
  • 分析表
  • 一、普通单表查询
    • 1.查询表中所有数据
    • 2.查询表中特定字段的记录(列过滤)
    • 3.不注意关键字执行顺序会导致的问题
    • 3.between、in、like、%、_在where后的使用
    • 4.关键字null的注意事项
    • 5.去重distinct
    • 6.排序desc和asc
  • 二.多表查询(表联接)
    • 内联接(不分左右)
    • 外联接
    • 函数
      • 1.单行函数
      • 2.组函数
  • 总结



| Tables_in_world |
| city            |
|                 |
| country         |
|                 |
| countrylanguage |
| Field          | Type                                                                                  | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| Code           | char(3)                                                                               | NO   | PRI |         |       |
| Name           | char(52)                                                                              | NO   |     |         |       |
| Continent      | enum('Asia','Europe','North America','Africa','Oceania','Antarctica','South America') | NO   |     | Asia    |       |
| Region         | char(26)                                                                              | NO   |     |         |       |
| SurfaceArea    | float(10,2)                                                                           | NO   |     | 0.00    |       |
| IndepYear      | smallint(6)                                                                           | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| Population     | int(11)                                                                               | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| LifeExpectancy | float(3,1)                                                                            | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| GNP            | float(10,2)                                                                           | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| GNPOld         | float(10,2)                                                                           | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| LocalName      | char(45)                                                                              | NO   |     |         |       |
| GovernmentForm | char(45)                                                                              | NO   |     |         |       |
| HeadOfState    | char(60)                                                                              | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| Capital        | int(11)                                                                               | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| Code2          | char(2)                                                                               | NO   |     |         |       |
| Code | Name                                         | Continent     | Region                    | SurfaceArea | IndepYear | Population | LifeExpectancy | GNP        | GNPOld     | LocalName                                    | GovernmentForm                               | HeadOfState                         | Capital | Code2 |
| ABW  | Aruba                                        | North America | Caribbean                 |      193.00 |      NULL |     103000 |           78.4 |     828.00 |     793.00 | Aruba                                        | Nonmetropolitan Territory of The Netherlands | Beatrix                             |     129 | AW    |
| AFG  | Afghanistan                                  | Asia          | Southern and Central Asia |   652090.00 |      1919 |   22720000 |           45.9 |    5976.00 |       NULL | Afganistan/Afqanestan                        | Islamic Emirate                              | Mohammad Omar                       |       1 | AF    |
| AGO  | Angola                                       | Africa        | Central Africa            |  1246700.00 |      1975 |   12878000 |           38.3 |    6648.00 |    7984.00 | Angola                                       | Republic                                     | José Eduardo dos Santos            |      56 | AO    |
| AIA  | Anguilla                                     | North America | Caribbean                 |       96.00 |      NULL |       8000 |           76.1 |      63.20 |       NULL | Anguilla                                     | Dependent Territory of the UK                | Elisabeth II                        |      62 | AI    |
| ALB  | Albania                                      | Europe        | Southern Europe           |    28748.00 |      1912 |    3401200 |           71.6 |    3205.00 |    2500.00 | Shqip?ria                                    | Republic                                     | Rexhep Mejdani                      |      34 | AL    |
| AND  | Andorra                                      | Europe        | Southern Europe           |      468.00 |      1278 |      78000 |           83.5 |    1630.00 |       NULL | Andorra                                      | Parliamentary Coprincipality                 |                                     |      55 | AD    |
| ANT  | Netherlands Antilles                         | North America | Caribbean                 |      800.00 |      NULL |     217000 |           74.7 |    1941.00 |       NULL | Nederlandse Antillen                         | Nonmetropolitan Territory of The Netherlands | Beatrix                             |      33 | AN    |
