere, both online and in the real world. But what if it were possible, after centuries of squabbling, to bring peace and harmony to all mankind through our shared identity. Well, that day has finally come.

然而,尽管存在这种共同的纽带,但人们仍在相互争论,战斗和伤害。 在线和现实世界中到处都有冲突。 但是,经过数百年的争论,如果有可能通过我们共同的身份为全人类带来和平与和谐。 好,这一天终于到了。

Introducing Deez Knees, the first and only social network for sharing photos of knees — only knees.

介绍Deez Knees,这是第一个也是唯一一个共享膝盖照片(仅膝盖)的社交网络。

为什么要膝盖? (Why knees?)

I created Deez Knees to unify humanity. Some of us are taller than others. Some of us have dark hair and others have light hair. But when it comes to knees, there is little variety. A knee has only two parts: an interior component (the knee bone) and an exterior component (the knee skin). This is true for my knees, your knees, his knees and her knees. By sharing pictures of knees, we remind ourselves that deep down, beneath the knee skin, we are all basically the same.

我创建了Deez Knees以统一人类。 我们中有些人比其他人更高。 我们中有些人是黑发,而另一些人是浅色的头发。 但是,谈到膝盖,几乎没有什么变化。 膝盖只有两部分:内部部分(膝盖骨)和外部部分(膝盖皮肤)。 我的膝盖,膝盖,膝盖和膝盖都是如此。 通过共享膝盖的图片,我们提醒自己,在膝盖皮肤的深处,我们基本上都是相同的。

Deez Knees promotes unity

Deez Knees促进团结

You know what else Deez Knees promotes? Diversity. “Hey, hold on a second mister,” you might be thinking. “You just said all knees are the same, so how can your amazing new creation promote both unity and diversity?”

您知道Deez Knees还提倡什么吗? 多样性。 “嘿,等一下,”您可能在想。 “您刚刚说过所有的膝盖都一样,那么您惊人的新创造又如何促进团结和多样性呢?”

That, my friend, is the power of Deez Knees.

我的朋友,这就是Deez Knees的力量。

可扩展,可配置,可技术化 (Scalable, configurable, technologicable)

The core technology behind Deez Knees is a sophisticated knee-recognition algorithm. You can try to post a photo of something else, but it won’t work. Upload a picture of your elbow? No dice. Share a pic of your butt? Try Instagram.

Deez Knees背后的核心技术是复杂的膝盖识别算法。 您可以尝试发布其他照片,但无法使用。 上传您的肘部图片? 没有骰子。 分享你的屁股照片? 尝试Instagram。

Deez Knees is fully integrateable across all digital platforms — vertical, horizontal and diagonal. The user interface is intuitive, responsive and gratuitive. Your personal information will remain secure. We use triple-bypass, hexagonalical encryption with cross-key hashtags. All data on Deez Knees are stored not only in the cloud, but also in the mist and the yawn.

Deez Knees可在所有数字平台(垂直,水平和对角线)之间完全集成。 用户界面直观,响应Swift且易于理解。 您的个人信息将保持安全。 我们使用带有交叉键主题标签的六边形三次旁路加密。 Deez Knees上的所有数据不仅存储在云中,而且还存储在雾气和打哈欠中。

Do we use blockchain? Yes, indeed — 27 blockchains, to be precise. Users can also select the cryptocurrency of their choice: Bitcoin, CyberDime or WebDough. Our network is lightening fast. Images load quickly thanks to our middle-out compression algorithm, which is based on science and math. Deez Knees is also chocked full of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence.

我们使用区块链吗? 是的,的确如此-确切地说是27个区块链。 用户还可以选择自己选择的加密货币:比特币,Cyber​​Dime或WebDough。 我们的网络日新月异。 借助我们基于科学和数学的中间输出压缩算法,可以快速加载图像。 Deez Knees也充满了纳米技术和人工智能。

Digital, Advanced Tech, The Future — Deez Knees

数字化,高科技,未来— Deez Knees

使世界变得更美好 (Making the world a better place)

Most tech entrepreneurs care only about money and fame. They want to be the next high-profile billionaire, grace the covers of magazines, hobnob with celebrities. Not me. I created Deez Knees for you. For you and your knees.

大多数科技企业家只关心金钱和名声。 他们想成为下一位备受瞩目的亿万富翁,为杂志封面,名人配上宽容。 不是我。 我为您创建了Deez Knees。 为了你和你的膝盖。

Will there be advertising on Deez Knees? That goes without saying. Will I give your personal information to marketing companies? Yes, of course, but not for free. Will I sell Deez Knees to Facebook the first chance I get? You betcha.

Deez Knees上会有广告吗? 那不用说了。 我会把您的个人信息提供给营销公司吗? 是的,当然,但不是免费的。 我会第一次获得Deez Knees卖给Facebook吗? 完全正确。

But don’t let these minor business details distract you. Deez Knees was created for a higher purpose. There is too much bad in the world. Let’s inject a little bit of good. Actually, make that a whole lot of good.

但是,不要让这些次要的业务细节分散您的注意力。 Deez Knees是为更高的目标而创建的。 世界上有太多坏事。 让我们注入一点好处。 实际上,可以使它变得很多。

I don’t know about you, but I think this world of ours is worth saving. Enough with the crime and the wars. Enough with the nasty YouTube comments and the silly Twitter beefs. Why so hostile? Friend, you have only one life. One life and two knees. Use them well.

我不了解您,但是我认为我们这个世界值得保存。 足以应付犯罪和战争。 够讨厌的YouTube评论和愚蠢的Twitter牛肉。 为什么这么敌对? 朋友,你只有一种生活。 一生两膝。 好好利用它们。

That’s where Deez Knees comes in. Instead of clapping back at that internet troll, share a photo of your knees. You’ll both soon realize you aren’t so different after all. Instead of bashing Republicans, or Democrats or Saskatchewanians, scroll through your Deez Knees feed and reflect on how we are all diverse yet the same, different yet not so different, unequal in some ways yet — really, when you think about it, really think about it— always equal in all the ways that count.

那就是Deez Knees进来的地方。与其合拍那个互联网巨魔,不如共享膝盖的照片。 你们俩都会很快意识到自己并没有什么不同。 而不是b毁共和党人,民主党人或萨斯喀彻温人,而是滚动浏览Deez Knees的提要,并思考一下我们是如何多样化但相同,不同但差异不大,在某些方面不平等的-实际上,当您考虑时,真的会想到关于它—在所有重要方面始终保持平等。

Deez Knees turns nasty into nicety

Deez Knees将讨厌变成美好

It’s time, my friend. Time to make this world a better place. Time to bring light into darkness. Time to turn conflict into proflict. All we need is you, me and Deez Knees. We can do it. Two knees at a time.

是时候了,我的朋友。 是时候让这个世界变得更美好了。 是时候把光带入黑暗了。 是时候把冲突变成麻烦了。 我们需要的只是你,我和Deez Knees。 我们能做到。 一次两个膝盖。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-my-social-network-for-sharing-photos-of-knees-will-save-the-world-2074367d10ad/



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