




        MMU 全称是内存管理单元,它将物理内存分割成多个pages,MMU管理进程的虚拟地址空间中的PAGE和物理内存中的PAGE之间的映射关系。

什么是page fault

当进程访问它的虚拟地址空间中的PAGE时,如果这个PAGE目前还不在物理内存中,此时CPU是不能干活的,Linux会产生一个hard page fault中断。系统需要从慢速设备(如磁盘)将对应的数据PAGE读入物理内存,并建立物理内存地址与虚拟地址空间PAGE的映射关系。然后进程才能访问这部分虚拟地址空间的内存。

page fault 又分为几种,major page fault、 minor page fault、 invalid(segment fault)。

major page fault 也称为 hard page fault, 指需要访问的内存不在虚拟地址空间,也不在物理内存中,需要从慢速设备载入。从swap 回到物理内存也是 hard page fault。

minor page fault 也称为 soft page fault, 指需要访问的内存不在虚拟地址空间,但是在物理内存中,只需要MMU建立物理内存和虚拟地址空间的映射关系即可。

  1. 当一个进程在调用 malloc 获取虚拟空间地址后,首次访问该地址会发生一次soft  page fault。
  2. 通常是多个进程访问同一个共享内存中的数据,可能某些进程还没有建立起映射关系,所以访问时会出现soft page fault

invalid fault 也称为 segment fault,指进程需要访问的内存地址不在它的虚拟地址空间范围内,属于越界访问,内核会报 segment fault错误。




page fault
参考代码:kernel/4.1.18/linux-4.1.18.y/arch/arm64/mm/fault.c    static int __do_page_fault()

page fault出现的原因:
a). 页表中找不到对应虚拟地址的PTE(无效地址/有效地址但是没有载入主存);
b). 对应虚拟地址的PTE拒绝访问。

page fault在哪里进行处理
page fault被CPU捕获,跳转到 page_fault_handler 进行处理。

page fault的处理方式
page fault -> 访问地址是否合法
a. 无效地址:segment fault,返回(用户地址杀死进程、内核地址杀死内核)
b. 有效地址:
1). page第一次被访问: demand_page_faults (demanding pages,请求调页)
检查页表中是否存在该PTE    pmd_none, pte_none
2). page被交换到swap分区
3). COW(Copy-On-Write)

static int __do_page_fault()函数 vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
根据传入的地址addr查找对应的vm_area_struct,如果没有找到证明该地址访问无效,返回segment fault。

kernel 3.10内核源码分析--缺页异常(page fault)处理流程

1、page fault由硬件产生,是一种“异常”。产生条件为:当CPU访问某线性地址,而该线性地址还没有对应的页表项,即还没有分配相应的物理内存并进行映射时,自动产生异常。
2、page fault基本流程:
    非vmalloc区 ->不应该产生page fault->oops
        exception table中有相应的处理项? ->进行修正
        没有 ->oops
        找到?-> 是否expand stack?->堆栈扩展

