
DAO stands for Data Access Object. DAO Design Pattern is used to separate the data persistence logic in a separate layer. This way, the service remains completely in dark about how the low-level operations to access the database is done. This is known as the principle of Separation of Logic.

DAO代表数据访问对象。 DAO 设计模式用于在单独的层中分离数据持久性逻辑。 这样,该服务对如何完成访问数据库的低级操作一无所知。 这就是所谓的逻辑分离原理。

DAO设计模式 (DAO Design Pattern)

With DAO design pattern, we have following components on which our design depends:


  • The model which is transferred from one layer to the other.从一层转移到另一层的模型。
  • The interfaces which provides a flexible design.提供灵活设计的接口 。
  • The interface implementation which is a concrete implementation of the persistence logic.接口实现是持久性逻辑的具体实现。

实施DAO模式 (Implementing DAO pattern)

With above mentioned components, let’s try to implement the DAO pattern. We will use 3 components here:

使用上述组件,让我们尝试实现DAO模式。 我们将在这里使用3个组件:

  1. The Book model which is transferred from one layer to the other.从一层转移到另一层的Book模型。
  2. The BookDao interface that provides a flexible design and API to implement.BookDao接口提供了灵活的设计和要实现的API。
  3. BookDaoImpl concrete class that is an implementation of the BookDao interface.BookDaoImpl具体类,它是BookDao接口的实现。

Let us put this logic into a diagram:


DAO模式模型类 (DAO Pattern model Class)

Now, let’s put up our model object.


package com.journaldev.model;public class Books {private int isbn;private String bookName;public Books() {}public Books(int isbn, String bookName) {this.isbn = isbn;this.bookName = bookName;}// getter setter methods

It is a simple object with just 2 properties to keep things simple.


DAO模式界面 (DAO Pattern Interface)

Let’s define the interface to access the data associated with it at persistence level.


package com.journaldev.dao;import com.journaldev.model.Books;import java.util.List;public interface BookDao {List<Books> getAllBooks();Books getBookByIsbn(int isbn);void saveBook(Books book);void deleteBook(Books book);

DAO模式实施 (DAO Pattern Implementation)

Next, we create a concrete class implementing the above interface.


package com.journaldev.daoimpl;import com.journaldev.dao.BookDao;
import com.journaldev.model.Books;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;public class BookDaoImpl implements BookDao {//list is working as a databaseprivate List<Books> books;public BookDaoImpl() {books = new ArrayList<>();books.add(new Books(1, "Java"));books.add(new Books(2, "Python"));books.add(new Books(3, "Android"));}@Overridepublic List<Books> getAllBooks() {return books;}@Overridepublic Books getBookByIsbn(int isbn) {return books.get(isbn);}@Overridepublic void saveBook(Books book) {books.add(book);}@Overridepublic void deleteBook(Books book) {books.remove(book);}

使用DAO模式 (Using DAO Pattern)

Finally, we put this implementation to use in our main() method:


package com.journaldev;import com.journaldev.dao.BookDao;
import com.journaldev.daoimpl.BookDaoImpl;
import com.journaldev.model.Books;public class AccessBook {public static void main(String[] args) {BookDao bookDao = new BookDaoImpl();for (Books book : bookDao.getAllBooks()) {System.out.println("Book ISBN : " + book.getIsbn());}//update studentBooks book = bookDao.getAllBooks().get(1);book.setBookName("Algorithms");bookDao.saveBook(book);}

DAO模式的优势 (Advantages of DAO pattern)

There are many advantages for using DAO pattern. Let’s state some of them here:

使用DAO模式有很多优点。 让我们在这里声明其中一些:

  1. While changing a persistence mechanism, service layer doesn’t even have to know where the data comes from. For example, if you’re thinking of shifting from using MySQL to MongoDB, all changes are needed to be done in the DAO layer only.在更改持久性机制时,服务层甚至不必知道数据来自何处。 例如,如果您正在考虑从使用MySQL过渡到MongoDB,则所有更改仅需要在DAO层中完成。
  2. DAO pattern emphasis on the low coupling between different components of an application. So, the View layer have no dependency on DAO layer and only Service layer depends on it, even that with the interfaces and not from concrete implementation.DAO模式强调应用程序不同组件之间的低耦合。 因此,View层不依赖于DAO层,而仅Service层依赖于DAO层,即使依赖于接口,也不依赖于具体的实现。
  3. As the persistence logic is completely separate, it is much easier to write Unit tests for individual components. For example, if you’re using JUnit and Mockito for testing frameworks, it will be easy to mock the individual components of your application.由于持久性逻辑是完全独立的,因此为单个组件编写单元测试要容易得多。 例如,如果将JUnit和Mockito用于测试框架,则可以轻松模拟应用程序的各个组件。
  4. As we work with interfaces in DAO pattern, it also emphasizes the style of “work with interfaces instead of implementation” which is an excellent OOPs style of programming.当我们以DAO模式使用接口时,它还强调了“使用接口代替实现”的风格,这是一种出色的OOPs编程风格。

DAO模式结论 (DAO Pattern Conclusion)

In this article, we learned how we can put DAO design pattern to use to emphasize on keeping persistence logic separate and so, our components loosely coupled.


Design patterns are just based on a way of programming and so, is language and framework independent. Feel free to leave your views in comments below. Download the DAO example project from below link.

设计模式仅基于编程方式,因此与语言和框架无关。 请随时在下面的评论中留下您的看法。 从下面的链接下载DAO示例项目。

Download DAO Pattern Example Project下载DAO模式示例项目

References: Oracle Documentation, Wikipedia.

参考: Oracle文档 , 维基百科 。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/16813/dao-design-pattern



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