
ceilometer gnocchi
resource resource
meter metric
sample/event measure




Gnocchi is an open-source time series database.

The problem that Gnocchi solves is the storage and indexing of time series data and resources at a large scale. This is useful in modern cloud platforms which are not only huge but also are dynamic and potentially multi-tenant. Gnocchi takes all of that into account.

Because Gnocchi computes all the aggregations at ingestion, getting the data back is extremely fast, as it just needs to read back the pre-computed results.



# vi /etc/gnocchi/gnocchi.conf


#coordination_url = redis://controller:6379
file_basepath = /var/lib/gnocchi
driver = file


#url = sqlite:var/lib/gnocchi/gnocchidb
url = mysql+pymysql://gnocchi:GNOCCHI_DBPASS@controller/gnocchi

archive policy
An archive policy defines which aggregations to compute and how many aggregates to keep. Gnocchi supports a variety of aggregation methods, such as minimum, maximum, average, Nth percentile, standard deviation, etc. Those aggregations are computed over a period of time (called granularity) and are kept for a defined timespan.

(gnocchi) archive-policy list #进入gnocchi之后,显示所有的归档策略
| name                 | back_window | definition                                                            | aggregation_methods             |
| bool                 |        3600 | - timespan: 365 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 0:00:01, points: 31536000 | last                            |
| ceilometer-high      |           0 | - timespan: 1:00:00, granularity: 0:00:01, points: 3600               | mean                            |
|                      |             | - timespan: 1 day, 0:00:00, granularity: 0:01:00, points: 1440        |                                 |
|                      |             | - timespan: 365 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 1:00:00, points: 8760     |                                 |
| ceilometer-high-rate |           0 | - timespan: 1:00:00, granularity: 0:00:01, points: 3600               | mean, rate:mean                 |
|                      |             | - timespan: 1 day, 0:00:00, granularity: 0:01:00, points: 1440        |                                 |
|                      |             | - timespan: 365 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 1:00:00, points: 8760     |                                 |
| ceilometer-low       |           0 | - timespan: 30 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 0:05:00, points: 8640      | mean                            |
| ceilometer-low-rate  |           0 | - timespan: 30 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 0:05:00, points: 8640      | mean, rate:mean                 |
| high                 |           0 | - timespan: 1:00:00, granularity: 0:00:01, points: 3600               | count, max, sum, min, mean, std |
|                      |             | - timespan: 7 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 0:01:00, points: 10080      |                                 |
|                      |             | - timespan: 365 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 1:00:00, points: 8760     |                                 |
| low                  |           0 | - timespan: 30 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 0:05:00, points: 8640      | count, max, sum, min, mean, std |
| medium               |           0 | - timespan: 7 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 0:01:00, points: 10080      | count, max, sum, min, mean, std |
|                      |             | - timespan: 365 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 1:00:00, points: 8760     |                                 |
(gnocchi) archive-policy show high #显示具体的high这个归档策略,它有三个timespan
| Field               | Value                                                             |
| aggregation_methods | sum, max, min, count, mean, std                                   |
| back_window         | 0                                                                 |
| definition          | - timespan: 1:00:00, granularity: 0:00:01, points: 3600           |
|                     | - timespan: 7 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 0:01:00, points: 10080  |
|                     | - timespan: 365 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 1:00:00, points: 8760 |
| name                | high                                                              |

number of points = timespan ÷ granularity
例如:- timespan: 1:00:00, granularity: 0:00:01, points: 3600
所以number of points=3600/1=3600

An entity representing anything in your infrastructure that you will associate metric(s) with. It is identified by a unique ID and can contain attributes.