| ARE  | United Arab Emirates                         | Asia          | Middle East               |    83600.00 |      1971 |    2441000 |           74.1 |   37966.00 |   36846.00 | Al-Imarat al-?Arabiya al-Muttahida           | Emirate Federation                           | Zayid bin Sultan al-Nahayan         |      65 | AE    |
| ARG  | Argentina                                    | South America | South America             |  2780400.00 |      1816 |   37032000 |           75.1 |  340238.00 |  323310.00 | Argentina                                    | Federal Republic                             | Fernando de la Rúa                 |      69 | AR    |
| ARM  | Armenia                                      | Asia          | Middle East               |    29800.00 |      1991 |    3520000 |           66.4 |    1813.00 |    1627.00 | Hajastan                                     | Republic                                     | Robert Kot?arjan                    |     126 | AM    |
| ASM  | American Samoa                               | Oceania       | Polynesia                 |      199.00 |      NULL |      68000 |           75.1 |     334.00 |       NULL | Amerika Samoa                                | US Territory                                 | George W. Bush                      |      54 | AS    |
| ATA  | Antarctica                                   | Antarctica    | Antarctica                | 13120000.00 |      NULL |          0 |           NULL |       0.00 |       NULL | –                                           | Co-administrated                             |                                     |    NULL | AQ    |
| ATF  | French Southern territories                  | Antarctica    | Antarctica                |     7780.00 |      NULL |          0 |           NULL |       0.00 |       NULL | Terres australes fran?aises                  | Nonmetropolitan Territory of France          | Jacques Chirac                      |    NULL | TF    |
| ATG  | Antigua and Barbuda                          | North America | Caribbean                 |      442.00 |      1981 |      68000 |           70.5 |     612.00 |     584.00 | Antigua and Barbuda                          | Constitutional Monarchy                      | Elisabeth II                        |      63 | AG    |
| AUS  | Australia                                    | Oceania       | Australia and New Zealand |  7741220.00 |      1901 |   18886000 |           79.8 |  351182.00 |  392911.00 | Australia                                    | Constitutional Monarchy, Federation          | Elisabeth II                        |     135 | AU    |
| AUT  | Austria                                      | Europe        | Western Europe            |    83859.00 |      1918 |    8091800 |           77.7 |  211860.00 |  206025.00 | ?sterreich                                   | Federal Republic                             | Thomas Klestil                      |    1523 | AT    |
| AZE  | Azerbaijan                                   | Asia          | Middle East               |    86600.00 |      1991 |    7734000 |           62.9 |    4127.00 |    4100.00 | Az?rbaycan                                   | Federal Republic                             | Heyd?r ?liyev                       |     144 | AZ    |--共有239个国家
`239 rows in set (0.01 sec)`
| Field       | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| ID          | int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| Name        | char(35) | NO   |     |         |                |
| CountryCode | char(3)  | NO   | MUL |         |                |
| District    | char(20) | NO   |     |         |                |
| Population  | int(11)  | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| ID   | Name                              | CountryCode | District               | Population |
|    1 | Kabul                             | AFG         | Kabol                  |    1780000 |
|    2 | Qandahar                          | AFG         | Qandahar               |     237500 |
|    3 | Herat                             | AFG         | Herat                  |     186800 |
|    4 | Mazar-e-Sharif                    | AFG         | Balkh                  |     127800 |
|    5 | Amsterdam                         | NLD         | Noord-Holland          |     731200 |
|    6 | Rotterdam                         | NLD         | Zuid-Holland           |     593321 |
|    7 | Haag                              | NLD         | Zuid-Holland           |     440900 |
|    8 | Utrecht                           | NLD         | Utrecht                |     234323 |
|    9 | Eindhoven                         | NLD         | Noord-Brabant          |     201843 |
|   10 | Tilburg                           | NLD         | Noord-Brabant          |     193238 |
|   11 | Groningen                         | NLD         | Groningen              |     172701 |
|   12 | Breda                             | NLD         | Noord-Brabant          |     160398 |
|   13 | Apeldoorn                         | NLD         | Gelderland             |     153491 |
