class matplotlib.figure.Figure(figsize=None, dpi=None, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, linewidth=0.0, frameon=None, subplotpars=None, tight_layout=None)
Bases: matplotlib.artist.Artist

属性 描述
patch The figure patch is drawn by a matplotlib.patches.Rectangle instance
suppressComposite For multiple figure images, the figure will make composite images depending on the renderer option_image_nocomposite function. If suppressComposite is True
figsize 宽度和高度w,h tuple in inches
dpi Dots per inch
facecolor 背景色The figure patch facecolor; defaults to rc figure.facecolor
edgecolor 边缘色The figure patch edge color; defaults to rc figure.edgecolor
linewidth The figure patch edge linewidth; the default linewidth of the frame
frameon If False, suppress drawing the figure frame
subplotpars A SubplotParams instance, defaults to rc

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