





从网上下载了robotium的最新的源码,notepad和notepadtest,这个导入过程也记录一下,下载下来的是一个zip的压缩包,里面包含两个工程,导入的时候,通过file-import-general-existing into workspace-next-select archive file,具体见下图:



/** This is an example test project created in Eclipse to test NotePad which is a sample * project located in AndroidSDK/samples/android-11/NotePad* * * You can run these test cases either on the emulator or on device. Right click* the test project and select Run As --> Run As Android JUnit Test* * @author Renas Reda, renas.reda@robotium.com* */package com.robotium.test;import com.robotium.solo.Solo;
import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2;public class NotePadTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2{private Solo solo;private static String packageName = "com.example.android.notepad";private static String mainActivity = "com.example.android.notepad.NotesList";private static Class<?> launchableActivity;static{try{launchableActivity = Class.forName(mainActivity);}catch(ClassNotFoundException e){throw new RuntimeException(e);}};public NotePadTest(){super(packageName, launchableActivity);}@Overridepublic void setUp() throws Exception {//setUp() is run before a test case is started. //This is where the solo object is created.solo = new Solo(getInstrumentation(), getActivity());}@Overridepublic void tearDown() throws Exception {//tearDown() is run after a test case has finished. //finishOpenedActivities() will finish all the activities that have been opened during the test execution.
        solo.finishOpenedActivities();}public void testAddNote() throws Exception {//Unlock the lock screen
        solo.unlockScreen();solo.clickOnMenuItem("Add note");//Assert that NoteEditor activity is openedsolo.assertCurrentActivity("Expected NoteEditor activity", "NoteEditor"); //In text field 0, enter Note 1solo.enterText(0, "Note 1");solo.goBack(); //Clicks on menu itemsolo.clickOnMenuItem("Add note");//In text field 0, type Note 2solo.typeText(0, "Note 2");//Go back to first activity
        solo.goBack(); //Takes a screenshot and saves it in "/sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/".
        solo.takeScreenshot();boolean notesFound = solo.searchText("Note 1") && solo.searchText("Note 2");//Assert that Note 1 & Note 2 are foundassertTrue("Note 1 and/or Note 2 are not found", notesFound); }public void testEditNote() throws Exception {// Click on the second list linesolo.clickLongInList(2); solo.clickOnText("Edit title");// Change orientation of activity
        solo.setActivityOrientation(Solo.LANDSCAPE);//In first text field (0), add testsolo.enterText(0, " test");  //solo.goBack();
        solo.setActivityOrientation(Solo.PORTRAIT);// (Regexp) case insensitiveboolean noteFound = solo.waitForText("(?i).*?note 1 test"); //Assert that Note 1 test is foundassertTrue("Note 1 test is not found", noteFound); }public void testRemoveNote() throws Exception {//(Regexp) case insensitive/text that contains "test"solo.clickOnText("(?i).*?test.*");//Delete Note 1 testsolo.clickOnMenuItem("Delete");//Note 1 test should not be foundboolean noteFound = solo.searchText("Note 1 test");//Assert that Note 1 test is not foundassertFalse("Note 1 Test is found", noteFound);  solo.clickLongOnText("Note 2");//Clicks on Delete in the context menusolo.clickOnText("Delete");  //Will wait 100 milliseconds for the text: "Note 2"noteFound = solo.waitForText("Note 2", 1, 100);//Assert that Note 2 is not foundassertFalse("Note 2 is found", noteFound);  }

接下来我们的程序也按照类似这样的形式改造,单步调试(单步调试的快捷键请自行查找,我的是F7进函数,F8继续下一步),Run as Android junit test的情况下,发现需要手机root才可以,即需要在adb shell下能够显示#号才可以,因此我们采用了AVD进行调试,具体问题就是在setup的时候,solo = new Solo(getInstrumentation(), getActivity())方法,在第二个参数getActivity()这里,进入getActivity()方法,一步步往下调试的时候,发现卡在了下面方法中的加黄色的代码语句这里:

/*** Start a new activity and wait for it to begin running before returning.* In addition to being synchronous, this method as some semantic* differences from the standard {@link Context#startActivity} call: the* activity component is resolved before talking with the activity manager* (its class name is specified in the Intent that this method ultimately* starts), and it does not allow you to start activities that run in a* different process.  In addition, if the given Intent resolves to* multiple activities, instead of displaying a dialog for the user to* select an activity, an exception will be thrown.* * <p>The function returns as soon as the activity goes idle following the* call to its {@link Activity#onCreate}.  Generally this means it has gone* through the full initialization including {@link Activity#onResume} and* drawn and displayed its initial window.* * @param intent Description of the activity to start.* * @see Context#startActivity*/public Activity startActivitySync(Intent intent) {validateNotAppThread();synchronized (mSync) {intent = new Intent(intent);ActivityInfo ai = intent.resolveActivityInfo(getTargetContext().getPackageManager(), 0);if (ai == null) {throw new RuntimeException("Unable to resolve activity for: " + intent);}String myProc = mThread.getProcessName();if (!ai.processName.equals(myProc)) {// todo: if this intent is ambiguous, look here to see if// there is a single match that is in our package.throw new RuntimeException("Intent in process "+ myProc + " resolved to different process "+ ai.processName + ": " + intent);}intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(ai.applicationInfo.packageName, ai.name));final ActivityWaiter aw = new ActivityWaiter(intent);if (mWaitingActivities == null) {mWaitingActivities = new ArrayList();}mWaitingActivities.add(aw);getTargetContext().startActivity(intent);do {try {mSync.wait();             //就是卡在了这里} catch (InterruptedException e) {}} while (mWaitingActivities.contains(aw));return aw.activity;}}

以上这段代码如注释中所说:这个方法是启动一个Activity让其运行起来,加了同步锁的synchronized (mSync),然后走到了最下面的mSync.wait()这里,就一直等待,因为前面有一个内容挡住了这个wait,所以它一直等不到就一直出不了循环;只有等待成功,从do-while循环中出来,才能够启动并且将Activity返回。


protected void startActivity(){Intent it = new Intent();it.setClassName(packageName, mainActivity);it.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);getInstrumentation().getContext().startActivity(it);}

然后在solo的setup方法的new Solo()方法之前调用startActivity(),具体见下方:

@Beforeprotected void setUp() throws Exception {startActivity();solo = new Solo(getInstrumentation());}












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