1. 回顾: 双边滤波(BF)


2. 联合双边滤波(JBF)


3. 联合双边滤波代码

3.1 python opencv实现

import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltif __name__ == "__main__":image = cv2.imread('lena512.bmp', 0)[200:400, 200:400]blur_img = cv2.resize(image, (25, 25))blur_img = cv2.resize(blur_img, (200, 200))plt.figure()for i, sigma_color in enumerate([10, 100, 200]):for j, sigma_space in enumerate([10, 100, 200]):bf_img = cv2.ximgproc.jointBilateralFilter(blur_img, image, 9, sigma_color, sigma_space)plt.subplot(3, 3, i*3+j+1)plt.axis('off')plt.title('sigma_color: %d,sigma_space: %d' % (sigma_color, sigma_space))plt.imshow(bf_img, cmap='gray')plt.show()

3.2 纯python实现

import numpy as np
import cv2
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltdef distance(x, y, i, j):return np.sqrt((x-i)**2 + (y-j)**2)def gaussian(x, sigma):return (1.0 / (2 * math.pi * (sigma ** 2))) * math.exp(- (x ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))def joint_bilateral_filter(image, reference_image, diameter, sigma_color, sigma_space):assert image.shape == reference_image.shapewidth = image.shape[0]height = image.shape[1]radius = int(diameter / 2)out_image = np.zeros_like(image)print('===============START=================')for row in range(height):for col in range(width):current_pixel_filtered = 0weight_sum = 0  # for normalizefor semi_row in range(-radius, radius + 1):for semi_col in range(-radius, radius + 1):# calculate the convolution by traversing each close pixel within radiusif row + semi_row >= 0 and row + semi_row < height:row_offset = row + semi_rowelse:row_offset = 0if semi_col + col >= 0 and semi_col + col < width:col_offset = col + semi_colelse:col_offset = 0color_weight = gaussian(reference_image[row_offset][col_offset] - reference_image[row][col], sigma_color)space_weight = gaussian(distance(row_offset, col_offset, row, col), sigma_space)weight = space_weight * color_weightcurrent_pixel_filtered += image[row_offset][col_offset] * weightweight_sum += weightcurrent_pixel_filtered = current_pixel_filtered / weight_sumout_image[row, col] = int(round(current_pixel_filtered))print('===============FINISH=================')return out_imageif __name__ == "__main__":image = cv2.imread('lena512.bmp', 0)[200:400, 200:400]blur_img = cv2.resize(image, (25, 25))blur_img = cv2.resize(blur_img, (200, 200))plt.imshow(blur_img)plt.show()plt.figure()for i, sigma_color in enumerate([10, 100, 200]):for j, sigma_space in enumerate([10, 100, 200]):bf_img = joint_bilateral_filter(blur_img, image, 9, sigma_color, sigma_space)plt.subplot(3, 3, i*3+j+1)plt.axis('off')plt.title('sigma_color: %d,sigma_space: %d' % (sigma_color, sigma_space))plt.imshow(bf_img, cmap='gray')plt.show()

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