• nothing is 100% secure
• only as strong as the weakest link (e2e security requires many layers)
• manageable (a complex system will only serve to confuse admins/users)
• security must be included as part of the design not retro-fitted

Identify Security Restrictions That Java 2 Technology Environments Normally Impose on Applets Running in a Browser
• An applet can utilize only its own code and is not allowed to load libraries or define native methods.
• An applet cannot read or write files on the host that is executing it.
• An applet can make network connections only to the host from which it was downloaded.
• An applet cannot start any program on the local host.
• An applet is restricted from reading the following system properties:
java.home, java.class.path,, user.home, and user.dir.

Given an Architectural System Specification, Identify Appropriate Locations for Implementation of Specified Security Features and Select Suitable Technologies for Implementation of Those Features
• Authentication
    • Authentication method: BASIC, FORM, DIGEST, and CLIENT-CERT
    • Digital certificates, certificate authorities
    • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
    • Common Secure Interoperability (CSIv2)
    • Identity selection: <run-as> or <use-caller-identity>
    • Security roles
• Authorization
    • Authorization enforced by the container (declarative), defined in the deployment descriptor
    • Authorization enforced by the component (programmatic), defined within the application code

SCEA之路--10. Security相关推荐

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