apple tv 开发

If you’re still stuck in the dinosaur ages with your Apple TV 3, you might be curious about upgrading to the latest and greatest—the Apple TV 4 or 4K. But depending on how you use the set-top box, it might not be necessary.

如果您仍然对Apple TV 3处于恐龙时代,可能会对升级到最新,最出色的Apple TV 4或4K感到好奇。 但是根据您使用机顶盒的方式,可能没有必要。

The Apple TV received a major overhaul at the tail end of 2015 with the release of the Apple TV 4, which included an App Store, an all-new Siri-enabled remote, and the ability to play all sorts of games. It sounds a no-brainer upgrade for those with older hardware, but that may not be the case for some users.

Apple TV在2015年底进行了大修,发布了Apple TV 4 ,其中包括一个App Store,一个全新的启用Siri的遥控器以及玩各种游戏的能力。 对于那些使用较旧硬件的用户来说,这听起来很轻松,但是对于某些用户而言,情况并非如此。

我所要做的就是流,流,流,无所谓 (All I Do Is Stream, Stream, Stream, No Matter What)

Streaming is pretty popular these days, and a lot of users do nothing more than just watch stuff on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video. If that’s all you really use your Apple TV for, then there’s really no need to upgrade.

如今,流媒体非常流行,许多用户只不过在Netflix,Hulu或Amazon Prime Video上观看内容而已。 如果这就是您真正使用Apple TV的全部,那么实际上就不需要升级。

The Apple TV 3, while outdated at this point, still has a ton of channels available (yes, they’re called “channels” on the Apple TV 3, rather than “apps”). Aside from the usual contenders, you have access to streaming apps like HBO Go, YouTube, and a handful of live sports streaming services.

Apple TV 3虽然已经过时,但仍然有大量可用频道(是的,它们在Apple TV 3上被称为“频道”,而不是“应用”)。 除了通常的竞争者之外,您还可以访问HBO Go,YouTube等流媒体应用程序,以及一些现场体育流媒体服务。

Of course, if you want to do anything more than the streaming basics, then the Apple TV 3 may not cut it for you anymore. At that point, it might be worth looking into upgrading.

当然,如果您想做的不仅仅是流媒体基础知识,那么Apple TV 3可能就不再适合您了。 在那时,可能值得考虑进行升级。

不要依赖它进行游戏 (Don’t Rely On It for Gaming)

One of the big new features that Apple touted with the introduction of the Apple TV 4 was gaming, but that part of the set-top box sort of fell flat on its face and hasn’t yet recovered. So if you’re thinking about upgrading to a new Apple TV because of its gaming capabilities, don’t bother.

苹果在推出Apple TV 4时大吹嘘的一项重大新功能就是游戏,但是机顶盒的那部分却平躺在其表面,尚未恢复。 因此,如果您由于游戏功能而考虑升级到新的Apple TV,请不要打扰。

There are definitely some fun games you can play on the Apple TV, like Asphalt 8, Geometry Wars 3, and Chrono Trigger, and you can even use dedicated gamepads with the device, but you won’t really find any big AAA titles on the Apple TV. Sure, if you’re a casual gamer, then the Apple TV 4 could easily fulfill your gaming needs, but don’t rely on it as your one and only gaming device if you’re even remotely a serious gamer.

您肯定可以在Apple TV上玩一些有趣的游戏,例如Asphalt 8,Geometry Wars 3和Chrono Trigger,甚至可以在设备上使用专用的游戏手柄,但是在游戏机上您找不到真正的AAA大游戏苹果电视。 当然,如果您是休闲游戏玩家,那么Apple TV 4可以轻松满足您的游戏需求,但是如果您甚至是一位认真的游戏玩家,也不要依赖它作为您的唯一游戏设备。



Gaming on the Apple TV is mostly seen as a side dish to its streaming video entree—it’s implemented in a way that almost makes it seem like an afterthought, rather than a core part of the system, which is completely okay, but it’s not a good reason to upgrade from the Apple TV 3.

Apple TV上的游戏通常被视为其流媒体视频服务的附带条件-实施方式几乎使它看起来像是事后才想到的,而不是系统的核心部分,这完全可以,但不是从Apple TV升级的充分理由3。

如果您完全是视频爱好者,那么可能值得升级 (If You’re At All A Video Enthusiast, It’s Probably Worth Upgrading)

The Apple TV 3 is perfectly fine for casual streaming of shows and movies on Netflix and such, but if you’re wanting anything more than that, then the Apple TV 4 or 4K is worth buying.

Apple TV 3非常适合在Netflix等设备上随意播放节目和电影,但如果您想要的不只是这些,那么值得购买Apple TV 4或4K。

With the addition of the App Store, there are a lot of really great apps that you can download to your Apple TV. Plex and Infuse are a couple of my favorites, because they both let you watch videos that you have stored locally on your network, and they’ll play pretty much any format (although Plex requires Plex Media Server). On the Apple TV 3, you could only play a very small number of video formats, and even then the capabilities were pretty limited.

随着App Store的增加,您可以将许多非常出色的应用程序下载到Apple TV。 Plex和Infuse是我最喜欢的几个,因为它们都可以让您观看本地存储在网络中的视频,并且它们几乎可以播放任何格式(尽管Plex需要Plex Media Server)。 在Apple TV 3上,您只能播放非常少量的视频格式,即使那样,功能也相当有限。

Furthermore, the Apple TV 4 and 4K have way more video streaming apps available to download than the Apple TV 3 (again, thanks to the App Store). While the Apple TV 3 has its fair share, you can get all kinds of streaming apps from lesser-known broadcasters and networks on the Apple TV 4.

此外,与Apple TV 3相比,Apple TV 4和4K具有更多的视频流应用程序可供下载(再次感谢App Store)。 尽管Apple TV 3具有应有的份额,但您可以从Apple TV 4上的鲜为人知的广播公司和网络中获得各种流媒体应用程序。

4K是未来,但可能要过几年 (4K Is the Future, but It May Be a Few Years)

So you’ve decided to upgrade to a newer Apple TV, but aren’t sure whether to grab the Apple TV 4 or the Apple TV 4K. Which one should you get?

因此,您已决定升级到较新的Apple TV,但不确定是否要购买Apple TV 4或Apple TV 4K 。 你应该选哪一个?

The Apple TV 4K’s biggest feature is…well…4K capabilities. It also comes with a slightly-faster processor, which not only handles the 4K video better than previous models would, but it also makes navigating through menus a bit faster.

Apple TV 4K的最大功能是……好……4K功能。 它还配备了稍快的处理器,不仅比以前的型号处理4K视频要好,而且还使菜单导航更快。

The thing is, while 4K video content exists, it’s not quite in the mainstream just yet. While many movies are starting to release in 4K, most TV shows and broadcasts are still in 1080p or 720p. There’s still way more regular HD content than there is 4K content right now.

问题是,尽管存在4K视频内容,但还不是主流。 尽管许多电影开始以4K发行,但大多数电视节目和广播仍以1080p或720p播放。 现在,常规高清内容的数量仍然比4K内容更多。

While you could pay more and get an Apple TV 4K now (thus, have a futureproof setup), you could also wait a couple of years until 4K content becomes more prevalent. By then, used Apple TV 4K units will most likely be more affordable.

虽然您可以支付更多费用并立即获得Apple TV 4K(因此,要具有面向未来的设置),但是您也可以等待几年,直到4K内容变得更加流行。 届时,使用过的Apple TV 4K机很可能会更实惠。


apple tv 开发

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