我认为对一个真正的男人而言: 他该有三个女人。


一个是康乃馨。那是男人的妻子。温馨淡雅,温情脉脉。她是男人奋斗的动力,是男人心灵的依靠,是男人回归的港弯。 她是男人的第二个母亲。男人的天性都是儿童。而康乃馨会含笑纵容他的顽皮并耐心等待他在玩累时回家。






How many women should a man own in his life?
Zhang ailing ever said a very incisive word: There are two roses in every man’s heart: one is red rose and the other is a white rose.
In my opinion, I deem that a real man shall own three women.
The first is the lotus flower. She is the boy’s first love. She is so pure and noble, so beautiful in boy’s dream that only can watch and cannot dishallow. She is a real a white lotus flower in youthful and blue astringent dream that cannot be reached to most of the men.
The second is the red rose. She is the man’s hot love. Like fire, like electricity. She not only can be embosomed but also can be kissed seethingly as much as you like. The boy becomes a man through the red rose. The red rose is a cup of attractive good wine to the mature man.
The third is the carnation. She is the man’s wife. She is not only gentle and fragrant but is full of tender feelings. She is either the man’s motivity of struggling or the man’s heart-backing and recursive harbor. She is the man’s another mother in one certain of meaning. Men are all children in nature. And the carnation would always forgive his naughty behavior and wait him to be back home when he feel tired from playing.
So, in a man’s life, he will long for the white lotus flower secretly. And he will love the red rose hotly. But at last he will choose the carnation to company with him through his life.
White lotus flower is not suit to live together because of her transcendency and purity. Red rose can activize the man’s appetency of conquest. A lot of men have no such confidence to live with a red rose who is full of passion and lure because he was worried about abandoning and cheating. But many men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife.
And if you are a very lucky man, you may have the chance to meet your white lotus flower, then change her into a red rose, at last, and let her be a carnation.
How many men should a woman have in her life?
As to a woman, you shall meet three men in your life.
The first is the boy who looks at you with reverence far away from you. He is the boy who loves you clandestinely. He is always care for you and take notice of you at any time. After five or ten years, when he meet you, he actually can tell you that you ever dressed a blue skirt and was full of sweet smile in one summer in one year as if nothing happened. Thinking about that you always thought that everyday is dull but in fact someone has packed away your bits and drops silently. He also has brewed them quietly until the fade water become drink. And you smell its deep fragrance after you uncover the lid accidentally. I a woman’s life, if she did not taste this flavor of being loved stealthily, she shall feel so regretful.
Another is the one who you can tease. The one you tease shall be a proud one actually. But you make him as your captive easily by the name of love. Then he becomes to be your brave bodyguard and loyal servant. He will send you be back home at night and will run far to buy a ice-cream for you. He even worries that whether he will lose the job as your servant. Your smile is very important to him. He will feel as if a knife were piercing his heart when he hears your sigh. Your eye expression is his compass and your soul is the storehouse where he wants to grope. If you have no such moment when you can be a queen, you will feel the life is so drab.
The third man is the one who come to conquer you. You are the God in front of the first man and the queen ahead of the second. But you are the maid or slave of the third man. You may revolt and struggle at first. You are reluctant to be conquered. But he tames you at last as a little fox being domesticated by the prince. You are willing to let him to occupy your heart. You are loyal to him and regard him as your king. In your life, no matter how beautiful, intelligent and noble you are, if you heart never has occupied and taken captive by the name of love, your life is really full of deformity.


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