|   14 | Nijmegen                          | NLD         | Gelderland             |     152463 |
|   15 | Enschede                          | NLD         | Overijssel             |     149544 |
|   16 | Haarlem                           | NLD         | Noord-Holland          |     148772 |
|   17 | Almere                            | NLD         | Flevoland              |     142465 |
|   18 | Arnhem                            | NLD         | Gelderland             |     138020 |
|   19 | Zaanstad                          | NLD         | Noord-Holland          |     135621 |
|   20 | ?s-Hertogenbosch                  | NLD         | Noord-Brabant          |     129170 |
|   21 | Amersfoort                        | NLD         | Utrecht                |     126270 |
|   22 | Maastricht                        | NLD         | Limburg                |     122087 |
|   23 | Dordrecht                         | NLD         | Zuid-Holland           |     119811 |
|   24 | Leiden                            | NLD         | Zuid-Holland           |     117196 |
|   25 | Haarlemmermeer                    | NLD         | Noord-Holland          |     110722 |
|   26 | Zoetermeer                        | NLD         | Zuid-Holland           |     110214 |
|   27 | Emmen                             | NLD         | Drenthe                |     105853 |
|   28 | Zwolle                            | NLD         | Overijssel             |     105819 |
|   29 | Ede                               | NLD         | Gelderland             |     101574 |
|   30 | Delft                             | NLD         | Zuid-Holland           |      95268 |
|   31 | Heerlen                           | NLD         | Limburg                |      95052 |
|   32 | Alkmaar                           | NLD         | Noord-Holland          |      92713 |
|   33 | Willemstad                        | ANT         | Cura?ao                |       2345 |
|   34 | Tirana                            | ALB         | Tirana                 |     270000 |
|   35 | Alger                             | DZA         | Alger                  |    2168000 |
|   36 | Oran                              | DZA         | Oran                   |     609823 |
|   37 | Constantine                       | DZA         | Constantine            |     443727 |
|   38 | Annaba                            | DZA         | Annaba                 |     222518 |
|   39 | Batna                             | DZA         | Batna                  |     183377 |
|   40 | Sétif                            | DZA         | Sétif                 |     179055 |
|   41 | Sidi Bel Abbès                   | DZA         | Sidi Bel Abbès        |     153106 |
|   42 | Skikda                            | DZA         | Skikda                 |     128747 |
|   43 | Biskra                            | DZA         | Biskra                 |     128281 |
|   44 | Blida (el-Boulaida)               | DZA         | Blida                  |     127284 |
|   45 | Béja?a                           | DZA         | Béja?a                |     117162 |
|   46 | Mostaganem                        | DZA         | Mostaganem             |     115212 |
|   47 | Tébessa                          | DZA         | Tébessa               |     112007 |
|   48 | Tlemcen (Tilimsen)                | DZA         | Tlemcen                |     110242 |
|   49 | Béchar                           | DZA         | Béchar                |     107311 |
|   50 | Tiaret                            | DZA         | Tiaret                 |     100118 |
|   51 | Ech-Chleff (el-Asnam)             | DZA         | Chlef                  |      96794 |
|   52 | Gharda?a                          | DZA         | Gharda?a               |      89415 |
|   53 | Tafuna                            | ASM         | Tutuila                |       5200 |
|   54 | Fagatogo                          | ASM         | Tutuila                |       2323 |
|   55 | Andorra la Vella                  | AND         | Andorra la Vella       |      21189 |
|   56 | Luanda                            | AGO         | Luanda                 |    2022000 |--共4079条记录
| count(*) |
|     4079 |
| Field       | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| CountryCode | char(3)       | NO   | PRI |         |       |
| Language    | char(30)      | NO   | PRI |         |       |
| IsOfficial  | enum('T','F') | NO   |     | F       |       |
| Percentage  | float(4,1)    | NO   |     | 0.0     |       |
| CountryCode | Language                  | IsOfficial | Percentage |
| ABW         | Dutch                     | T          |        5.3 |
| ABW         | English                   | F          |        9.5 |
| ABW         | Papiamento                | F          |       76.7 |
| ABW         | Spanish                   | F          |        7.4 |
| AFG         | Balochi                   | F          |        0.9 |
| AFG         | Dari                      | T          |       32.1 |
| AFG         | Pashto                    | T          |       52.4 |
| AFG         | Turkmenian                | F          |        1.9 |
| AFG         | Uzbek                     | F          |        8.8 |
