
Tools can be pretty expensive. If you want to get the most bang for your buck, it’s important that you maintain them regularly so that they last as long as possible.

工具可能非常昂贵。 如果您想最大程度地赚钱,定期维护它们很重要,这样它们就可以尽可能长久地使用。

The good news is that most tools don’t really require all that much care and maintenance—good tools are made to take abuse. However, they aren’t invincible, and after a while your tools will begin to show signs of deterioration if you don’t properly take care of them. Here are a few things to keep in mind so that you hopefully won’t have to buy replacement tools anytime soon.

好消息是,大多数工具实际上并不需要那么多的保养和维护,而是制造出了可以滥用的好工具。 但是,它们并不是不可战胜的,过一会儿,如果您不适当地维护它们,您的工具将开始显示出退化的迹象。 请记住以下几点,希望您很快就不必购买更换工具。

每次使用后给工具快速清洁 (Give Tools a Quick Cleaning After Each Use)

Dirt and grime on tools accelerates the deterioration process, so if there was only one thing you could do when maintaining tools, it’s giving them a quick wipe down after each use.


You don’t have to be super thorough, either. Just get a rag and wipe most of the dirt and grime off. When it comes to power tools, take some canned air or use an air compressor to blow into the vents in order to clear out sawdust or drywall dust.

您也不必太彻底。 拿一块抹布擦掉大部分污垢和污垢。 对于电动工具,请带一些罐装空气或使用空气压缩机吹入通风Kong,以清除木屑或干墙粉尘。

经常润滑需要它的工具 (Frequently Lubricate Tools That Need It)

Tools that have moving parts that rub against each other can wear down quickly if not properly maintained. Nail guns, ratchets, and adjustable wrenches are good examples.

如果保养不当,带有相互摩擦的运动部件的工具可能会很快磨损。 指甲枪,棘轮扳手和活动扳手就是很好的例子。

Just put a very small dab of basic machine oil on any moving part and work it in. This stuff also works great on pretty much anything around the house that can squeak, like door hinges and sliding tracks.

只需在任何运动的零件上放一点基础机械油 ,然后对其进行处理。这些东西在房屋周围几乎所有可能吱吱作响的地方(例如门铰链和滑轨)上也都适用。

For pneumatic tools like nail guns, it’s recommended to use a lubricant designed for such tools. Luckily, it’s just as cheap as basic machine oil.

对于钉枪等气动工具,建议使用专为此类工具设计的润滑剂。 幸运的是,它和基础机油一样便宜 。

在金属零件上涂油以防止生锈 (Coat Metal Parts in Oil to Prevent Rusting)

Tools are made of metal, and most metal can rust, resulting in corrosion and deterioration. Sometimes there’s no way around it, but with your tools, a very light coat of oil can do the trick.

工具由金属制成,大多数金属会生锈,导致腐蚀和变质。 有时无法解决,但借助您的工具,只需涂上很少的油即可解决问题。

You can use pretty much whatever oil you want. I happen to use just regular motor oil since I always have some lying around. What I like to do is start by applying a liberal amount to my first tool, then wipe off the excess with a clean rag. From there, I’ll use that rag to apply oil to all of the other tools. This ensures that I’m not over-applying oil, which can attract a ton of dust onto the tools.

您可以使用几乎所有想要的油。 我碰巧只使用普通的机油,因为我总是躺在那里。 我想做的就是先在我的第一个工具上涂抹大量的东西,然后用一块干净的抹布擦去多余的部分。 从那里开始,我将用那块抹布将油涂抹到所有其他工具上。 这样可以确保我不会过量使用油,因为油会吸引大量灰尘进入工具。

The goal is to coat your tools enough so that when you run your finger across them, the tools feel a bit greasy and some oil residue gets on your finger. Any more than that and you’re just wasting oil.

目的是给您的工具涂上足够的涂层,以便当您的手指越过工具时,工具会感到有点油腻,并且手指上会残留一些油脂。 除此之外,您还浪费了石油。

远离高湿度的工具 (Keep Tools Away from High Humidity)

Coating your tools in oil is a good measure to take in order to prevent rusting, but probably the best thing you could do is to store your tools in a dry place away from high humidity.


