
  • 描述过去
    • 一般过去时
    • 现在完成时
    • 现在完成时描述最近发生



  1. Half a century later, Fleming actively searched for anti-bacterial agents.
  2. The next research period involved innovative laboratory work in the late 1960s and into the 1970s.
  3. The first experimental realisation of …, by Smith et al. [12], used a …
    第一个实验实现… ,由史密斯等人[12] ,使用了一个…。
  4. From 1933 to 1945, restrictions were placed on German academics.
  5. During the Nazi period, restrictions were placed on German academics.
  6. At the end of the nineteenth century, authorities in X placed restrictions on academics.
    19世纪末,x 国的权威机构对学者实行了限制。
  7. In the latter half of the 19th century, authorities in X placed restrictions on academics.
    在19世纪后半叶,x 国当局对学者实行了限制。
  8. For centuries, authorities in X placed restrictions on academics.
    几个世纪以来,x 国的权威机构对学者实行限制。
  9. Half a century later, Fleming was named one of the 100 Most Important People of the century.
  10. X was originally isolated from Y in a soil sample from … (Smith et al., 1952).
    X 最初是在一个土壤样本中从 y 中分离出来的… (史密斯等人,1952)。
  11. In 1990, Jones et al. demonstrated that replacement of H2O with heavy water led to …
  12. In the 1930s and 1940s, restrictions were placed on German academics.
  13. In 1933, restrictions were placed on German academics.
  14. In the early years of the 19th century, authorities in X placed restrictions on academics.
    在19世纪早期,x 国的权威机构对学者施加了限制。
  15. Throughout the 19th century, authorities in X placed restrictions on academics.
    纵观整个19世纪,x 国的权威机构对学者实行限制。
  16. In the 1930s, Fleming actively searched for anti-bacterial agents.
  17. Before 1950, the X had received only cursory attention from historians.
    1950年以前,历史学家对 x 只是粗略的注意。
  18. An experimental demonstration of this effect was first carried out by …
  19. Thirty years later, Smith (1974) reported three cases of ….
  20. In 1984, Jones et al. made several amino acid esters of X and evaluated them as …
    1984年,琼斯等人合成了 x 的几个氨基酸酯,并将它们评价为…。
  21. Between 1933 and 1945, restrictions were placed on German academics.
  22. Towards the end of the 19th century, authorities in X placed restrictions on academics.
    到了19世纪末,x 国的权威机构对学者实行了限制。
  23. In the second half of the 19th century, authorities in X placed restrictions on academics.
    在19世纪下半叶,x 国当局对学者实行了限制。
  24. At the start of the 19th century, authorities in X placed restrictions on academics.
    19世纪初,x 国当局对学者实行限制。
  25. At the beginning of the 19th century, authorities in X placed restrictions on academics.
    在19世纪初,x 国当局对学者实行了限制。
  26. In the 1930s, Fleming was named one of the 100 Most Important People of the century.
  27. Following World War I, Fleming was named one of the 100 Most Important People of the century.
  28. Following World War I, Fleming actively searched for anti-bacterial agents.
  29. The link between X and Y was established in 2000 by Smith et al.
    X 和 y 之间的联系是由史密斯等人在2000年建立的。
  30. Smith and Jones (1994) were the first to describe X, and reported that …
    史密斯和琼斯(1994)是第一个描述 x 的人,他们报告说…。
  31. In the 1950s, Smith pointed to some of the ways in which …
  32. In 1975, Smith et al. published a paper in which they described …
    1975年,史密斯等人发表了一篇论文,其中他们描述了… …。
  33. In 1981, Smith and co-workers demonstrated that X induced in vitro resistance to …
    在1981年,史密斯和他的同事证明了 x 在体外诱导对…。


  1. Up to now, the research has tended to focus on X rather than on Y.
    到目前为止,研究主要集中在 x 上而不是 y 上。
  2. Recently, these questions have been addressed by researchers in many fields.
  3. To date, little evidence has been found associating X with Y.
    迄今为止,几乎没有证据表明 x 与 y 有关。
  4. Until recently, there has been little interest in X.
    直到最近,人们对 x 还没有什么兴趣。
  5. Over the past century there has been a dramatic increase in …
  6. The past decade has seen the rapid development of X in many …
    在过去的十年中,x 在许多领域得到了迅速的发展。
  7. So far, three factors have been identified as being potentially important: X, Y, and Z.
    到目前为止,有三个因素被认为是潜在的重要因素: x,y 和 z。
  8. Since 1965, these four economies have doubled their share of world production and trade.
  9. In recent years, researchers have investigated a variety of approaches to X but …
    近年来,研究人员已经研究了 x 的各种方法,但是…。
  10. Over the past 30 years there has been a significant increase in …
    在过去的30年里… … 有了显著的增长。
  11. Over the past few decades, the world has seen the stunning transformation of X, Y and Z.
    在过去的几十年里,世界目睹了 x,y 和 z 惊人的转变。


  1. Several studies have revealed that …
  2. The relationship between X and Y has been widely investigated (Smith, 1985, Jones, …
    X 和 y 之间的关系已被广泛研究(史密斯,1985,琼斯,…。
  3. The new material has been shown to enhance cooling properties (Smith, 1985, Jones, 1987).
  4. A considerable amount of literature has been published on X.
    在 x 上发表了大量的文献。
  5. Invasive plants have been identified as major contributing factors for the decline of …
  6. There have been several investigations into the causes of illiteracy (Smith, 1985; Jones, 1987).
    对文盲的原因进行了几次调查(史密斯,1985; 琼斯,1987) 。


  1. 科研写作——常见句式(一)

    常见句式(一) 摘要 突出主题重要性 提及当前文献 表明认知的差距 本研究的目的 表明所使用的方法 陈述关键发现 本研究的意义或价值 写背景 学科的重要性 时间重要性 社会重要性 时间社会都重要 因为 ...

  2. 科研写作——常见句式(八)

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  5. 科研写作——常见句式(二)

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  6. 科研写作——常见句式(六)

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  7. 科研写作——常见句式(五)

    常见句式(五) 讨论 从文献引出本文背景 从研究目的引出 重述结果或其中一个 提示意外的结果 与之前结果一致 与以前的发现矛盾 对发现进行解释 谨慎的解释 提出假设 评论结果 发现的含义 对未来工作的 ...

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