
print(kf.format("{:t{}} {}", key, ':', value))


from string import Formatter

import sys

if sys.version_info < (3,):

int_type = (int, long)


int_type = (int)

class TrailingFormatter(Formatter):

def vformat(self, *args):

self._automatic = None

return super(TrailingFormatter, self).vformat(*args)

def get_value(self, key, args, kwargs):

if key == '':

if self._automatic is None:

self._automatic = 0

elif self._automatic == -1:

raise ValueError("cannot switch from manual field specification "

"to automatic field numbering")

key = self._automatic

self._automatic += 1

elif isinstance(key, int_type):

if self._automatic is None:

self._automatic = -1

elif self._automatic != -1:

raise ValueError("cannot switch from automatic field numbering "

"to manual field specification")

return super(TrailingFormatter, self).get_value(key, args, kwargs)

def format_field(self, value, spec):

if len(spec) > 1 and spec[0] == 't':

value = str(value) + spec[1] # append the extra character

spec = spec[2:]

return super(TrailingFormatter, self).format_field(value, spec)

kf = TrailingFormatter()

w = 20

ch = ':'

x = dict(a_key=23, another_key=42)

for k in sorted(x):

v = x[k]



a_key: 23

another_key: 42


print(kf.format('{:t:<20} {}', k, v))


Python 3.4 string.Formatter()的backport包含版本(至少)高达3.5.0rc1的错误修复,包含此代码现在可在PyPI上获得

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