
例子1 指定分割文件大小

配置文件 config.ini:




python 代码如下:



#!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: utf-8

-*-import os,sys,ConfigParserclass file_openate(object):def

__init__(self): #初如化读取数据库配置 dir_config =

ConfigParser.ConfigParser() file_config=open('config.ini',"rb")





self.dir2=unicode(self.dir2,'utf8') file_config.close()#print




print input_name_han while 1:input_name=raw_input("number:")if

input_name.isdigit(): input_name=int(input_name)

os.chdir(self.dir1) for filename in

os.listdir(self.dir1):os.chdir(self.dir1)#print filenamename, ext =


file_size >= 1: #print file_size chu_nmuber=chu_nmuber +

1 if file_size >= input_name:file_size=file_size -

input_namea=f.read(input_name)os.chdir(self.dir2)filename1=name +

'-' + str(chu_nmuber) +


file_size else:a=f.read()os.chdir(self.dir2)filename1=name +

'-' + str(chu_nmuber) +


"分割成功".decode('utf-8') + filenamef.close()else: print





#!/usr/bin/env python#--*-- coding:utf-8

--*--import osclass SplitFiles(): """按行分割文件""" def

__init__(self, file_name, line_count=200):

"""初始化要分割的源文件名和分割后的文件行数""" self.file_name = file_name

self.line_count = line_count def split_file(self): if

self.file_name and os.path.exists(self.file_name):

try: with open(self.file_name) as f : #

使用with读文件 temp_count = 0

temp_content = [] part_num = 1 for

line in f: if temp_count <

self.line_count: temp_count +=

1 else :

self.write_file(part_num, temp_content) part_num

+= 1 temp_count =

1 temp_content = []

temp_content.append(line) else : #

正常结束循环后将剩余的内容写入新文件中 self.write_file(part_num,

temp_content) except IOError as err:

print(err) else: print("%s is not a validate file" %

self.file_name) def get_part_file_name(self, part_num):


temp_path = os.path.dirname(self.file_name) # 获取文件的路径(不含文件名)

part_file_name = temp_path + "temp_part_file" if not

os.path.exists(temp_path) : # 如果临时目录不存在则创建

os.makedirs(temp_path) part_file_name += os.sep + "temp_file_" +

str(part_num) + ".part" return part_file_name def

write_file(self, part_num, *line_content):

"""将按行分割后的内容写入相应的分割文件中""" part_file_name =

self.get_part_file_name(part_num) print(line_content) try

: with open(part_file_name, "w") as part_file:

part_file.writelines(line_content[0]) except IOError as

err: print(err)if __name__ == "__main__": sf =

SplitFiles(r"F:\multiple_thread_read_file.txt") sf.split_file()


例子3, 分割文件与合并函数




split a file into a set of parts; join.py puts them back together;# this is

a customizable version of the standard unix split command-line # utility;

because it is written in Python, it also works on Windows and# can be easily

modified; because it exports a function, its logic can # also be imported

and reused in other


import sys, oskilobytes = 1024megabytes = kilobytes *

1000chunksize = int(1.4 * megabytes) # default: roughly a floppy

def split(fromfile, todir, chunksize=chunksize): if not

os.path.exists(todir): # caller handles errorsos.mkdir(todir) # make

dir, read/write parts else:for fname in os.listdir(todir): #

delete any existing files os.remove(os.path.join(todir, fname))

partnum = 0 input = open(fromfile, 'rb') # use binary mode on

Windows while 1: # eof=empty string from readchunk =

input.read(chunksize) # get next part <= chunksizeif not chunk:

breakpartnum = partnum+1filename = os.path.join(todir, ('part%04d' %

partnum))fileobj = open(filename,

'wb')fileobj.write(chunk)fileobj.close() # or simply

open().write() input.close() assert partnum <= 9999 # join sort

fails if 5 digits return partnum if __name__ ==

'__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == '-help':print

'Use: split.py [file-to-split target-dir [chunksize]]' else:if

len(sys.argv) < 3: interactive = 1 fromfile = raw_input('File

to be split? ') # input if clicked todir = raw_input('Directory

to store part files? ')else: interactive = 0 fromfile, todir =

sys.argv[1:3] # args in cmdline if len(sys.argv) == 4: chunksize =

int(sys.argv[3])absfrom, absto = map(os.path.abspath, [fromfile,

todir])print 'Splitting', absfrom, 'to', absto, 'by', chunksize

try: parts = split(fromfile, todir, chunksize)except:

print 'Error during split:' print sys.exc_info()[0],

sys.exc_info()[1]else: print 'Split finished:', parts, 'parts are

in', abstoif interactive: raw_input('Press Enter key') # pause if






join all part files in a dir created by split.py, to recreate file. # This

is roughly like a 'cat fromdir/* > tofile' command on unix, but is # more

portable and configurable, and exports the join operation as a # reusable

function. Relies on sort order of file names: must be same # length. Could

extend split/join to popup Tkinter file


import os, sysreadsize = 1024 def join(fromdir,

tofile): output = open(tofile, 'wb') parts =

os.listdir(fromdir) parts.sort() for filename in

parts:filepath = os.path.join(fromdir, filename)fileobj =

open(filepath, 'rb')while 1: filebytes =

fileobj.read(readsize) if not filebytes: break

output.write(filebytes)fileobj.close() output.close() if

__name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] ==

'-help':print 'Use: join.py [from-dir-name to-file-name]' else:if

len(sys.argv) != 3: interactive = 1 fromdir = raw_input('Directory

containing part files? ') tofile = raw_input('Name of file to be

recreated? ')else: interactive = 0 fromdir, tofile =

sys.argv[1:]absfrom, absto = map(os.path.abspath, [fromdir,

tofile])print 'Joining', absfrom, 'to make', absto try:

join(fromdir, tofile)except: print 'Error joining files:'

print sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]else: print 'Join complete:

see', abstoif interactive: raw_input('Press Enter key') # pause if


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