
JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 are completely different frameworks. They both serve the same purpose, but the JUnit 5 is a completely different testing framework written from scratch. It’s not using anything from JUnit 4 APIs.

JUnit 4和JUnit 5是完全不同的框架。 它们的目的相同,但是JUnit 5是完全不同的测试框架。 它没有使用JUnit 4 API中的任何东西。

Here we will look into how to setup JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 in our maven projects.

在这里,我们将研究如何在maven项目中设置JUnit 4和JUnit 5 。

JUnit Maven依赖关系 (JUnit Maven Dependencies)

If you want to use JUnit 4, then you need a single dependency as below.

如果要使用JUnit 4,则需要一个依赖项,如下所示。


JUnit 5 is divided into several modules, you need at least JUnit Platform and JUnit Jupiter to write tests in JUnit 5. Also, note that JUnit 5 requires Java 8 or higher versions.

JUnit 5分为几个模块,您至少需要JUnit PlatformJUnit Jupiter才能在JUnit 5中编写测试。此外,请注意,JUnit 5需要Java 8或更高版本。


If you want to run parameterized tests, then you need to add an additional dependency.

如果要运行参数化测试 ,则需要添加其他依赖项。


Maven构建期间的JUnit测试 (JUnit Tests During Maven Build)

If you want the tests to be executed during the maven build, you will have to configure maven-surefire-plugin plugin in your pom.xml file.


JUnit 4:

JUnit 4


JUnit 5:

JUnit 5


JUnit HTML报告 (JUnit HTML Reports)

Maven surefire plugin generates text and XML reports, we can generate HTML based reports using maven-surefire-report-plugin. Below configuration works for both JUnit 4 and JUnit 5.

Maven surefire插件生成文本和XML报告,我们可以使用maven-surefire-report-plugin生成基于HTML的报告。 以下配置适用于JUnit 4和JUnit 5。


Just run mvn site command and the HTML report will be generated in the target/site/ directory.

只需运行mvn site命令,HTML报告将在target/site/目录中生成。

That’s all for a quick roundup of JUnit setup for maven projects.




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