
Android Wear is a useful tool for checking notifications and getting quick info without having to actually take out your phone. But it’s kind of useless if your watch’s battery is dead. Here’s how to figure out what’s causing your battery drain.

Android Wear是一个有用的工具 , 可用于检查通知和获取快速信息,而无需实际取出手机。 但是,如果手表的电池没电了,那是没有用的。 这是找出导致电池电量耗尽的原因的方法。

First things first: go ahead and jump into the Android Wear app on your phone. Once you’re there, tap that little cog icon in the top right corner.

首先,请先进行以下操作:进入手机上的Android Wear应用。 到那里后,点击右上角的小齿轮图标。

This menu is a little misleading, because it doesn’t actually look like the top option—the one that has the watch’s name—does anything. But it does. Tap it.

此菜单有点误导,因为它实际上并不像顶级选项(带有手表名称的菜单)那样起作用。 但是确实如此。 点一下

This is where you can control various parts of the watch’s general uses, like the screen and cards. But we’re looking for one of the lower options: Watch battery. Give that a tap.

您可以在这里控制手表一般用途的各个部分,例如屏幕和卡片。 但我们正在寻找一种较低的选择:手表电池。 轻按一下。

It will take a few seconds to load (maybe a bit longer), because the phone actually has to pull the data from the watch. Once everything is up, however, this should look pretty familiar, since it uses the same interface as Android’s battery settings.

由于手机实际上必须从手表中提取数据,因此加载需要几秒钟(可能会更长)。 一旦一切就绪,就应该看起来很熟悉,因为它使用的界面与Android的电池设置相同。

The main difference here is that you can’t tap on each entry to get more information or otherwise interact with it. This screen will literally just tell you what’s been consuming the battery and nothing more.

这里的主要区别是您无法点击每个条目来获取更多信息或与之交互。 该屏幕实际上只是告诉您什么正在消耗电池,仅此而已。

But that’s really all you need here. Once you’re able to pinpoint what’s going on, you can adjust accordingly. If your current watch face is chewing through the battery, just swap it out for something a little cleaner. If it’s an app, you can either uninstall it or just force close the app from Android’s settings, which should theoretically also kill it on the watch.

但这实际上就是您所需要的。 一旦能够确定发生了什么,就可以进行相应的调整。 如果您当前的表盘咀嚼着电池,请将其换成更清洁的东西。 如果是应用程序,则可以将其卸载,也可以从Android设置中强制关闭该应用程序,从理论上讲,这也应该在手表上将其杀死。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/295173/how-to-find-out-whats-using-your-android-wear-watchs-battery/


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