从firefox 3起,要使用amule下载ed2k后缀的bt文件需要在firefox中加入三个键值,而非一般文章所说的两个。

Firefox 2 and 3 (or later)

Handling ED2k links in Firefox can be configured in two ways: either for an individual user, or for all users of the computer.
Configuration for a single user

Insert about:config in the address bar

Right click on the list, select New, then Boolean; insert network.protocol-handler.external.ed2k as Preference Name and true as Value

Now another right click, select New and String; insert network.protocol-handler.app.ed2k as Preference Name and /path/to/ed2k (path to where the file is installed on your system) as Value.

For Ubuntu Lucid users, you should set the Value to just "ed2k" instead of "/usr/bin/ed2k".

For Firefox 3 and higher only, you should also:

Right click on the list, select New, then Boolean; insert network.protocol-handler.expose.ed2k as Preference Name and false as Value

After that, click over an ed2k link, and Firefox should ask which app you want to use to open the link. Choose /usr/bin/ed2k and it should work.



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