/**缺页异常主处理函数。*regs:异常时的寄存器信息;*error_code-当异常发生时,硬件压入栈中的错误代码。*             当第0位被清0时,则异常是由一个不存在的页所引起的。否则是由无效的访问权限引起的。*             如果第1位被清0,则异常由读访问或者执行访问所引起,如果被设置,则异常由写访问引起。*             如果第2位被清0,则异常发生在内核态,否则异常发生在用户态。*/
static void __kprobes
__do_page_fault(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long error_code)
{struct vm_area_struct *vma;struct task_struct *tsk;unsigned long address;struct mm_struct *mm;int fault;int write = error_code & PF_WRITE;unsigned int flags = FAULT_FLAG_ALLOW_RETRY | FAULT_FLAG_KILLABLE |(write ? FAULT_FLAG_WRITE : 0);tsk = current;mm = tsk->mm;/* Get the faulting address: *///缺页异常的地址默认存放于CR2寄存器中,x86硬件决定address = read_cr2();/** Detect and handle instructions that would cause a page fault for* both a tracked kernel page and a userspace page.*/if (kmemcheck_active(regs))kmemcheck_hide(regs);prefetchw(&mm->mmap_sem);// mmio不应该发生缺页,通常都会ioremap到vmalloc区,然后进行访问if (unlikely(kmmio_fault(regs, address)))return;/** We fault-in kernel-space virtual memory on-demand. The* 'reference' page table is init_mm.pgd.** We MUST NOT take any locks for this case. We may* be in an interrupt or a critical region, and should* only copy the information from the master page table,* nothing more.** This verifies that the fault happens in kernel space* (error_code & 4) == 0, and that the fault was not a* protection error (error_code & 9) == 0.*//** 缺页地址位于内核空间。并不代表异常发生于内核空间,有可能是用户* 态访问了内核空间的地址。*/if (unlikely(fault_in_kernel_space(address))) {if (!(error_code & (PF_RSVD | PF_USER | PF_PROT))) {/** 检查发生缺页的地址是否在vmalloc区,是则进行相应的处理* 主要是从内核主页表向进程页表同步数据*/if (vmalloc_fault(address) >= 0)return;if (kmemcheck_fault(regs, address, error_code))return;}/* Can handle a stale RO->RW TLB: *//** 检查是否是由于陈旧的TLB导致的假的pagefault(由于TLB的延迟flush导致,* 因为提前flush会有比较大的性能代价)。*/if (spurious_fault(error_code, address))return;/* kprobes don't want to hook the spurious faults: */if (notify_page_fault(regs))return;/** Don't take the mm semaphore here. If we fixup a prefetch* fault we could otherwise deadlock:*//** 有问题了: 由于异常地址位于内核态,触发内核异常,因为vmalloc* 区的缺页异常前面已经处理过了,内核态的缺页异常只能发生在* vmalloc区,如果不是,那就是内核异常了。*/bad_area_nosemaphore(regs, error_code, address);return;}// 进入到这里,说明异常地址位于用户态/* kprobes don't want to hook the spurious faults: */if (unlikely(notify_page_fault(regs)))return;/** It's safe to allow irq's after cr2 has been saved and the* vmalloc fault has been handled.** User-mode registers count as a user access even for any* potential system fault or CPU buglet:*//** 开中断,这种情况下,是安全的,可以缩短因缺页异常导致的关中断时长。* 老内核版本中(2.6.11)没有这样的操作*/if (user_mode_vm(regs)) {local_irq_enable();error_code |= PF_USER;} else {if (regs->flags & X86_EFLAGS_IF)local_irq_enable();}if (unlikely(error_code & PF_RSVD))pgtable_bad(regs, error_code, address);if (static_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_SMAP)) {if (unlikely(smap_violation(error_code, regs))) {bad_area_nosemaphore(regs, error_code, address);return;}}perf_sw_event(PERF_COUNT_SW_PAGE_FAULTS, 1, regs, address);/** If we're in an interrupt, have no user context or are running* in an atomic region then we must not take the fault:*//** 当缺页异常发生于中断或其它atomic上下文中时,则产生异常。* 这种情况下,不应该再产生page fault*/if (unlikely(in_atomic() || !mm)) {bad_area_nosemaphore(regs, error_code, address);return;}/** When running in the kernel we expect faults to occur only to* addresses in user space. All other faults represent errors in* the kernel and should generate an OOPS. Unfortunately, in the* case of an erroneous fault occurring in a code path which already* holds mmap_sem we will deadlock attempting to validate the fault* against the address space. Luckily the kernel only validly* references user space from well defined areas of code, which are* listed in the exceptions table.