我无法理解在构建WebClient请求时我做错了什么.我想了解实际的HTTP请求是什么样的. (例如,将原始请求转储到控制台)

POST /rest/json/send HTTP/1.1

Host: emailapi.dynect.net

Cache-Control: no-cache

Postman-Token: 93e70432-2566-7627-6e08-e2bcf8d1ffcd

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



curl --request POST "https://emailapi.dynect.net/rest/json/send" --data "apikey=ABC123XYZ&from=example@example.com&to=customer1@domain.com&to=customer2@domain.com&to=customer3@domain.com&subject=New Sale Coming Friday&bodytext=You will love this sale."



public Mono send( DynEmailOptions options )


WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

// this line causes unsupported content type exception :(

// headers.setContentType( MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED );

Mono result = webClient.post()

.uri( "https://emailapi.dynect.net/rest/json/send" )

.headers( headers )

.accept( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )

.body( BodyInserters.fromObject( options ) )


.flatMap( clientResponse -> clientResponse.bodyToMono( String.class ) );

return result;



import java.util.Collections;

import java.util.Set;

public class DynEmailOptions


public String getApikey()


return apiKey_;


public Set getTo()


return Collections.unmodifiableSet( to_ );


public String getFrom()


return from_;


public String getSubject()


return subject_;


public String getBodytext()


return bodytext_;


protected DynEmailOptions(

String apiKey,

Set to,

String from,

String subject,

String bodytext



apiKey_ = apiKey;

to_ = to;

from_ = from;

subject_ = subject;

bodytext_ = bodytext;


private Set to_;

private String from_;

private String subject_;

private String bodytext_;

private String apiKey_;


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