

public class Main {private static class Team implements Comparable<Team>{String name;int score, pureGoal, totalGoals;public Team(String name) {this.name = name;}@Overridepublic int compareTo(Team t) {return -(score != t.score ? score - t.score : pureGoal != t.pureGoal ? pureGoal - t.pureGoal : totalGoals != t.totalGoals ? totalGoals - t.totalGoals : -name.compareTo(t.name));}@Overridepublic String toString() {return name;}}   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {Read.init(System.in);String t1, t2;Map<String, Team> map = new HashMap<>();for (int k=0; k<4; k++) {map.clear();for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {t1 = Read.next();String temp = Read.next();t2 = Read.next();int v1 = temp.charAt(0) - '0', v2 = temp.charAt(2) - '0';int s1, s2;if (v1 > v2) {s1 = 3;s2 = 0;} else if (v1 < v2) {s1 = 0;s2 = 3;} else {s1 = s2 = 1;}if (!map.containsKey(t1)) {Team t = new Team(t1);t.score = s1;t.pureGoal = v1 - v2;t.totalGoals = v1;map.put(t1, t);} else {map.get(t1).score += s1;map.get(t1).pureGoal += (v1 - v2);map.get(t1).totalGoals += v1;}if (!map.containsKey(t2)) {Team t = new Team(t2);t.score = s2;t.pureGoal = v2 - v1;t.totalGoals = v2;map.put(t2, t);} else {map.get(t2).score += s2;map.get(t2).pureGoal += (v2 - v1);map.get(t2).totalGoals += v2;}               }List<Team> list = new ArrayList<>(map.values());Collections.sort(list);for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {if (i == 0) System.out.print(list.get(i));else System.out.print(" " + list.get(i));}System.out.println();}}}


public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {Read.init(System.in);int M = Read.nextInt(), N = Read.nextInt();int[][] num = new int[M][N];for (int i=0; i<M; i++) {for (int j=0; j<N; j++) {String temp = Read.next();if (temp.length() == 4 && temp.charAt(1) == 'i') {if (temp.charAt(0) == '+')num[i][j] = 111;elsenum[i][j] = -111;} else num[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(temp);}}int q = Read.nextInt();int x1, x2, y1, y2;for (int i=0; i<q; i++) {x1 = Read.nextInt() - 1;y1 = Read.nextInt() - 1;x2 = Read.nextInt() - 1;y2 = Read.nextInt() - 1;System.out.println(help(num, x1, x2, y1, y2));}}private static String help(int[][] num, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) {int sum = 0;boolean pinf = false, ninf = false;for (int i=x1; i<=x2; i++) {for (int j=y1; j<=y2; j++) {if (num[i][j] == 111) pinf = true;else if (num[i][j] == -111) ninf = true;else sum += num[i][j];if (pinf && ninf) return "NaN";}}if (pinf) return "+inf";else if (ninf) return "-inf";else return "" + sum;}


public class Main { private static class Room {boolean isFull = false;int[] val = new int[6];int empty = 6;}static int t1, t2, t3; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {Read.init(System.in);int N = Read.nextInt();t1 = Read.nextInt();t2 = Read.nextInt();t3 = Read.nextInt();List<Room> lr = new ArrayList<>();int[] add = new int[N];for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {add[i] = Read.nextInt();int k = Read.nextInt();List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();for (int j=0; j<k; j++) {list.add(Read.nextInt());}if (lr.size() == 0 || needNew(lr, list)) {Room r = new Room();r.empty = 6 - list.size();for (int j=0; j<list.size(); j++)r.val[i] = list.get(i);if (r.empty == 0) r.isFull = true;lr.add(r);} else {int pre = -1;boolean first = true;for (int j=0; j<lr.size(); j++) {if (lr.get(j).isFull) continue;if (first && lr.get(j).empty >= list.size()) {first = false;pre = j;int sum = 0, sum2 = 0;for (int k1=0; k1<6; k1++) sum += lr.get(j).val[k1];for (int k1=0; k1<list.size(); k1++) {sum += list.get(k1);sum2 += list.get(k1);}sum /= (6 - lr.get(j).empty + list.size());sum2 /= list.size();if (Math.abs(sum - sum2) < t1) {lr.get(j).empty -= list.size();for (int k1=6-lr.get(j).empty; k1<6-lr.get(j).empty+list.size(); k1++)lr.get(j).val[k1] = list.get(k1-6-lr.get(j).empty);if (lr.get(j).empty == 0) lr.get(j).isFull = true;} }}lr.get(pre).empty -= list.size();for (int k1=6-lr.get(pre).empty; k1<6-lr.get(pre).empty+list.size(); k1++)lr.get(pre).val[k1] = list.get(k1-6-lr.get(pre).empty);if (lr.get(pre).empty == 0) lr.get(pre).isFull = true;}/*未完待续*/}}   private static boolean needNew(List<Room> lr, List<Integer> list) {int i = 0;for (; i<lr.size(); i++) {if (!lr.get(i).isFull && lr.get(i).empty >= list.size()) break;}if (i == lr.size()) return true;return false;}


class Read {static BufferedReader br;static StringTokenizer st;static void init(InputStream in) {br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));st = new StringTokenizer("");}public static double nextDouble() throws IOException {return Double.parseDouble(next());}static String next() throws IOException {while (!st.hasMoreTokens()) {st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine());}return st.nextToken();}static int nextInt() throws IOException {return Integer.parseInt(next());}


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int M, N;
int a[1005][1005];
void help(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) {int sum = 0;bool b1 = false, b2 = false;for (int i=x1; i<=x2; i++) {for (int j=y1; j<=y2; j++) {if (a[i][j] == 111) b1 = true;else if (a[i][j] == -111) b2 = true;else sum += a[i][j];if (b1 && b2) {printf("NaN\n"); return;}}}if (b1) printf("+inf");else if (b2) printf("-inf");else printf("%d", sum);printf("\n");
int main() {    scanf("%d%d", &M, &N);string s;for (int i=0; i<M; i++) {for (int j=0; j<N; j++) {cin >> s;if (s.length() == 4 && s[1] == 'i') {if (s[0] == '+') a[i][j] = 111;else a[i][j] = -111;} else a[i][j] = stoi(s);}}int q;scanf("%d", &q);int x1, y1, x2, y2;for (int i=0; i<q; i++) {cin >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2;help(x1-1, x2-1, y1-1, y2-1);}return 0;


  • 浪费时间想在时间上AC第二题,于是写了个C版本,但还是没通过,结果浪费了大量时间,导致第三题没写完;
  • 大概也就一周没刷题,感觉思路就没那么便捷了,看来还是自己太菜;
  • 第三道题思路不难,主要是很复杂,得细细捋一遍,等有时间再补上完整代码;


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