As you might be known, I am going to leave XXX to pursue next move of my career and life. And this Thursday will be my last day at XXX. Just because I am leaving, doesn’t mean I do not love XXX. Just because I am leaving doesn’t mean I don’t love this job and all of you. I appreciate all your encouragement, support, instructions and help. I really learned a lot from you and I believe those will definitely have a significant effect on the next move of my career and the rest of my life. Besides, I am sorry for putting you to suffer great inconvenience.
I probably don’t know much all of you, but I am lucky enough to know all of you. You have been the heart and soul of the office for a long time,combining exemplary professional skills with a sweet nature and gentle disposition. I am moving on to a new professional opportunity. It sounds like it could be the chance of a lifetime, but that doesn’t make it any easier to say goodbye to the dear friends and trusted colleagues. Life has a way of throwing these curve balls at me. Just when I start to get comfortable with the job, you and the company,something comes along to alter the recipe. But how do I do that? I would say “Let today embrace the past with remembrance, and the future with longing”.
Please keep in touch. Sincerely wish all of you a happy life and great career.

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