
1.1 抽象

An abstract class can be created without abstract methods, the purpose of doing this is to prevent instantiating the class.

A class with any abstract method must be abstract.

1.2 数据与表现分离

separation of the logical layer and the graphical interface.

责任驱动:whose responsibility?

1.3 接口

接口所有的方法都是没有方法体的,而且都是public abstract,即使你没有这样声明。

接口中的所有成员变量都是public static final的变量,并且必须有定义初始化,因为所有变量都必须在编译的时候有确定值。



pro: 适合多人同时写一个大程序

con: 代码量膨胀起来很快


2.1 异常的捕捉

// Question:
// how is the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown by f() ?public class ExceptionThrown {public static void f()    {int[] a = new int[10];a[10] = 10;System.out.println("hello");}public static void g() {f();}public static void h() {int i = 10;if (i < 100) {g();}}public static void k() {try {g();} catch (NullPointerException e) {System.out.println("k()");}}public static void main (String[] args) {try {k();} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {System.out.println("Exception Caught");            System.out.println(e);            e.printStackTrace();}}

捕捉异常后 可以处理异常,也可再次抛出

catch(Exception e) {


throw e;


finally{} -- execute finally block after try/catch.

2.2 异常的抛出和声明

若函数可能抛出异常,就必须在函数头部声明 throws ...






注意"Unreachable catch block for child Exception" if child exception is put after the catch parent exception.


因为有可能拿着子类的对象当成父类的对象来看待: upper cast

public class A {public void f() throws AException {}
}public class A1 extends A {public void f() {}    // works okpublic void f() throws AException {}    // works okpublic void f() throws AException, BException {}    // Error: Exception BException is not compatible with throws clause in A.f()




3.1 流

处理输入输出的方法:stream -- unidirectional; one-dimensional.

java.io: Package

InputStream & OutputStream -- abstract class in java.io


read(); read(byte b[]); read(byte[], int off, int len); --stream of bytes

int available(); mark(); reset(); markSupported(); close();

public class InputStreamTest {public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println("Ready to read in: ");byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];try {int len = System.in.read(buffer);    // how many bytes read inString s = new String(buffer, 0 ,len);    // start at 0, with length lenSystem.out.println("read in " + len + " bytes.");System.out.println(s);System.out.println("length of s: " + s.length());} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}

when the input stream contains Chinese characters, the value of len would be different from the value of s.length()


write(); write(int b); write(byte b[]); write(byte b[], int off, int len);

flush()--; close();

File stream 文件流:

FileInputStream & FileOutputStream -- 实际工程中较少使用:常用在内存数据或通信数据上建立的流;具体的文件读写有更专业的类如配置文件和日志文件.

public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println("prompt");byte[] buffer = new byte[10];for(int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {buffer[i] = (byte) i;}try {FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("a.dat");out.write(buffer);// a file called a.dat will be created of size 10 bytes} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}} 



    public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println("prompt");// data stream: input/output the primitive types value
        DataOutputStream out;try {out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("a.dat")));// nested stream -- bytes from FileOutputStream to BufferedOutputStream, to DataOutputStream
//            int i = 0xcafebabe;    // hexint i = 123456;    // what is written in the file is binary
            out.writeInt(i);out.close();DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("a.dat")));int j = in.readInt();in.close();System.out.println(j);} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}

3.2 文本流

The class we use previously (Data stream) is only available for dealing with data of primitive types (binary data).

What if we wanna handle text? -- Reader & Writer.

    public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println("prompt");try {PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter (new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("a.txt"))));// FileOutputStream: bytes// OutputStreamWriter: the bridge between stream and writerint i = 123456;out.println(i);out.close();// BufferedReaderBufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("src/ReaderWriter.java")));String line;while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {// read in line by line
                System.out.println(line);}} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}

Other classes:

LineNumberReader -- is able to get the line number and switch between lines

FileReader -- is the child class of InputStreamReader.

FileReader(File file);/ FileReader(String fileName); -- create a reader on a file directly.






程序改进--在InputStreamReader中给定处理方式new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("utf8.txt"), "utf8"));

(创建使用给定字符集的InputStreamReader: InputStreamReader(InputStream in, Charset cs);

创建使用给定字符集解码器的InputStreamReader: InputStreamReader(InputStream in, CharsetDecoder dec);

创建使用指定字符集的InputStreamReader: InputStreamReader(InputStream in, String charsetName);)


是二进制数据?-- InputStream

否 -- 表达的是文本? -- Reader (readLine...)

表达的是基本数据类型? -- Scanner(nextInt\nextDouble...)

