GIS-based mapping of Local Climate Zone in the high-density city of Hong Kong

urban morphology analysis maps


  • Method
    • Data
    • Analysis of spatial autocorrelation
    • Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
  • GIS-based LCZ classification and urban geometric analysis
    • Development of land surface analysis maps for LCZ classification
      • Building height (BH) map
      • Building surface fraction (BSF) map
      • Sky view factor (SVF) map
      • Aspect ratio/height width ratio (H/W) map
      • Pervious surface fraction (PSF) map
      • Impervious surface fraction (ISF) map
      • Land use (LU) map



Building data:building footprint,building height
Street data
Topography data
Land use data 15 m-resolution
Remote sensing images

Analysis of spatial autocorrelation

Spatial autocorrelation reveals the geographical phenomenon that things closer display more similarity than those further away


Kolmogorov–Smirnov test

Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (K-S test) is a nonparametric test to examine whether two datasets differentiate significantly.

to determine if different geolocations of the raster grid system influence the statistics of LCZ classification criteria

GIS-based LCZ classification and urban geometric analysis

Development of land surface analysis maps for LCZ classification

Building height (BH) map

Building height is mean building height of an LCZ grid, weighted with the footprint area of buildings.

Building surface fraction (BSF) map

compact or open

Sky view factor (SVF) map

Aspect ratio/height width ratio (H/W) map

Pervious surface fraction (PSF) map

Impervious surface fraction (ISF) map

Land use (LU) map

the BH map and BSF map were used to identify the building-type LCZ classes
seven land cover types have been classified according to the dominant land cover types

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