
using namespace std;
int n;
int main(){cin>>n;getchar();while(n--){stack<char>st;string str;getline(cin,str); for(int i=0;i<str.size();i++){if(str[i]==']'&&!st.empty()&&st.top()=='['){st.pop();}else if(str[i]==')'&&!st.empty()&&st.top()=='('){st.pop();}else{st.push(str[i]);}}if(!st.empty()){cout<<"No"<<endl;}else{cout<<"Yes"<<endl;}}

Parentheses Balance UVA - 673(模拟)相关推荐

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  2. UVA 673-Parentheses Balance

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  4. uva 673 Parentheses Balance

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  5. B - Parentheses Balance (UVA - 673)

    - 题目大意 给出两个字符()[],然后根据给的条件来判断. - 解题思路 根据给的三个条件,然后利用栈来处理,对于暂时没有后括号匹配的前括号压入栈,遇到后括号时看栈顶的前括号与其是否匹配,如果匹配则 ...

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  7. 【uva-673】 Parentheses Balance(括号匹配问题)

    题干: You are given a string consisting of parentheses () and []. A string of this type is said to be  ...

  8. Parentheses Balance (括号平衡)---栈

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  9. uva673 Parentheses Balance

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