
package com.ruijie.iotp.common.webcomponent.util;/*** Description 大小端转换工具类* */
public class EndianUtil {public static byte[] short2LittleEndianBytes(short val){return short2Bytes(short2LittleEndian(val));}public static byte[] int2LittleEndianBytes(int val){return int2Bytes(int2LittleEndian(val));}public static byte[] long2LittleEndianBytes(long val){return long2Bytes(long2LittleEndian(val));}/*** Reformats a Little Endian value to bigEndian* @param val the value to transform* @return Big Endian Value*/public static short short2LittleEndian(short val){return (short)(((val&0xff00)>>>8) + ((val&0x00ff)<<8));}/*** Reformats a Little Endian value to bigEndian* @param val the value to transform* @return Big Endian Value*/public static int int2LittleEndian(int val){return(  ( val&0xff000000 ) >>> 24 ) +( (( val&0x00ff0000 ) >>> 16 ) << 8 ) +( (( val&0x0000ff00 ) >>>  8 ) << 16 ) +( (( val&0x000000ff )        ) << 24 );}/*** Reformats a Little Endian value to bigEndian* @param val the value to transform* @return Big Endian Value*/public static long long2LittleEndian(long val){return( (val&0xff00000000000000L) >>> 56 ) +(((val&0x00ff000000000000L) >>> 48 ) << 8 ) +(((val&0x0000ff0000000000L) >>> 40 ) << 16 ) +(((val&0x000000ff00000000L) >>> 32 ) << 24 ) +(((val&0x00000000ff000000L) >>> 24 ) << 32 ) +(((val&0x0000000000ff0000L) >>> 16 ) << 40 ) +(((val&0x000000000000ff00L) >>> 8  ) << 48 ) +(((val&0x00000000000000ffL)        ) << 56 );}/*** ================================================================================*          The other way arround*          Fun fact: If you turn the bytes, the bytes turn. If you do it twice, you undo it.*          Turn AB to BA and turn it again => AB. Magic :)*          So, it's all basically the same functions.**          However, we create some alias functions to make it*          readable in your source code, what you assume to do :)*//*** Reformats a Little Endian value to bigEndian* @param val the value to transform* @return Big Endian Value*/public static int intFromLittleEndian(int val){return int2LittleEndian(val);}public static short shortFromLittleEndian(short val){return short2LittleEndian(val);}public static long longFromLittleEndian(long val){return long2LittleEndian(val);}public static byte[] long2Bytes(long a) {return new byte[] {(byte) ((a >> 56) & 0xFF),(byte) ((a >> 48) & 0xFF),(byte) ((a >> 40) & 0xFF),(byte) ((a >> 32) & 0xFF),(byte) ((a >> 24) & 0xFF),(byte) ((a >> 16) & 0xFF),(byte) ((a >> 8) & 0xFF),(byte) (a & 0xFF)};}public static byte[] int2Bytes(int a) {return new byte[] {(byte) ((a >> 24) & 0xFF),(byte) ((a >> 16) & 0xFF),(byte) ((a >> 8) & 0xFF),(byte) (a & 0xFF)};}public static byte[] short2Bytes(short a) {return new byte[] {(byte) ((a >> 8) & 0xFF),(byte) (a & 0xFF)};}public static long bytes2Long(byte[]bytes) {return (0xffL & (long)bytes[7])| (0xff00L & ((long)bytes[6] << 8))| (0xff0000L & ((long)bytes[5] << 16))| (0xff000000L & ((long)bytes[4] << 24))| (0xff00000000L & ((long)bytes[3] << 32))| (0xff0000000000L & ((long)bytes[2] << 40))| (0xff000000000000L & ((long)bytes[1] << 48))| (0xff00000000000000L & ((long)bytes[0] << 56));}public static long bytes2LongBigEndian(byte[]bytes) {return (0xffL & (long)bytes[0])| (0xff00L & ((long)bytes[1] << 8))| (0xff0000L & ((long)bytes[2] << 16))| (0xff000000L & ((long)bytes[3] << 24))| (0xff00000000L & ((long)bytes[4] << 32))| (0xff0000000000L & ((long)bytes[5] << 40))| (0xff000000000000L & ((long)bytes[6] << 48))| (0xff00000000000000L & ((long)bytes[7] << 56));}public static int bytes2Int(byte[]bytes) {return (bytes[0]&0xff) << 24| (bytes[1]&0xff) << 16| (bytes[2]&0xff) << 8| (bytes[3]&0xff);}public static int bytes2IntBigEndian(byte[]bytes) {return (bytes[3]&0xff) << 24| (bytes[2]&0xff) << 16| (bytes[1]&0xff) << 8| (bytes[0]&0xff);}public static short bytes2Short(byte[]bytes) {return  (short)((bytes[0]&0xff) << 8| (bytes[1]&0xff));}public static int bytes2ShortBigEndian(byte[]bytes) {return  (short)((bytes[1]&0xff) << 8| (bytes[0]&0xff));}


    private static ByteBuffer shortBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(2);private static ByteBuffer intBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);private static ByteBuffer longBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);public static long bytes2Short(byte[] bytes) {shortBuffer.clear();shortBuffer.put(bytes, 0, bytes.length);shortBuffer.flip();//need flipreturn shortBuffer.getShort();}public static long bytes2ShortBigEndian(byte[] bytes) {shortBuffer.clear();shortBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);shortBuffer.put(bytes, 0, bytes.length);shortBuffer.flip();//need flipreturn shortBuffer.getShort();}public static long bytes2ShortBigEndian(byte[] bytes, int pos) {shortBuffer.clear();shortBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);shortBuffer.put(bytes, pos, 2);shortBuffer.flip();//need flipreturn shortBuffer.getShort();}public static long bytes2Int(byte[] bytes) {intBuffer.clear();intBuffer.put(bytes, 0, bytes.length);intBuffer.flip();//need flipreturn intBuffer.getInt();}public static long bytes2IntBigEndian(byte[] bytes) {intBuffer.clear();intBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);intBuffer.put(bytes, 0, bytes.length);intBuffer.flip();//need flipreturn intBuffer.getInt();}public static long bytes2IntBigEndian(byte[] bytes, int pos) {intBuffer.clear();intBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);intBuffer.put(bytes, pos, 4);intBuffer.flip();//need flipreturn intBuffer.getInt();}public static long bytes2Long(byte[] bytes) {longBuffer.clear();longBuffer.put(bytes, 0, bytes.length);longBuffer.flip();//need flipreturn longBuffer.getLong();}public static long bytes2LongBigEndian(byte[] bytes) {longBuffer.clear();longBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);longBuffer.put(bytes, 0, bytes.length);longBuffer.flip();//need flipreturn longBuffer.getLong();}public static long bytes2LongBigEndian(byte[] bytes, int pos) {longBuffer.clear();longBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);longBuffer.put(bytes, pos, 8);longBuffer.flip();//need flipreturn longBuffer.getLong();}


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