3.3 流的应用 (instances)

network socket

public static void main(String[] args) {try {// construct connectionSocket socket = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 12345);PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream())));out.println("Hello");    // write Helloout.flush();    // kinda like refresh// Read inBufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));String line;line = in.readLine();System.out.println(line);out.close();socket.close();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}

在terminal中打开nc -l 12345端口后,运行程序。

read()函数是阻塞的,在读到所需的内容之前会停下来等(基于read()的函数也是如此,如nextInt(), readLine())


对于socket,可以设置SO时间:setSoTimeout(int timeOut);

对象串行化:将类整个写到流里去 (Interface Serialization)

ObjectInputStream & ObjectOutputStream

public static void main(String[] args) {Student s1 = new Student("John", 18, 5);System.out.println("s1" + s1);try {ObjectOutputStream out;out = new ObjectOutputStream (new FileOutputStream("obj.dat"));out.writeObject(s1);out.close();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}ObjectInputStream in;try {in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("obj.dat"));Student s2 = (Student)in.readObject();System.out.println("s2" + s2);in.close();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}


4.1 城堡游戏(例子)

package castle;public class Room {public String description;public Room northExit;public Room southExit;public Room eastExit;public Room westExit;public Room(String description) {this.description = description;}public void setExits(Room north, Room east, Room south, Room west) {if(north != null)northExit = north;if(east != null)eastExit = east;if(south != null)southExit = south;if(west != null)westExit = west;}@Overridepublic String toString(){return description;}

package castle;import java.util.Scanner;public class Game {private Room currentRoom;public Game() {createRooms();}private void createRooms(){Room outside, lobby, pub, study, bedroom;//    制造房间outside = new Room("城堡外");lobby = new Room("大堂");pub = new Room("小酒吧");study = new Room("书房");bedroom = new Room("卧室");//    初始化房间的出口outside.setExits(null, lobby, study, pub);lobby.setExits(null, null, null, outside);pub.setExits(null, outside, null, null);study.setExits(outside, bedroom, null, null);bedroom.setExits(null, null, null, study);currentRoom = outside;  //    从城堡门外开始
    }private void printWelcome() {System.out.println();System.out.println("欢迎来到城堡!");System.out.println("这是一个超级无聊的游戏。");System.out.println("如果需要帮助,请输入 'help' 。");System.out.println();System.out.println("现在你在" + currentRoom);System.out.print("出口有:");if(currentRoom.northExit != null)System.out.print("north ");if(currentRoom.eastExit != null)System.out.print("east ");if(currentRoom.southExit != null)System.out.print("south ");if(currentRoom.westExit != null)System.out.print("west ");System.out.println();}// 以下为用户命令private void printHelp() {System.out.print("迷路了吗?你可以做的命令有:go bye help");System.out.println("如:\tgo east");}private void goRoom(String direction) {Room nextRoom = null;if(direction.equals("north")) {nextRoom = currentRoom.northExit;}if(direction.equals("east")) {nextRoom = currentRoom.eastExit;}if(direction.equals("south")) {nextRoom = currentRoom.southExit;}if(direction.equals("west")) {nextRoom = currentRoom.westExit;}if (nextRoom == null) {System.out.println("那里没有门!");}else {currentRoom = nextRoom;System.out.println("你在" + currentRoom);System.out.print("出口有: ");if(currentRoom.northExit != null)System.out.print("north ");if(currentRoom.eastExit != null)System.out.print("east ");if(currentRoom.southExit != null)System.out.print("south ");if(currentRoom.westExit != null)System.out.print("west ");System.out.println();}}public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);Game game = new Game();game.printWelcome();while ( true ) {String line = in.nextLine();String[] words = line.split(" ");if ( words[0].equals("help") ) {game.printHelp();} else if (words[0].equals("go") ) {game.goRoom(words[1]);} else if ( words[0].equals("bye") ) {break;}}System.out.println("感谢您的光临。再见!");in.close();}}

4.2 消除代码复制

duplication -- bad for maintenance.

solution--using methods; inheritance.

System.out.println("你在" + currentRoom);
System.out.print("出口有: ");
if(currentRoom.northExit != null)System.out.print("north ");
if(currentRoom.eastExit != null)System.out.print("east ");
if(currentRoom.southExit != null)System.out.print("south ");
if(currentRoom.westExit != null)System.out.print("west ");

duplications in printWelcome() and goRoom();

4.3 封装


good design: low coupling & high cohesion.

for code modification & code reuse.

Lower coupling by using encapsulation

bad design: variables in Room set as public

solution: private visualization should be used

but how to access these variables? add getters? Not an OOP solution.

--  coupling: what does these exits used for?

We can make Room class tell Game about its exits, rather than figure it out in Game class.

getExitDesc() in Room

public String getExitSDesc() {StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();if(northExit != null)sb.append("north ");if(eastExit != null)sb.append("east ");if(southExit != null)sb.append("south ");if(westExit != null)sb.append("west ");return sb.toString();}

the reason why not using String s = ""; s+="north ";... -- immutable -> new and replace -> to much cost.

an efficient way to do this: StringBuffer.

