MDT2008,以前本菜菜给大家介绍过,如何去部署Winxp,不过只是肤浅的.MDT2010 Beta也出来了…
Quick Start Guide for Lite Touch Installation
The new features in MDT 2010 Beta 1 are supported .ly for Lite Touch Installation (LTI)–based deployments and are not supported for Zero Touch Installation (ZTI)–based deployments using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007.
The MDT 2010 Beta 1 release includes the following new features:
· Support for Windows 7 Beta. Deploy Windows 7 Beta by using MDT 2010 Beta 1.
· Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta. Deploy Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta by using MDT 2010 Beta 1.
· Support for Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK) version 2.0. Deployment of Windows 7 Beta and Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta by using MDT 2010 Beta 1 requires the use of Windows AIK version 2.0.
· Support for Windows User State Migration Toolkit (USMT) version 4.0. USMT 4.0 is required to support Windows 7 Beta deployments. Specifically, the following new features of USMT 4.0 are supported in LTI-based deployments:
· Support for USMT 4.0 hardlink migration. USMT 4.0 includes a new method of saving user state called hardlink migration. Hardlink migration creates a snapshot of current user data files before reinstallation, which keeps data in the same location . the disk while upgrading the system and rebuilds the links after Windows 7 Beta is installed. Hardlink migration dramatically reduces the time required to migrate user state, because the data is never moved, which is faster than copying the user data to another disk.
· Support for USMT 4.0 shadow copy. USMT 4.0 supports the ability to archive files that are in use by using the shadow copy feature in Windows 7 Beta and Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta.
· Support for the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool. The new DISM tool (Dism.exe) allows for servicing offline images, mounting and unmounting Windows Imaging format (WIM) files, and customizing Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) boot images. The DISM tool replaces many of the tools in previous versions of the Windows AIK, including Package Manager (Pkgmgr.exe), the International Settings Configuration Tool (Intlcfg.exe), and the Windows PE command-line tool (PEimg.exe).
· Support for Windows PE version 3.0. Windows PE 3.0 is included as a part of the Windows AIK version 2.0 and is required to deploy Windows 7 Beta and Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta by using MDT 2010 Beta 1.
· Support for the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) management tool. MDT 2010 Beta 1 uses the new BCDEdit command-line tool to manage BCD files. MDT 2008 Update 1 used the BitLocker? Drive Preparation Tool (BdeHdCfg.exe) to manage boot configuration.
· Support for Windows 7 Beta default disk partition configuration. In MDT 2010 Beta 1, the disk partition configuration for Windows 7 Beta will be similar to the Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption disk configuration, where the operating system is installed . Disk 0, Partition 2, and the system partition is . Disk 0, Partition 1.
The MDT 2010 Beta 1 release does not include the following features that existed in MDT 2008 Update 1:
· Support for Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003. MDT 2010 Beta 1 no longer supports performing ZTI deployments using Systems Management Server. All other deployment scenarios that were supported in MDT 2008 Update 1 are supported in MDT 2010 Beta 1.

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