** As the vast majority of faults will be valid we will only perform* the source reference check when there is a possibility of a* deadlock. Attempt to lock the address space, if we cannot we then* validate the source. If this is invalid we can skip the address* space check, thus avoiding the deadlock:*/if (unlikely(!down_read_trylock(&mm->mmap_sem))) {/** 缺页发生在内核上下文,这种情况发生缺页的地址只能位于用户态地址空间* 这种情况下,也只能为exceptions table中预先定义好的异常,如果exceptions* table中没有预先定义的处理,或者缺页的地址位于内核态地址空间,则表示* 错误,进入oops流程。*/if ((error_code & PF_USER) == 0 &&!search_exception_tables(regs->ip)) {bad_area_nosemaphore(regs, error_code, address);return;}
retry:// 如果发生在用户态或者有exception table,说明不是内核异常down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);} else {/** The above down_read_trylock() might have succeeded in* which case we'll have missed the might_sleep() from* down_read():*/might_sleep();}// 在当前进程的地址空间中寻找发生异常的地址对应的VMA。vma = find_vma(mm, address);// 如果没找到VMA,则释放mem_sem信号量后,进入__bad_area_nosemaphore处理。if (unlikely(!vma)) {bad_area(regs, error_code, address);return;}/* 找到VMA,且发生异常的虚拟地址位于vma的有效范围内,则为正常的缺页* 异常,请求调页,分配物理内存 */if (likely(vma->vm_start <= address))goto good_area;/* 如果异常地址不是位于紧挨着堆栈区的那个区域,同时又没有相应VMA,则* 进程访问了非法地址,进入bad_area处理*/if (unlikely(!(vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSDOWN))) {bad_area(regs, error_code, address);return;}if (error_code & PF_USER) {/** Accessing the stack below %sp is always a bug.* The large cushion allows instructions like enter* and pusha to work. ("enter $65535, $31" pushes* 32 pointers and then decrements %sp by 65535.)*//** 压栈操作时,操作的地址最大的偏移为65536+32*sizeof(unsigned long),* 该操作由pusha命令触发(老版本中,pusha命令最大只能操作32字节,即* 同时压栈8个寄存器)。如果访问的地址距栈顶的距离超过了,则肯定是非法* 地址访问了。*/if (unlikely(address + 65536 + 32 * sizeof(unsigned long) < regs->sp)) {bad_area(regs, error_code, address);return;}}/** 运行到这里,说明设置了VM_GROWSDOWN标记,表示缺页异常地址位于堆栈区* 需要扩展堆栈。说明: 堆栈区的虚拟地址空间也是动态分配和扩展的,不是* 一开始就分配好的。*/if (unlikely(expand_stack(vma, address))) {bad_area(regs, error_code, address);return;}/** Ok, we have a good vm_area for this memory access, so* we can handle it..*//** 运行到这里,说明是正常的缺页异常,则进行请求调页,分配物理内存*/
good_area:if (unlikely(access_error(error_code, vma))) {bad_area_access_error(regs, error_code, address);return;}/** If for any reason at all we couldn't handle the fault,* make sure we exit gracefully rather than endlessly redo* the fault:*//** 分配物理内存,缺页异常的正常处理主函数* 可能的情况有:1、请求调页/按需分配;2、COW;3、缺的页位于交换分区,* 需要换入。*/fault = handle_mm_fault(mm, vma, address, flags);if (unlikely(fault & (VM_FAULT_RETRY|VM_FAULT_ERROR))) {if (mm_fault_error(regs, error_code, address, fault))return;}/** Major/minor page fault accounting is only done on the* initial attempt. If we go through a retry, it is extremely* likely that the page will be found in page cache at that point.*/if (flags & FAULT_FLAG_ALLOW_RETRY) {if (fault & VM_FAULT_MAJOR) {tsk->maj_flt++;perf_sw_event(PERF_COUNT_SW_PAGE_FAULTS_MAJ, 1,regs, address);} else {tsk->min_flt++;perf_sw_event(PERF_COUNT_SW_PAGE_FAULTS_MIN, 1,regs, address);}if (fault & VM_FAULT_RETRY) {/* Clear FAULT_FLAG_ALLOW_RETRY to avoid any risk* of starvation. */flags &= ~FAULT_FLAG_ALLOW_RETRY;flags |= FAULT_FLAG_TRIED;goto retry;}}// VM86模式(兼容老环境)相关检查check_v8086_mode(regs, address, tsk);up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);


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