
by Ben Cheng


我不在乎开发人员使用什么工具。 我根据基本原则聘用。 (I don’t care what tools a developer uses. I hire based on fundamentals.)

People often say Hong Kong is a tech wasteland. They say the city suffers from developer brain drain. That all top-tier developers are lured to Silicon Valley. Well, I think that’s crap.

人们常说香港是科技荒原。 他们说这座城市遭受开发商人才流失的困扰。 所有顶级开发商都被吸引到硅谷。 好吧,我认为这很糟糕。

There’s more to engineering than just money, or offices like the Googleplex, or just geeking-out with people in the Bay Area.


In this article, I’ll show you how my company — a 9-year-old development agency founded by 3 technical co-founders — has recruited and grown a development team to 30+ people in Hong Kong and Taipei.


Together, we’ve built App Store-featured apps with millions of downloads, right in the comfort of our own home city of Hong Kong.

我们共同打造了具有数百万下载量的App Store功能的应用程序,就在我们自己的家乡香港附近。

Of course, our alumni have also moved on to Apple and Google, and we’re proud of them! But first, here’s how we find these talented developers.

当然,我们的校友也转移到了Apple和Google,我们为他们感到骄傲! 但是首先,这是我们找到这些有才华的开发人员的方式。

您应该在开发人员中寻找的第一件事 (The first thing you should look for in a developer)

Finding an awesome developer requires that you are clear on what you’re looking for. Do you want a full-stack or a front end / back end person? Do you need specific skills like knowledge of AI, blockchain, or big data?

要找到出色的开发人员,您必须清楚自己要寻找的东西。 您需要全栈还是前端/后端人员? 您是否需要特定技能,例如对AI,区块链或大数据的了解?

Unless you have a specific reason, don’t hire technology-specific. Instead, hire based on fundamental knowledge.

除非您有特定原因,否则请勿雇用特定技术。 相反,应基于基础知识进行聘用。

Over the years, I’ve interviewed hundreds of developers. One of my biggest learnings is that there can be no assumptions. I’ve interviewed people with a Masters in Computer Science who had trouble writing a for-loop that iterated through an array.

多年来,我采访了数百名开发人员。 我最大的收获之一就是没有任何假设。 我采访了计算机科学硕士学位的人,他们在编写循环遍历数组的for循环时遇到了麻烦。

So the first rule is to hire people who (preferably) have fundamental knowledge, coding experience, and a willingness to constantly learn new languages and skills.


我们的招聘流程。 (Our hiring process.)

Technologies always change. Our hiring process is meant to test for three things:

技术总是在变化。 我们的招聘流程旨在测试三件事:

  1. Can this person write clean code?这个人可以写干净的代码吗?
  2. Do they have fundamental technical understanding?他们有基本的技术理解吗?
  3. Can they do teamwork and applied problem solving on iOS, Android, the web, or whatever platform the app needs to be built on?他们可以在iOS,Android,Web或需要构建应用程序的任何平台上进行团队合作和应用问题解决方案吗?

远程编码测试 (Remote Coding Test)

The first thing is to ensure basic coding skills to reduce our interview workload. We have 40+ applications per month that we need to get back to. The talented developers won’t just wait around. And we don’t want to miss them because our process was too slow.

首先是要确保基本的编码技能,以减少我们的采访工作量。 每月我们有40多个应用程序需要返回。 有才华的开发人员不会只是等待。 我们不想错过他们,因为我们的过程太慢了。

We use for remote testing.


技术问题 (Technical Questions)

We divide the technical questions into 4 parts:


  • Algorithm and data structures算法和数据结构
  • Network and web网络和网络
  • Server side knowledge服务器端知识
  • Specific technology based on candidate’s background基于应聘者背景的特定技术

For algorithms and data structures, we don’t really care whether the candidate can do algorithm optimization or in-depth PhD topics, because we’re mostly doing mobile and web applications. Instead, we focus on basic understanding of the concepts behind common data structures.

对于算法和数据结构,我们并不在乎候选人是否可以进行算法优化或深入的博士学位主题,因为我们主要从事移动和Web应用程序。 相反,我们专注于对通用数据结构背后的概念的基本理解。

We avoid asking textbook questions and we look for a proper understanding of complexity.


For network and web, we try to ask questions related to concepts that frameworks generally encapsulate. This way, we can be certain that the candidate has a proper understanding of things like the HTTP protocol and DOM structure work.