| AGO         | Ambo                      | F          |        2.4 |
| AGO         | Chokwe                    | F          |        4.2 |
| AGO         | Kongo                     | F          |       13.2 |
| AGO         | Luchazi                   | F          |        2.4 |
| AGO         | Luimbe-nganguela          | F          |        5.4 |
| AGO         | Luvale                    | F          |        3.6 |
| AGO         | Mbundu                    | F          |       21.6 |
| AGO         | Nyaneka-nkhumbi           | F          |        5.4 |
| AGO         | Ovimbundu                 | F          |       37.2 |
| AIA         | English                   | T          |        0.0 |
| ALB         | Albaniana                 | T          |       97.9 |
| ALB         | Greek                     | F          |        1.8 |
| ALB         | Macedonian                | F          |        0.1 |
| AND         | Catalan                   | T          |       32.3 |
| AND         | French                    | F          |        6.2 |
| AND         | Portuguese                | F          |       10.8 |
| AND         | Spanish                   | F          |       44.6 |
| ANT         | Dutch                     | T          |        0.0 |
| ANT         | English                   | F          |        7.8 |
| ANT         | Papiamento                | T          |       86.2 |
| ARE         | Arabic                    | T          |       42.0 |
| ARE         | Hindi                     | F          |        0.0 |
| ARG         | Indian Languages          | F          |        0.3 |
| ARG         | Italian                   | F          |        1.7 |
| ARG         | Spanish                   | T          |       96.8 |
| ARM         | Armenian                  | T          |       93.4 |
| ARM         | Azerbaijani               | F          |        2.6 |
| ASM         | English                   | T          |        3.1 |
| ASM         | Samoan                    | T          |       90.6 |
| ASM         | Tongan                    | F          |        3.1 |
| ATG         | Creole English            | F          |       95.7 |
| ATG         | English                   | T          |        0.0 |
| AUS         | Arabic                    | F          |        1.0 |
| AUS         | Canton Chinese            | F          |        1.1 |
| AUS         | English                   | T          |       81.2 |
| AUS         | German                    | F          |        0.6 |
| AUS         | Greek                     | F          |        1.6 |
| AUS         | Italian                   | F          |        2.2 |
| AUS         | Serbo-Croatian            | F          |        0.6 |
| AUS         | Vietnamese                | F          |        0.8 |
| AUT         | Czech                     | F          |        0.2 |
| AUT         | German                    | T          |       92.0 |
| AUT         | Hungarian                 | F          |        0.4 |
| AUT         | Polish                    | F          |        0.2 |
| AUT         | Romanian                  | F          |        0.2 |
| AUT         | Serbo-Croatian            | F          |        2.2 |
| AUT         | Slovene                   | F          |        0.4 |
| AUT         | Turkish                   | F          |        1.5 |
| AZE         | Armenian                  | F          |        2.0 |
| AZE         | Azerbaijani               | T          |       89.0 |
| AZE         | Lezgian                   | F          |        2.3 |
| AZE         | Russian                   | F          |        3.0 |
| BDI         | French                    | T          |        0.0 |
| BDI         | Kirundi                   | T          |       98.1 |
| BDI         | Swahili                   | F          |        0.0 |
| BEL         | Arabic                    | F          |        1.6 |
| BEL         | Dutch                     | T          |       59.2 |
| BEL         | French                    | T          |       32.6 |
| BEL         | German                    | T          |        1.0 |
| BEL         | Italian                   | F          |        2.4 |
| BEL         | Turkish                   | F          |        0.9 |
| BEN         | Adja                      | F          |       11.1 |
| BEN         | Aizo                      | F          |        8.7 |
| BEN         | Bariba                    | F          |        8.7 |
| BEN         | Fon                       | F          |       39.8 |
| BEN         | Ful                       | F          |        5.6 |
| BEN         | Joruba                    | F          |       12.2 |
| BEN         | Somba                     | F          |        6.7 |
| BFA         | Busansi                   | F          |        3.5 |
| BFA         | Dagara                    | F          |        3.1 |
| BFA         | Dyula                     | F          |        2.6 |
| BFA         | Ful                       | F          |        9.7 |
| BFA         | Gurma                     | F          |        5.7 |
| BFA         | Mossi                     | F          |       50.2 |
984 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SQL注意 :
SQL 语言大小写不敏感。
SQL 可以写在一行或者多行



