
链接:【Python】__name__ 是什么?




在我们浏览一下 python 文件或者自己写 python 代码的时候,时常会在代码的最后加上这样的一行代码

if __name__ == '__main__':func_name()



首先对于用双下划线开头且结尾的变量,在 Python 中被称为内置变量,除了 __name__,我们常见的还有 __init____dict__ 等等.那么有多少内置变量呢?我们可以通过下面在交互界面输入下面的命令,查看 Python 全部内置变量和内置函数

>>> dir(__builtins__)


不同情况下的 __name__ 的值

首先我们需要知道 __name__ 在不同情况下会有不同值,它的值取决于我们是如何执行脚本的.我们可以通过几个例子感受一下:

Example 0

# test.py
print(f'__name__ 在 test.py 值为 {__name__}')


$ python test.py


$ python test.py
__name__ 在 test.py 值为 __main__

在这个例子中,我们发现 __name__ 的值是 __main__

Example 1

在这个例子中,我们重新创建一个脚本 test1.py 然后我们在 test1.py 中调用 test.py

# test1.py
import test
print(f'__name__ 在 test1.py 值为 {__name__}')

接着执行一下 test1.py,再看一下输出

python test1.py
__name__ 在 test.py 值为 test
__name__ 在 test1.py 值为 __main__


什么时候使用 __name__

有时候,我们用 Python 写了一个脚本,当我们既希望这个脚本可以单独运行,同样希望它可以在其他的脚本中发挥作用. 这个时候就需要考虑使用 __name__ 了. 这里通过改造上面 Example 1的例子来直观感受一下

修改一下 test.py 文件

# test.py
def hello(name):print(f'Hello,{name}')if __name__ == '__main__':hello("test")

再修改一下 test1.py 文件

# test1.py
from test import hello

然后让我们先尝试直接运行一下 test.py,很显然这个时候, if 语句条件满足,会输出 Hello,test

$ python test.py

这个时候我们如果运行 test1.py,程序就会输出 Hello,test1

$ python test1.py

如果我们把 if __name__ == "__main__"test.py 去掉会发生什么呢?

$ python test1.py

Whenever the Python interpreter reads a source file, it does two things:

  • it sets a few special variables like __name__, and then
  • it executes all of the code found in the file.

Let's see how this works and how it relates to your question about the __name__ checks we always see in Python scripts.

Code Sample

Let's use a slightly different code sample to explore how imports and scripts work. Suppose the following is in a file called foo.py.

# Suppose this is foo.py.print("before import")
import mathprint("before functionA")
def functionA():print("Function A")print("before functionB")
def functionB():print("Function B {}".format(math.sqrt(100)))print("before __name__ guard")
if __name__ == '__main__':functionA()functionB()
print("after __name__ guard")

Special Variables

When the Python interpeter reads a source file, it first defines a few special variables. In this case, we care about the __name__ variable.

When Your Module Is the Main Program

If you are running your module (the source file) as the main program, e.g.

python foo.py

the interpreter will assign the hard-coded string "__main__" to the __name__ variable, i.e.

# It's as if the interpreter inserts this at the top
# of your module when run as the main program.
__name__ = "__main__"

When Your Module Is Imported By Another

On the other hand, suppose some other module is the main program and it imports your module. This means there's a statement like this in the main program, or in some other module the main program imports:

# Suppose this is in some other main program.
import foo

The interpreter will search for your foo.py file (along with searching for a few other variants), and prior to executing that module, it will assign the name "foo" from the import statement to the __name__ variable, i.e.

# It's as if the interpreter inserts this at the top
# of your module when it's imported from another module.
__name__ = "foo"

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