对于网络和Web,我们尝试提出与框架通常封装的概念有关的问题。 这样,我们可以确定候选人对HTTP协议和DOM结构工作之类的东西有适当的了解。

For server side knowledge, we try to ask architecture / design questions, so we have a sense of how much experience the candidate has and if they can communicate technical design well.


Finally, we might ask 1 or 2 language- or platform-specific questions based on the candidate’s background. If the candidate is relatively junior, it’s okay if they don’t have in-depth knowledge for application technologies yet. The question should be able to signal whether the candidate is serious about the technology they used in their last job. For example, we expect a Javascript developer with 3 years of experience know the closure / variables binding problem well.

最后,我们可能会根据候选人的背景提出1或2种特定于语言或平台的问题。 如果候选人还比较初级,那么他们还没有对应用技术的深入了解就可以了。 该问题应该能够表明应聘者是否认真对待他们上一份工作中使用的技术。 例如,我们希望有3年经验的Javascript开发人员非常了解闭包/变量绑定问题。

If someone says they have a background in sections 1–3, they should be able to demonstrate it in section 4. If those sections aren’t their area of specialty, we still want to see that they have a general understanding of other factors to optimize an app. For example, we would like a backend developer to demonstrate some front end knowledge, so that their API will likely be better optimized.

如果有人说他们在第1至3节中有背景,那么他们应该能够在第4节中证明它。如果这些节不是他们的专业领域,我们仍然希望看到他们对其他因素有一个总体了解。优化应用。 例如,我们希望后端开发人员展示一些前端知识,以便可以更好地优化他们的API。

双人编程和实操练习 (Pair-Programming and Take-Home Exercises)

I think this is pretty standard in the industry. Provided the candidate has passed all the technical tests, we want to see how this developer works with the team in a real-life setting. Can they communicate well, and does the team feel comfortable working with this person? Does the candidate have great problem solving skills?

我认为这在行业中是相当标准的。 如果候选人已通过所有技术测试,我们希望了解该开发人员如何在现实环境中与团队合作。 他们能否很好地沟通,团队是否乐于与这个人一起工作? 候选人是否具有出色的解决问题的能力?

If pair-programming in the office is too resource-intensive for you and your team, you can give the candidate a take-home exercise. Try to be as specific as possible with the take-home exercise, and explain what you plan to evaluate them on.

如果办公室中的成对编程对您和您的团队来说都太耗费资源,则可以给应聘者进行实地练习。 尝试对实地练习尽可能具体,并解释您打算对它们进行评估的内容。

Here’s a list of criteria we usually look for in take home exercise submissions:


  • Accuracy of the implementation especially design details (for front end positions)实现的准确性,尤其是设计细节(针对前端位置)
  • Usability of the interactive elements (for front end position)交互式元素的可用性(用于前端位置)
  • Readability of the code代码的可读性
  • Logical and readable Git commit messages逻辑和可读的Git提交消息

为什么伟大的开发人员与我们合作而不是去Apple或Google工作? (Why great developers work with us instead of going to work at Apple or Google?)

Actually, the main reason is that we’re in Hong Kong, and many of the developers who interview with Oursky often want to stay here instead of going abroad. Also, some developers prefer to work for a boutique agency and build a succession of products.

实际上,主要原因是我们在香港,许多接受Oursky采访的开发商经常想留在这里而不是出国。 此外,一些开发人员更喜欢在精品店工作并开发一系列产品。

Of course, some people decide to move on to bigger companies and we support them for their choice of direction to grow. Many of our developers want to contribute more to open-source projects, which Oursky is committed to.

当然,有些人决定转向更大的公司,我们支持他们选择增长的方向。 我们的许多开发人员希望为Oursky致力于开源项目做出更多贡献。

Through this hiring process that emphasizes general skills over knowledge of specific technologies, we’ve discovered a lot of talented developers. For us, it all comes down to asking the right interview questions.

通过这种强调通用技能而非特定技术知识的招聘过程,我们发现了许多有才华的开发人员。 对我们而言,一切都取决于提出正确的面试问题。

By creating a strong company culture through our hiring practices, we’ve been able to retain lots of great Hong Kong developers who would have otherwise gone overseas.


Building an app? Our free developer tools and open source backend will make your job easier.

建立应用程式? 我们免费的开发人员工具和开源后端将使您的工作更加轻松。



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