select * from country;


select code,name,population
from country;
--给列起别名, 可以省略as关键字, 别名中如果有特殊符号, 可以使用""包围.
select population as pop,name "国家 名称",code
from country;

执行顺序 : 先from, 再where 最后select



-- 错误!! where中不可以使用列的别名, 因为此时虚表的列还没有生成好.
SELECT employee_id empId, last_name name, job_id job, department_id deptId
FROM   employees
WHERE  deptId = 90 ;

小练习:查询人口总数大于1亿的国家的名称和大洲及人口, 给人口列起别名.

select name,continent,population countryPop
from country
where population > 100000000;+--------------------+---------------+------------+
| name               | continent     | countryPop |
| Bangladesh         | Asia          |  129155000 |
| Brazil             | South America |  170115000 |
| China              | Asia          | 1277558000 |
| Indonesia          | Asia          |  212107000 |
| India              | Asia          | 1013662000 |
| Japan              | Asia          |  126714000 |
| Nigeria            | Africa        |  111506000 |
| Pakistan           | Asia          |  156483000 |
| Russian Federation | Europe        |  146934000 |
| United States      | North America |  278357000 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


--Between a and b  且a和b都包含
SELECT last_name, salary
FROM   employees
WHERE  salary BETWEEN 2500 AND 3500; -- 相当于 salary >= 2500 and salary <= 3500
SELECT employee_id, last_name, salary, manager_id
FROM   employees
WHERE  manager_id IN (100, 101, 201); -- 相当于 manager_id = 101 or manager_id = 100 or manager_id = 201
--% 表示任意个任意字符
select code,name,continent
from country
where name like '%na%';   --模糊查询
--_ 表示一个任意字符
select code,name,continent
from country
where name like '__na%';  //模糊查询,比%更准确


只要有null参与比较运算, 结果一定是false!!!!!!
select name,continent,capital
from country
where capital = null;--运行结果,不会显示正确的结果
Empty set (0.00 sec)


select name,continent,capital
from country
where capital is null;--运行结果
| name                                         | continent  | capital |
| Antarctica                                   | Antarctica |    NULL |
| French Southern territories                  | Antarctica |    NULL |
| Bouvet Island                                | Antarctica |    NULL |
| Heard Island and McDonald Islands            | Antarctica |    NULL |
| British Indian Ocean Territory               | Africa     |    NULL |
| South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | Antarctica |    NULL |
| United States Minor Outlying Islands         | Oceania    |    NULL |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)--查询哪些国家有首都
select name,continent,capital
from country
where capital is not null;

小练习:查询所有亚洲国家 (人口大于1亿或者尚未独立)的国家, 的代码,名称和大洲及人口

select name,code,continent,population,indepYear
from country
where continent = 'asia'and (population > 100000000or indepYear is null );
--分析:1.from:获取country基表 2.where:行过滤,选取continent字段值为asia亚洲并且人口大于1亿或者isdeoYear为null的记录,生成虚拟表。3.从虚拟表中选取字段为,,,,拼接显示


--distinct 去重, 要求列真的有重复的
select distinct region,continent//这里是按照两个的组合值来去重from country ;--查询中国有哪些不同的省份.
selectdistinct district
from city
where countrycode = 'chn';


order by  可以排序, 只是给结果集虚表排序!!!!
order by 可以使用列的别名.selectdistinct district dis
from city
where countrycode = 'chn' //先from获取表,然后where过滤行,然后select过滤列(生成虚表),然后distinct过滤行,最后order by排序
order by dis desc;order by
SELECT last_name, department_id, salary
FROM   employees
ORDER BY department_id, salary DESC; //列1, 列2 先以列1排序, 再在【相同的列1数据中】, 再依据列2再微排.+-------------+---------------+----------+
| last_name   | department_id | salary   |
| Grant       |          NULL |  7000.00 |
| Whalen      |            10 |  4400.00 |
| Hartstein   |            20 | 13000.00 |
| Fay         |            20 |  6000.00 |
| Raphaely    |            30 | 11000.00 |
| Khoo        |            30 |  3100.00 |
| Baida       |            30 |  2900.00 |
| Tobias      |            30 |  2800.00 |
| Himuro      |            30 |  2600.00 |
| Colmenares  |            30 |  2500.00 |
| Mavris      |            40 |  6500.00 |
| Fripp       |            50 |  8200.00 |
| Weiss       |            50 |  8000.00 |
| Kaufling    |            50 |  7900.00 |
| Vollman     |            50 |  6500.00 |
| Mourgos     |            50 |  5800.00 |
| Sarchand    |            50 |  4200.00 |
| Bull        |            50 |  4100.00 |

步骤 :

  1. from 基表 2) where 过滤哪些行 3) select 选择哪些列 4) order by 以哪些列为排序依据.
order byGNP desc;