Moisture accelerates the rusting process, so it’s important to keep your tools as dry as possible if you decide not to oil them. You can’t really oil the inside of power tools anyway (unless you take them apart), so it’s definitely important to keep those in dry locations.

水分会加速生锈过程,因此,如果您决定不给工具上油,就必须使其尽可能干燥。 无论如何,您都不能真正给电动工具的内部上油(除非您将它们拆开),因此将其保持在干燥的位置绝对重要。

The best way to do this is to store your tools in cases or toolboxes. This creates a microclimate of sorts where it’s much easier to control the humidity level. You can even throw in a silicon gel packet or two (those small packets of beads you find in shoes and other products when you buy them) to help with moisture buildup. You can even buy different size dry packs at most hardware stores—or online—if you don’t have any on hand.

最好的方法是将工具存储在案例或工具箱中。 这会产生各种微气候,因此更容易控制湿度水平。 您甚至可以扔进一包或两包硅胶(买鞋和其他产品时会发现的一小包珠子),以帮助滋润水分。 如果您手头没有任何零配件,甚至可以在大多数五金店或在线购买不同尺寸的干燥包装。

Chrome-finished tools are more impervious to rust, so buy chrome tools if at all possible, rather than just plain polished steel. Of course, chrome tools aren’t invincible to rust, as the chrome finish can chip, so still keep an eye on them.

镀Chrome的工具更不易生锈,因此,请尽可能购买镀Chrome的工具,而不仅仅是光洁的钢。 当然,镀Chrome工具不会生锈,因为镀Chrome表面可能会碎裂,因此请密切注意它们。

每次使用后排空空气压缩机 (Drain Air Compressors After Every Use)

Air Compressors work by sucking in outside air, compressing it in a tank, and then spewing out that compressed air at high velocities. However, while sucking in air, air compressors also suck in all that moisture that’s in the air.

空气压缩机的工作原理是吸入外部空气,将其压缩在水箱中,然后以高速喷出压缩空气。 但是,在吸入空气的同时,空气压缩机还会吸入空气中的所有水分。

If you didn’t get the memo from the previous two sections, moisture is bad for tools. The same goes for air compressors, which is why you need to drain the tank after every use in order to get out all the moisture.

如果您没有从前两节中获得备忘录,则水分对工具不利。 空气压缩机也是如此,这就是为什么您需要在每次使用后排空水箱以排出所有水分。

If you don’t do this, moisture will continue to build up in the tank with every use. Eventually, you’ll end up with a puddle of water at the bottom of the tank that will rust the inside and eventually compromise the tank’s structural integrity.

如果不这样做,每次使用都会在水箱中积聚水分。 最终,您将在水箱底部积水,这将使内部生锈并最终损害水箱的结构完整性。

最后,不要过多地出汗 (In the End, Don’t Sweat It Too Much)

As mentioned above, tools are made to be abused, so even if you treat them relatively poorly, they can still last a very long time. I’ve known some tools that last for decades without the owner doing any proper care, but there are also tools that don’t last very long if not well-maintained. A lot of it has to do with the brand. Plus, often you’ll find that the more expensive a tool is, the better quality it is.

如上所述,工具被滥用,因此即使您相对较差地使用它们,它们也可能会持续很长时间。 我知道有些工具可以持续数十年,而无需所有者进行任何适当的维护,但是如果维护得当,有些工具也无法使用很长时间。 这很大程度上与品牌有关。 另外,通常您会发现工具越昂贵,其质量就越高。

It’s also very possible that you’ll want to replace some of your power tools before they even wear down anyway, simply for the new technology that’s constantly making power tools better and better.


Most hand tools, on the other hand, don’t really improve—a wrench is a wrench and a hammer is a hammer. So it’s wise to put just a little bit of care into these tools so that you’ll hopefully never have to replace them during your lifetime.

另一方面,大多数手动工具并没有真正改善-扳手是扳手,锤子是锤子。 因此,明智的做法是对这些工具稍加注意,以免您一生中都不必更换它们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/301405/how-to-maintain-all-of-your-tools-so-they-last-almost-forever/



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