
if you declare a method to be static in your .cc file.

The reason is that static means something different inside .cc files than in class declarations It is really stupid, but the keyword static has three different meanings. In the .cc file, the static keyword means that the function isn't visible to any code outside of that particular file.

This means that you shouldn't use static in a .cc file to define one-per-class methods and variables. Fortunately, you don't need it. In C++, you are not allowed to have static variables or static methods with the same name(s) as instance variables or instance methods. Therefore if you declare a variable or method as static in the class declaration, you don't need the static keyword in the definition. The compiler still knows that the variable/method is part of the class and not the instance.


在C ++中,你不能有静态变量或静态方法在实例声明和实例方法中具有相同的名称(S)。

class Foo 
     static int bar();
static int Foo::bar() 
   // stuff
class Foo 
     static int bar();
int Foo::bar() 
   // stuff
class Foo 
     static int bar()
         // stuff

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