create table city2
select * from city where name='london';//基于查询建表create table country2
select * from country where code in('gbr', 'can');mysql> select * from city2;
| ID   | Name   | CountryCode | District | Population |
|  456 | London | GBR         | England  |    7285000 |
| 1820 | London | CAN         | Ontario  |     339917 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from country2;
| Code | Name           | Continent     | Region          | SurfaceArea | IndepYear | Population | LifeExpectancy | GNP        | GNPOld     | LocalName      | GovernmentForm                      | HeadOfState  | Capital | Code2 |
| CAN  | Canada         | North America | North America   |  9970610.00 |      1867 |   31147000 |           79.4 |  598862.00 |  625626.00 | Canada         | Constitutional Monarchy, Federation | Elisabeth II |    1822 | CA    |
| GBR  | United Kingdom | Europe        | British Islands |   242900.00 |      1066 |   59623400 |           77.7 | 1378330.00 | 1296830.00 | United Kingdom | Constitutional Monarchy             | Elisabeth II |     456 | GB    |
select *
from city2,country2;
--笛卡尔集中的数据绝大多数都是垃圾, 必须使用行过滤.
| ID   | Name   | CountryCode | District | Population | Code | Name           | Continent     | Region          | SurfaceArea | IndepYear | Population | LifeExpectancy | GNP        | GNPOld     | LocalName      | GovernmentForm                      | HeadOfState  | Capital | Code2 |
|  456 | London | GBR         | England  |    7285000 | CAN  | Canada         | North America | North America   |  9970610.00 |      1867 |   31147000 |           79.4 |  598862.00 |  625626.00 | Canada         | Constitutional Monarchy, Federation | Elisabeth II |    1822 | CA    |
| 1820 | London | CAN         | Ontario  |     339917 | CAN  | Canada         | North America | North America   |  9970610.00 |      1867 |   31147000 |           79.4 |  598862.00 |  625626.00 | Canada         | Constitutional Monarchy, Federation | Elisabeth II |    1822 | CA    |
|  456 | London | GBR         | England  |    7285000 | GBR  | United Kingdom | Europe        | British Islands |   242900.00 |      1066 |   59623400 |           77.7 | 1378330.00 | 1296830.00 | United Kingdom | Constitutional Monarchy             | Elisabeth II |     456 | GB    |
| 1820 | London | CAN         | Ontario  |     339917 | GBR  | United Kingdom | Europe        | British Islands |   242900.00 |      1066 |   59623400 |           77.7 | 1378330.00 | 1296830.00 | United Kingdom | Constitutional Monarchy             | Elisabeth II |     456 | GB    |
select *
from city2,country2--两表内连接
where countrycode = code;--只要这两个值相等的行,就过滤了垃圾记录
| ID   | Name   | CountryCode | District | Population | Code | Name           | Continent     | Region          | SurfaceArea | IndepYear | Population | LifeExpectancy | GNP        | GNPOld     | LocalName      | GovernmentForm                      | HeadOfState  | Capital | Code2 |
| 1820 | London | CAN         | Ontario  |     339917 | CAN  | Canada         | North America | North America   |  9970610.00 |      1867 |   31147000 |           79.4 |  598862.00 |  625626.00 | Canada         | Constitutional Monarchy, Federation | Elisabeth II |    1822 | CA    |
|  456 | London | GBR         | England  |    7285000 | GBR  | United Kingdom | Europe        | British Islands |   242900.00 |      1066 |   59623400 |           77.7 | 1378330.00 | 1296830.00 | United Kingdom | Constitutional Monarchy             | Elisabeth II |     456 | GB    |


--SQL99标准, 用内联代替逗号联接.
select ci.name cityName,ci.population cityPop,co.name countryName,co.population countryPop,co.continent
from city2 ci
inner join      --内联接country2 co
on ci.countrycode = co.code -- 联接条件(可以看成最重要的行过滤条件)
where  ci.population > 5000000 -- 普通过滤
select co.name countryName,ci.name capitalName,co.capital
from country2 co
join city2 ci
on co.capital = ci.id ;


内联接的逻辑是从笛尔集中取出来的是满足联接条件的记录. 有可能会导致某张表的数据不完整(因为如果null值会导致结果false,那么连接后的一整条记录都会被过滤掉,但有时我们不希望被过滤,而是保留显示null值).内连接没有左右之分

 select co.name countryName,ci.name capitalName,co.capital
from country2 co
left outer join -- 左外联接, 保证左表数据完整,保证左表数据完整city2 ci
on co.capital = ci.id ;
select co.name countryName,ci.name capitalName,co.capital
from country2 co
right outer join -- 右外联接, 保证右表数据完整city2 ci
on co.capital = ci.id ;--外联时可以省略outer关键字
select co.name countryName,ci.name capitalName,co.capital
from country2 co
left joincity2 ci
on co.capital = ci.id ;



单行函数 -- 作用于结果集中的每一条记录的.
select upper(name),now(),   //系统函数concat(continent, code2) //拼接
from country;--查询国家表中的数据, 把国家名称,大洲, 国家代码 连接起来, 中间使用'=>'连接.
--concat(concat(concat(concat(name, '=>'), continent), '=>'), code)
select concat(name, '=>', continent, '=>', code)
from country;


组函数 – 作用于一组数据(group by), 最终针对一组只有一个结果. 也称为统计处理。

avg() 平均
max() 最大
min() 最小
count() 计数
sum()求和select avg(population),max(surfacearea)
from country;select count(name)
from country;select count(capital), -- 如果有null值, 所有的组函数都会忽略之min(capital) --也会忽略null值
from country;


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