

121508281810000000 http://www.yhd.com/?union_ref=7&cp=0 3 PR4E9HWE38DMN4Z6HUG667SCJNZXMHSPJRER VFA5QRQ1N4UJNS9P6MH6HPA76SXZ737P 10977119545 unionKey:10977119545 2015-08-28 18:10:00 50116447 http://image.yihaodianimg.com/virtual-web_static/virtual_yhd_iframe_index_widthscreen.html?randid=2015828 6 1000 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0 Win32 lunbo_tab_3 北京市 2 北京市 1 1 1 1 1440*900 1440756285639

yAnAvm.png Paste_Image.png













create database count_log;

use count_log;

create table source_log(

id string,

url string,

referer string,

keyword string,

type string,

guid string,

pageId string,

moduleId string,

linkId string,

attachedInfo string,

sessionId string,

trackerU string,

trackerType string,

ip string,

trackerSrc string,

cookie string,

orderCode string,

trackTime string,

endUserId string,

firstLink string,

sessionViewNo string,

productId string,

curMerchantId string,

provinceId string,

cityId string,

fee string,

edmActivity string,

edmEmail string,

edmJobId string,

ieVersion string,

platform string,

internalKeyword string,

resultSum string,

currentPage string,

linkPosition string,

buttonPosition string


row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'

stored as textfile;

load data local inpath '/opt/datas/2015082818' into table source_log;

load data local inpath '/opt/datas/2015082819' into table source_log;

ANVNnm.png hive16.png


hive (count_log)> create table date_clear(

> id string,

> url string,

> guid string,

> date string,

> hour string

> )

> row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';

insert into table date_clear

hive (count_log)> insert into table date_clear

> select id,url,guid ,substring(trackTime,9,2) date,substring(trackTime,12,2) hour from source_log;

7r63Qf.png hive22.png


方式一: 创建静态分区表

hive (count_log)> create table part1(

> id string,

> url string,

> guid string

> )

> partitioned by (date string,hour string)

> row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';

hive (count_log)> insert into table part1 partition (data='20150828',hour='18')

> select id,url,guid from date_clear where date;

hive (count_log)> insert into table part1 partition (date='20150828',hour='18')

> select id,url,guid from date_clear where date='28' and hour='18';

e6JJZz.png hive20.png



hive (count_log)> set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;

hive (count_log)> set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;

hive (count_log)> create table part2(

> id string,

> url string,

> guid string

> )

> partitioned by (date string,hour string)

> row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';

hive (count_log)> insert into table part2 partition (date,hour)

> select * from date_clear;

uuI7f2.png hive21.png



hive (count_log)> select date,hour,count(url) PV from part1 group by date,hour;

nEvIbe.png hive23.png


hive (count_log)> select date,hour,count(distinct guid) uv from part1 group by date,hour;

3MZrQv.png hive24.png


hive (count_log)> create table if not exists result row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' as

> select date ,hour,count(url) PV ,count(distinct guid) UV from part1 group by date,hour;```


6. 利用sqoop把最后结果导出到MySQL




mysql 统计 uv pv_结合Hive、Sqoop统计日志pv和uv相关推荐

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  6. Shell - 一行脚本统计分组 PV、UV

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