Having multiple calendars with different appointments on each one is a sure path to double bookings and an argument with someone you’ve annoyed. Get more organized and more reliable by subscribing to your Google Calendar in Outlook.

拥有多个日历且每个日历上都有不同的约会,这是重复预订和与您烦恼的人争吵的肯定途径。 通过在Outlook中订阅Google日历,可以使工作更有条理,更可靠。

To do this, you’ll need a Google Calendar and Outlook (which is fairly obvious), but you won’t need any plug-ins, add-ins, extensions, or 3rd party tools. Both Google and Microsoft support the iCal format, which despite the name has nothing to do with Apple and is, in fact, short for “iCalendar.” It’s an open standard for exchanging calendar and scheduling information between users and computers that has been around since the late 1990s. This means you can subscribe to them if you have the right link, which is the method we’ll use here.

为此,您需要一个Google Calendar和Outlook(这是显而易见的),但是您不需要任何插件,插件,扩展程序或第三方工具。 Google和Microsoft均支持iCal格式,尽管该名称与Apple无关,但实际上是“ iCalendar ”的缩写。 自1990年代后期以来,这是一个用于在用户和计算机之间交换日历和安排信息的开放标准。 这意味着,如果您具有正确的链接,则可以订阅它们,这是我们将在此处使用的方法。

在Outlook中显示Google日历 (Show a Google Calendar in Outlook)

Because we’re going to show a Google Calendar in Outlook, we need to get the link from the Google Calendar first. Log into your Google account and go to Google Calendar. Once you’re there, click on the three dots next to the calendar and then click “Settings and Sharing.”

因为我们要在Outlook中显示Google日历,所以我们需要先从Google日历获取链接。 登录您的Google帐户,然后转到Google日历。 在那里,单击日历旁边的三个点,然后单击“设置和共享”。

Scroll down until you come to the “Secret address in iCal format” section. Click the link to highlight it, and then copy it using Ctrl+V or by right-clicking it and selecting “Copy” from the menu.

向下滚动,直到出现“ iCal格式的秘密地址”部分。 单击链接将其突出显示,然后使用Ctrl + V或右键单击并从菜单中选择“复制”将其复制。

Now you need to add this link into Outlook, so open Outlook, and go to your calendar. Right-click the “Shared Calendars” option and then select Add Calendar > From Internet

现在,您需要将此链接添加到Outlook中,因此打开Outlook,然后转到日历。 右键单击“共享日历”选项,然后选择“添加日历”>“来自Internet”

Paste your secret iCal address from Google Calendar into the text box and then click “OK.”


In the confirmation window, click “Yes.”


And that’s it; your Google Calendar will now be displayed in Outlook. You can overlap it with your calendar—just like you can with any other shared calendar—by clicking the arrow on the tab.

就是这样; 您的Google日历现在将显示在Outlook中。 单击选项卡上的箭头,可以将其与日历重叠(就像与任何其他共享日历一样)。

And now you can see both calendars, with the appointments in different colors, in one place.


The drawback to this is that you still need to manage the appointments in Google Calendar, but any changes you make there will update here just like with any other shared calendar.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/408364/how-to-show-a-google-calendar-in-outlook/


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