-- coupling: same for move operation in Game.goRoom()

public Room moveToNextRoom(String direction) {Room nextRoom = null;if(direction.equals("north")) {nextRoom = northExit;}if(direction.equals("east")) {nextRoom = eastExit;}if(direction.equals("south")) {nextRoom = southExit;}if(direction.equals("west")) {nextRoom = westExit;}return nextRoom;

4.4 可扩展性


add functions: go up/down:

用容器来实现灵活性--原本: 用成员变量来表示Room的方向,增减方向需要改变代码。

solution: 用hash table来表示方向,那么方向就不是“硬编码”的了。

four private Room variables should not be created in Room class directly -- changing to use HashMap<String, Room> instead.

adjust the method setExits();

public void setExit(String dir, Room room) {exits.put(dir, room);

change the initialization of the exits to:

outside.setExit("east", lobby);
outside.setExit("south", study);
outside.setExit("west", pub);
lobby.setExit("west", outside);
pub.setExit("east", outside);
study.setExit("north", outside);
study.setExit("east", bedroom);
bedroom.setExit("west", study);// extended exits
lobby.setExit("up", pub);
pub.setExit("down", lobby);

4.5 框架加数据




while ( true ) {String line = in.nextLine();String[] words = line.split(" ");if ( words[0].equals("help") ) {game.printHelp();} else if (words[0].equals("go") ) {game.goRoom(words[1]);} else if (words[0].equals("bye") ) {break;}readInCmd();

while loop中的String-method pair可不可以也用HashMap的框架表示呢?

借助子类class中的override method来实现。

    public void play() {Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);while ( true ) {String line = in.nextLine();String[] words = line.split(" ");CmdHandler handler = handlers.get(words[0]);if (handler != null) {handler.cmdHandling();if (handler instanceof ByeHandler) {break;} else if (handler instanceof GoHandler) {if (words.length == 2) {((GoHandler)handler).cmdHandling(words[1]);} else {System.out.println("Invalid Command (Usage: go dir)\n");}}} else {System.out.println("Invalid Command\n");}}in.close();}

public class CmdHandler {public void cmdHandling() {}
}public class GoHandler extends CmdHandler{private Game game;public GoHandler(Game game) {this.game = game;}public void cmdHandling(String dir) {game.goRoom(dir);}
}public class HelpHandler extends CmdHandler{public void cmdHandling() {System.out.println("迷路了吗?你可以做的命令有:go bye help");System.out.println("如:\tgo east");}
}public class ByeHandler extends CmdHandler{public void cmdHandling() {System.out.println("感谢您的光临。再见!");}



5.1 注入控制反转

GUI(Graphic User Interface):


布局:如何在屏幕上放置组件 -- 通过layout manager布局管理器实现



BorderLayout:NORTH/ SOUTH/ EAST/ WEST/ CENTER. (default-CENTER) (overwrite if the position is the same)

Swing:event handling处理用户输入。





Q: How does a JButton object invoke the methods in my class?

A: One way can be done on our own: have a class MyButton extends JButton and override the doPressed() method to invoke myMethod.

A: What Swing does: 注入反转(反转控制)

JButton class; ActionListener interface;



implement actionPerformed()

when click the JButton, check any actionListener related

JButton knows its registered ActionListener

invoke ActionListener.actionPerformed();

// add button
JButton btnStep = new JButton("下一步");
frame.add(btnStep, BorderLayout.NORTH);    // which component, and where
btnStep.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {@Overridepublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {step();frame.repaint();}




5.2 MVC设计模式

JTable: separating the data and representation.

    public static void main(String[] args) {JFrame frame = new JFrame();JTable table = new JTable(new CurriculumData());// JTable cannot display all of its contentJScrollPane panel = new JScrollPane(table);frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);frame.add(panel);frame.setSize(400, 400);frame.setVisible(true);}    

CurriculumData is a class that stores the data

import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
import javax.swing.table.TableModel;public class CurriculumData implements TableModel {private String[] title = {"周一","周二","周三","周四","周五","周六","周日"};private String[][] curriculum = new String[8][7];@Overridepublic int getRowCount() {return 8;}@Overridepublic int getColumnCount() {return 7;}@Overridepublic String getColumnName(int columnIndex) {// the name of each columnreturn title[columnIndex];}@Overridepublic Class<?> getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {// the data type of each columnreturn String.class;}@Overridepublic boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {return true;}@Overridepublic Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {// get the data value at a particular cellreturn curriculum[rowIndex][columnIndex];}@Overridepublic void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {// set the data value at a particular cellcurriculum[rowIndex][columnIndex] = (String) aValue;}@Overridepublic void addTableModelListener(TableModelListener l) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}@Overridepublic void removeTableModelListener(TableModelListener l) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}

what happens inside is: There is a Table Model object between JTable and JTableData as the interface.



MVC (Model, View, Control)




NB: Control和View没有直接的联系


上例中:Model (TableModel); View&Control (JTable) -- 常见MVC实现方式,将View&Control合并(都是显示部分)



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