使用下面的命令可以列出来gnocchi中的所有的resource type

# gnocchi resource-type list
# openstack volume list #先列出来openstack中的所有的volume,我们focus在第三个
| ID                                   | Name | Status    | Size | Attached to                  |
| 1f8a974d-ec4e-4a5c-8a4b-d836f6eb9aea |      | in-use    |    1 | Attached to i15 on /dev/vda  |
| 482d89e2-a118-42a3-a17c-adba82d9af79 |      | in-use    |    1 | Attached to i14 on /dev/vda  |
| d48526b7-03ae-4e68-befc-398530d19eac |      | available |    4 |     << this one              |
+--------------------------------------+------+-----------+------+------------------------------+# cinder-volume-usage-audit  --start_time='2021-01-01 00:00:00' --end_time='2021-06-16 00:00:00' --send_actions #通过这个命令让cinder发送相应的notification到gnocchi
2021-06-16 16:53:00.370 9402 INFO cinder [req-251fee86-283b-44a3-be77-5f6598529d11 - - - - -] Starting volume usage audit
2021-06-16 16:53:00.370 9402 INFO cinder [req-251fee86-283b-44a3-be77-5f6598529d11 - - - - -] Creating usages for 2021-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 until 2021-06-16 00:00:00+00:00
2021-06-16 16:53:00.776 9402 INFO cinder [req-251fee86-283b-44a3-be77-5f6598529d11 - - - - -] Found 12 volumes
2021-06-16 16:53:01.944 9402 INFO cinder [req-251fee86-283b-44a3-be77-5f6598529d11 - - - - -] Found 0 snapshots
2021-06-16 16:53:01.957 9402 INFO cinder [req-251fee86-283b-44a3-be77-5f6598529d11 - - - - -] Found 0 backups
2021-06-16 16:53:01.957 9402 INFO cinder [req-251fee86-283b-44a3-be77-5f6598529d11 - - - - -] Volume usage audit completed# gnocchi resource list #使用这个命令可以查看我们的volume对应的resource在gnocchi是是否已经创建成功
| id                                   | type                       | project_id                       | user_id                          | original_resource_id                                                  | started_at                       | ended_at                         | revision_start                   | revision_end | creator                                                           |
| d48526b7-03ae-4e68-befc-398530d19eac | volume                     | 0f364b66bfbc47cf8ef71a5cfa9d52c5 | 90f4cd87c649433aaee429adf969b6b3 | d48526b7-03ae-4e68-befc-398530d19eac                                  | 2021-06-16T03:27:10.965168+00:00 | None                             | 2021-06-16T03:27:10.965176+00:00 | None         | f03d11cb10864a79aba44cb28eebaa0b:d93cadf45bbd4d4f9733671cd7f9938f |

An entity storing aggregates identified by an UUID. It can be attached to a resource using a name. How a metric stores its aggregates is defined by the archive policy it is associated to.

# gnocchi resource show d48526b7-03ae-4e68-befc-398530d19eac #查看具体的resource
| Field                 | Value                                                             |
| created_by_project_id | d93cadf45bbd4d4f9733671cd7f9938f                                  |
| created_by_user_id    | f03d11cb10864a79aba44cb28eebaa0b                                  |
| creator               | f03d11cb10864a79aba44cb28eebaa0b:d93cadf45bbd4d4f9733671cd7f9938f |
| ended_at              | None                                                              |
| id                    | d48526b7-03ae-4e68-befc-398530d19eac                              |
| metrics               | volume.size: d88e0d63-443c-430b-8dd3-af8a65afeeaa   <关联的metric              |
| original_resource_id  | d48526b7-03ae-4e68-befc-398530d19eac                              |
| project_id            | 0f364b66bfbc47cf8ef71a5cfa9d52c5                                  |
| revision_end          | None                                                              |
| revision_start        | 2021-06-16T03:27:10.965176+00:00                                  |
| started_at            | 2021-06-16T03:27:10.965168+00:00                                  |
| type                  | volume                                                            |
| user_id               | 90f4cd87c649433aaee429adf969b6b3                                  |
# gnocchi metric show d88e0d63-443c-430b-8dd3-af8a65afeeaa #查看resource相关的metric
| Field                          | Value                                                             |
| archive_policy/name            | low       << this one 使用到的归档策略                                                        |
| creator                        | f03d11cb10864a79aba44cb28eebaa0b:d93cadf45bbd4d4f9733671cd7f9938f |
| id                             | d88e0d63-443c-430b-8dd3-af8a65afeeaa                              |
| name                           | volume.size                                                       |
| resource/created_by_project_id | d93cadf45bbd4d4f9733671cd7f9938f                                  |
| resource/created_by_user_id    | f03d11cb10864a79aba44cb28eebaa0b                                  |
| resource/creator               | f03d11cb10864a79aba44cb28eebaa0b:d93cadf45bbd4d4f9733671cd7f9938f |
| resource/ended_at              | None                                                              |
| resource/id                    | d48526b7-03ae-4e68-befc-398530d19eac                              |
| resource/original_resource_id  | d48526b7-03ae-4e68-befc-398530d19eac                              |
| resource/project_id            | 0f364b66bfbc47cf8ef71a5cfa9d52c5                                  |
| resource/revision_end          | None                                                              |
| resource/revision_start        | 2021-06-16T03:27:10.965176+00:00                                  |
| resource/started_at            | 2021-06-16T03:27:10.965168+00:00                                  |
| resource/type                  | volume                                                            |
| resource/user_id               | 90f4cd87c649433aaee429adf969b6b3                                  |
| unit                           | GB                                                                |

An incoming datapoint tuple sent to Gnocchi by the api. It is composed of a timestamp and a value.

(gnocchi) archive-policy show low #因为上面一个metric使用的是low的归档策略,它的归档函数有count, max等
| Field               | Value                                                            |
| aggregation_methods | count, max, sum, min, mean, std                                  |
| back_window         | 0                                                                |
| definition          | - timespan: 30 days, 0:00:00, granularity: 0:05:00, points: 8640 |
| name                | low                                                              |
+---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+使用下面的命令了查询gnocchi中存储的归档数据,发现mean和 measure show的结果一样
root@controller:/var/lib/gnocchi# gnocchi measure aggregation -m d88e0d63-443c-430b-8dd3-af8a65afeeaa --aggregation count
| timestamp                 | granularity | value |
| 2021-06-16T11:35:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   3.0 |
| 2021-06-16T11:40:00+08:00 |       300.0 |  10.0 |
| 2021-06-16T14:00:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   3.0 |
| 2021-06-16T16:50:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   3.0 |
root@controller:/var/lib/gnocchi# gnocchi measure aggregation -m d88e0d63-443c-430b-8dd3-af8a65afeeaa --aggregation max
| timestamp                 | granularity | value |
| 2021-06-16T11:35:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   2.0 |
| 2021-06-16T11:40:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   4.0 |
| 2021-06-16T14:00:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   4.0 |
| 2021-06-16T16:50:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   4.0 |
^Croot@controller:/var/lib/gnocchi# gnocchi measure aggregation -m d88e0d63-443c-430b-8dd3-af8a65afeeaa --aggregation sum
| timestamp                 | granularity | value |
| 2021-06-16T11:35:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   6.0 |
| 2021-06-16T11:40:00+08:00 |       300.0 |  33.0 |
| 2021-06-16T14:00:00+08:00 |       300.0 |  12.0 |
| 2021-06-16T16:50:00+08:00 |       300.0 |  12.0 |
root@controller:/var/lib/gnocchi# gnocchi measure aggregation -m d88e0d63-443c-430b-8dd3-af8a65afeeaa --aggregation min
| timestamp                 | granularity | value |
| 2021-06-16T11:35:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   2.0 |
| 2021-06-16T11:40:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   2.0 |
| 2021-06-16T14:00:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   4.0 |
| 2021-06-16T16:50:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   4.0 |
root@controller:/var/lib/gnocchi# gnocchi measure aggregation -m d88e0d63-443c-430b-8dd3-af8a65afeeaa --aggregation std
| timestamp                 | granularity |              value |
| 2021-06-16T11:35:00+08:00 |       300.0 |                0.0 |
| 2021-06-16T11:40:00+08:00 |       300.0 | 0.6749485577105528 |
| 2021-06-16T14:00:00+08:00 |       300.0 |                0.0 |
| 2021-06-16T16:50:00+08:00 |       300.0 |                0.0 |
+---------------------------+-------------+--------------------+root@controller:/var/lib/gnocchi# gnocchi measure aggregation -m d88e0d63-443c-430b-8dd3-af8a65afeeaa --aggregation mean
| timestamp                 | granularity | value |
| 2021-06-16T11:35:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   2.0 |
| 2021-06-16T11:40:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   3.3 |
| 2021-06-16T14:00:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   4.0 |
| 2021-06-16T16:50:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   4.0 |
root@controller:/var/lib/gnocchi# gnocchi measure show d88e0d63-443c-430b-8dd3-af8a65afeeaa
| timestamp                 | granularity | value |
| 2021-06-16T11:35:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   2.0 |
| 2021-06-16T11:40:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   3.3 |
| 2021-06-16T14:00:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   4.0 |
| 2021-06-16T16:50:00+08:00 |       300.0 |   4.0 |



# gnocchi-upgrade
# ceilometer-upgrade
/var/lib/gnocchi# find . -type f |grep d88e0d63-443c-430b-8dd3-af8a65afeeaa <--这是一个metric



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